Asking for feedback but don't listen

By all means guy keep being passive aggressive. It won’t change anything. Master loot will never come back so get over it. You wanna make assumptions and acuse everyone lieing then by all means do so, thats your prerogative. But personal loot is still the most fair way of distributing loot for groups. If you cant trade to a group member an item they could use, that’s not personal loots fault, its rng. But I’m done with you today. You wanna act like a child over petty nothings and make baseless accusations then go right ahead. Have fun with your safe space.

I will and it is. PL is a detrimental cancer that was forced on the masses by LFR warriors telling lies

Nothing i can do to change it. The people who dont engage in content made decisions for others. And now we get expansions like BfA from the ideas and complaints of those people

Asking for feedback and taking instructions are two very different things.

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I wish they would communicate more… Just as an example they should list some of the feedback and requests that they have received.

I imagine that there’s a lot of silly or dumb stuff they can say they have gotten.

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it’d end up like this


Some things on your list I’d be okay with.
Others I don’t want to see changes made to.

Just because feedback is given does not mean thats the only feedback they get.

Yea… the last time they did that, Diablo Mobile happened xd, because less is more… this mindset is perfect for mobile games.

They dont want feedback man. There are very basic ways to get actual feedback. They could make polls on this very website, in game, and do it based on time to ensure fewer trolls and more honest feedback. They could have so many options to actually ensure they get proper community feedback, but they don’t do them, because they don’t want it in reality. They are just phoning this game in. The fact that Shadowlands is BFA 2.0 with some minor alt tweaks and that class changes weren’t even planned so they threw in the code for Classic Class abilities and are calling it “new” is an absolute joke.

Its hard to say if ill ever actually ever play Retail again at this point. No single expansion has kept my interest beyond a couple weeks since Cataclysm. Ehh, its over man.

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Ummm dont pug then? Just a guild with people who are trustworthy

But still give your feedback… no sense in it.

Something even a blue post. I mean that takes nothing but a small about of time to write a blue post.

These are just the most ask about things that we hear nothing about. I get no every request I WANT would happen but when you have tons of people asking for the same thing well listen to them. Sometimes players know what they want. Is it for everyone? No but the people who are speaking out for a change well deserve something for the over and over post and videos.

Systems on top of systems makes bad game play. Look at the over all of BFA. Classes are broken. Ok make a system with gear that will balance some out. Ok that didnt work ok make another system to balance that system that was made to balance classes work. Didnt work. Ok lets put that at a halt and work on titanforging lets make a new system to fix this broken system. There systems are endless. This is were less is more works. as a “EXAMPLE” classic less systems tons of fun to a lot of people. Is the classes still broken yes. But at that point they can fix the classes not the extra systems.

Sorry to see this bud. Always have hope for that 1 day.

Unfortunately I am of the opinion that they feel we don’t matter much anymore. We’re not even worth a few minutes time anymore.

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The communication just needs to be there. Clarify why and logical reason, not what they feel the actual logic.

When I did IT studies, a lot of the advice was to not communicate with your customers in the industry in a lot of situations.

The reason for that is that every word you say matters, and if you say something to your customer that could be taken completely out of context you could start a real storm. In short, sometimes silence is golden.

Totally get that. But when you do speak and make a decision, in a business world anyway. You go off facts not what you feel. They don’t give reasons why or why nots things we are passionate about.

He is a golden example. We want a vanilla server.

You think you do but you don’t. (Mindset blizzard knows better than us what we want.

Finally give it look at the happiness that brought for the players. I’m sure the sub numbers make blizzard happy when they grew. There are times that the player base knows what we want not what we’re told what we want.

Blizzard wants quality feedback, not frothing at the mouth posts like we regularly see in GD.

Since when has Blizzard ever listened…

Well ultimately they will listen to customer feedback but still have to make the game they want to make.

Which is where you gotta ask yourself, what of all the feedback is actually legit and not based around personal preference? How would the devs even know if everyone wants something different?

If you notice in a lot of suggestions and/or shooting them down, it usually comes down to what a specific person wants, regardless of the effect it may have on others. As well, people will shoot down an idea simply because it’s “not” what they want, and they feel the dev time would be better spent on something they do want. Which is the key: they want the focus to be on what they want, and the less time and resources spent on other things they don’t care about, the more likely they will get it. That is very selfish. And they even admit this.

It all boils down to catering to that specific individual and their playstyle and their wants. Everyone else be damned. Some people have said they want retail to go the way of classic, so that they can have the entire game the way they want it, with all the bells and whistles. Who cares about anyone else, right? Oddly enough they never mention how it is all about themselves, and phrase it in such a way that everyone would benefit, or the game would die (for the 400th time) without it.

“Blizzard didn’t implement the feedback I gave them so they ignored me, I’m tired of this and I’m going to quit!!!”

~many players since forever

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The best feedback IMO is stuff that would benefit the game and/or provide more options. Someone brought up gardening as a new profession. I couldn’t care less and probably wouldn’t use it, but there’s no harm in having it. Same with Mechagnomes as an AR. It’s another option for people to enjoy and expand the game with.

I’m certainly not going to cry and claim it’s a horrible idea because it takes away time on what I personally want. I didn’t care for cooking either until Pandaria made it worthwhile and fun. If they followed the feedback of “it’s already in the game, don’t need it”, it would not have been what it was.


The only feedback they want is good feedback praising their efforts. :man_shrugging:

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