Asmon is making 100s of viewers spam Report BOTS

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. I mean when you see someone being flagged even though their post was level headed and polite, you know something is up!


I ran into a similar situation, WM Off in Spires of Arak, of all places. Tons of Worgen Moonkins running around where I was working on Kimzee Pinchwhistle’s storyline, nuking all of the wasps in a very specific rotation. Being that I was on my Vulpera DK, I had to scramble to tag mobs that they would then kill without a word. Once I finished, I moved on. I wasn’t entirely sure if they were bots, seeing as they weren’t stacked on top of each other, so I left them be. Even though they were most likely bots. Not sure why bots would be farming wasps in Spires of Arak, but whatevs.

It would be a shame if someone were to return the favor, and they got silenced for admitting to abusing the system, wouldn’t it?


Agreed but hell, I’d rather spare myself the headache of stooping to that person’s level honestly. They can flag me all they want, I’ll just laugh it off.

That vulpera person was giving me some serious Karen vibes too, ick.

On the subject, yeah, way too many bots out there. They better fix this before SL because with the leveling changes coming it’ll get a lot worse.


I don’t consider it stooping to their level, so much as using the system for it’s intended purpose.

Of course, my faith in Blizzard’s moderation isn’t exactly high, but it’s something. Amazing, how huffy people get over bots being disciplined, eh?


You would think, but then again I’ve seen plenty of people huff about things that would generally be good. Someone recently made a post about the adding of diversity in the character creator was a bad thing because it didn’t agree with their view on fantasy. Of course it got political in a second but damn, why is adding customization options a bad thing? :thinking:

I think some of them don’t fit, but otherwise I’m not going to lose sleep over it. If Blizzard’s going to be this ineffectual at dealing with bots, the flag squads are really going to be the way this will go down in the future.

Well look at that, I got flagged down!

Still, blizz, get on those bots, they need to go.

And a second time, third time is the charm, I’ll likely get a forum break. Blizz really needs to look into this flag abuse, seriously some people need to chill XD


Angry bot bois flagging people left and right.


I just like how they indirectly proved my point. They call Asmon a toxic griefer, then pull stuff like this - just highlights the jealousy and projection, really.


I agree, the botting is a problem. The problem is, the forums stick too much to the broken clock and not that it’s right.

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His persona is a buffoon who spends most of his time speechless at what other people have posted on their streams. Even when he has a simple and straightforward point that a good presenter could make in a few minutes, it takes him half an hour to 45 minutes of dumbfoundedness to convey it.

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Okie dokie.

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The ticket reply certainly wasn’t disappointing, very quick too. Don’t think I can go into specifics there.

I think I’ll be submitting those more often when blatant abuse is being had in the future, now.


Good. I’m glad they helped you.

Oh, that remains to be seen, just want to put it out there that there is a way to combat abuse, potentially - since a lot of people in this thread are getting hit by that.


You’re a damn saint Zhanli, thank you :beers:

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The guy who claimed that he/she didn’t like Asmongold got flagged as well.


How typical someone can’t handle criticism so they go around switching to their alts and flagging people. Doing they same thing that they’re accusing said streamer of.

Clearly asmongold is responsible for and controls every single thing his viewers do(he must have mind control). Meanwhile he has stated multiple times he does not condone harassment. When people talk about the Talesin drama they have no idea what even happened and it shows.

This thread was started with the intent to tell people that he’s doing god’s work for trying to bring attention to bots once again because they’re a rampant problem in the game once again because Blizzard either doesn’t care or lacks the ability to get rid of them.

Within the first post someone has to comment “He’s a piece of crap” derailing the point entirely. This thread was never about Asmon. It was about bots and any attention being pulled away from the subject is honestly a joke.

Are you going to pretend the guy doesn’t have fans from all servers all over the world?

Literally everyone in this thread is being flagged.

Had to edit some typos in my post.

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Blizzard bans in waves

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