Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

It’s okay, they don’t know for some reason that this is easily visible to mods, and actionable.

But what I don’t understand is like you said, they’re acting worse than what they dislike. I don’t get how one can philosophically conflict with one’s self and still think they’re on a correct path.

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I think it’s time for another wave if the problem is getting this bad. A 6 month ban isn’t enough either. The reason for them doing that is not good enough.

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I never once said he’s a terrible person because he doesn’t go outside. What kind of counter argument is this…? He’s a bad person because he treats people like crap. I don’t need to do research, nor it takes a bandwagon to know it’s a awful thing to do.

I hope you’re just a teen, otherwise I feel bad for the kind of life you’re gonna live if you think that’s normal social behavior.

You don’t understand, he’s not saying that.

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Yeah maybe they should be a bit tougher about bans for botting. Imo, anyone actually botting should get that account banned permanently. Or at least permanently after an initial warning.


All these people false flagging you guys like it’s a Reddit downvote button better be careful they don’t get punished for it.

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Wow what a shock my post got flagged. I WONDER WHO DID IT??

Well maybe try not to compare said streamer to God, for one. He isn’t even close.
Well except maybe to his minions.

As for the bots, Blizzard does care, but from what I’ve read they do them in waves. They need to figure out how the bots work and then break them so they can’t be used again and puts the bot makers back to square one.

Takes time and with the lock downs/shut downs I am going to assume that
they are probably behind in many things.


Don’t worry about it. Apparently it seems there are users here abusing the flagging system.

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I’ve seen these bots on my realm/shard

They sit outside The Botanica, usually a stack of like 30+ of them, all demon hunters, same level, similar names, on their mammoth mounts. They come out, mount up, sit there for a few minutes targetting the vendor on the mount. Then dismount and run back in

They do it all at different times so there’s always a stack of them outside, and a constant stream of them running in and out.

They won’t talk to you, or acknowledge you, they just aimlessly go into the instance, come out, mount up, target vendor for a few min, dismount, run back in


That literally throws out the argument of “only people that dislike asmongold” are are being flagged.


They’re going to be ones punished for wasting the mods time by flagging opinions that aren’t even inflammatory towards anybody here.

Abusing flags can result in the one doing it in getting silenced for a bit.

I was gonna say, kinda redicuious.

Bunch of karens


Whelp, I’m being flagged to all oblivion now, and I’m not even saying anything insulting or inflammatory.

Someone needs to chill. Or it’s a troll.


My post just got restored so someone is looking at it.


That’s not true at all. Everyone loves and adores asmongold.

You do realize that there is slim possible chance that he created this for material for a video. :thinking: It happens a lot…YouTube/Twitch creators creating material, so they would have a video for people to watch.

I was doing the Heart of Fear for an achievement and I saw at least 50 level 106 DHs run in and out at the same time. It was kind of cool! They were horde, though, so I just barraged all of them.

If you’re going to multibot as a pre-120, you probably shouldn’t do it on Warmode. LOL. If only they were level 117 or something so I could get a lot of honor points.

At least they only had to run back once! Haha.

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Thankfully someone is on this, because there are far too many harmless posts here getting undersvadley flagged.

Well yea it’s his job. Imagine if wow players simulated the asmongold experience.