Asking for feedback but don't listen

So Ion and the Dev team always say give us your feed back. But when a lot of the people ask for the same thing, where is the changes?

PvP vendor. This RnG drop and caca reward system is so lack luster in feeling good about progression and keep up with the gear grind.

Talent trees. With taking about the options and how to wanna pick our talents to whats important to us we have been forced to play this dumb down talent system which really is boring cause as long as its been out, most specs and 1 talent on the row which is always to go to. What fun is that?

Tier gear. PvP and PvE tier sets matter. That’s why people raided cause there was this one peice of gear from the raid you couldn’t get anywhere else and it was powerful. Set bonus are fun. Same with pvp gear when you got the extra resel. on the set bonus. Well it felt good. Let me ask all you devs a question. When was the last time you got a email or praised for Azerite gear? Everywhere i have read and watched people have hated. But at blizzcon it was said we gonna continue more systems, Just to replace tier gear. Ion said cause it takes a slot which you got get out of. Correct? WTF about this leggos. You craft them than what you are locked into that slot. Confused…

Master loot. We earned it let us do what we want with it. If the stats suck and its a higher ilvl well here we come vendor. Sad that’s my buds BiS prob. If the argument is guilds force raiders to pass loot. Well if you dont like that kinda guild…leave… no system need for that.

Flying being made to a way with get with gold. I don’t like questing at all. I level in instance spamming or pvp. Why am i being forced to do something i don’t wanna do for the reward of flying. I mean make it 2 levels before the level cap like you used to. Why is that so complicated to you gents? Some people just don’t like “Some” of the content you have made.

High elvs. Well enough said.

Most important Class fixes. So many classes and specs are crap. You have the shining star of the 3 specs and the other 2 are laughed at. Why do you guys think that system on top of system will fix classes. Just stop take the time and fix our main focus of the game which is our classes. I don’t care how many hundreds and thousands of hours are use to create amazing content if the class im doing it on feels like crap.

WoW dev. Less is more in some things. To many systems to fix little or no issues. Just means a complex game. Classic shows that. No this is not a post about classic vs. retail. But there clearly is a huge demand for less is more mindset.

This is the mindset it seems like. You think you want this, But where gonna do whatever we want. The player base knows how we like to play. 20 people Make the choices for the whole player base. Listen to us more. And if you don’t wanna do that, Stop asking for F’ing feedback.


You have to remember that while a lot of people ask for some of these changes. Some are adamantly against them. So what are they suppose to do with that?

For example lets look at ML. Im a huge ML guy, but i recognize that its a heavily debated topic that many are split on. So how do they go about choosing a side?

In fact many of these points are contested and debated (outside of PvP vendors, seems to be pretty unanimous there )

So who do they listen to? The forums are a small% of players. Most probably dont put any time into the forums. So what of them? Are the few who do participate going to be the ones that make all the changes? Is it the loudests voices? Those that spam the most? Those with the most likes? Its a flawed metric no matter what

So while i agree with several of your points being issues. I recognize that its not as black and white as it seems sometimes. Their best bet on some of these topics is to come to a compromise, but no solution will ever satisfy all parties


I just want to point out that your name reads like Crispy Dick. If that’s what you were going for, you succeeded. That is all.


I’ve always called DKs Dick Knights, so it’s probably an accurate name.

They’re not just highly disgussed things, a lot of what you listed is very divisive.

Just as an example: Master loot is great when it’s an organized group, but when you’re in a PuG and the RL converts to ML just a second before the pull so he can ninja the one item he wants, that introduces a risk that no longer exists.

Just because a lot of people want something, doesn’t mean a lot of people don’t want it, and if it results in a 50/50 split of the community, they probably won’t invest resources to change it.


Keep in mind that people who post on any WoW forums do not make up a majority of the player base. Even if everyone on GD agreed on the same thing (which will NEVER happen), you’re still not talking about a majority.

So at BEST anything that comes out of the forum crowd is a definite minority in comparison. And then when you add in that forum goers can’t agree on anything, what do they do when “a lot of the people” are against the thing you mention?

You can’t assume they’re not listening. I know for a fact that they are. But that doesn’t mean that they’re bound to implement what they hear, even if a decent portion of forum goers agree.


You realize listening and acting on are two different things, right? If they acted on all the feedback they get, this would be a terrible game.


Asking for feedback doesn’t mean they are going to just accept the ideas and run with them. I am sure metric ton of the feedback they get is just horrible stuff.


It would be hysterical though.

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I would LOVE for a podcast where Lore and Ion replace their Q&A with them just reading off the STUPIDEST ideas they’ve had submitted in the past week or month and laughing at them.


Telling them what you want doesn’t guarantee it will go into the game. They’re still going to do what they think is best, whether we agree with them or not doesn’t really matter in the end.


They just want the illusion of feedback. The only sure way to force action and changes is to unsub and resub only when changes occur. It’s no coincidence Shadowlands has some vanilla elements in it after classic breaks sub records in a single quarter. Especially coming off the poor state of BFA


You’re right, because those two teams work together and everyone in the office was playing Classic during internal testing. So when Shadowlands development began a year or so ago, the development team thought bringing a few things back into the retail game would be a good idea. Crazy, I know.

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They’re not asking for feedback because they intend to use it. They’re asking for feedback to distract the playerbase from some aspect of the game they’d rather not be questioned on. People will spend endless hours crafting thoughtful and constructive suggestions, and in the end it will be completely ignored.

Unfortunately, given the current mindset of management, the classic style changes we will see are ones that increase grinds, and are intended to make people play longer for less reward.


They don’t. Let the player pick what kinda environment he wants to be in when it comes to loot.

The ladder. If most people are saying the same things, Forums, youtube, twitter i mean there are plenty of places. For the people who stay silent, well silent dont have voice now does it?

This isn’t about i wanna jump higher listen to me and now i jump higher. This is about the topics that are always talked about. Yes i agree, every feedback should not be put in place. But again if the people who are speaking out and are “Mostly” saying the same thing why not listen to that?

What i am and what seem to be the same things people are asking for seem to be two different things.

So SL looks amazing there is no doubt. But it was said that classes would not get any major reworks till 9.0. Now at blizzcon they said there will be no big reworks on classes. “Personally” for me the content isn’t fun unless the classes my play are fun to experience them on.

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So… here’s the thing.

The single most active thread on these forums for the past year has a total of 22,200 Posts in it.

Generiously assuming each post is a unique player, that’s 22,200 players to provide feedback over a single feature over the course of a year.

WoW’s peak was 12 Million subscriptions.
Assuming each sub was 1 person, and further assuming that population decay has brought wow to a quarter of that population, that brings WoW down to an assumed 3 million people.


That means that based on what I feel are reasonable population assumptions, but really just numbers pulled from my… pocket, but accurate forum numbers; that the feedback on the forums represents, very likely, .7% of the playerbase.

I’m sure they do read a lot of our feedback, but they also have to take in to account that those of us posting on the forums here are the super minority of the playerbase. We’re vocal and passionate, but by no means are we a significant percentage of the playerbase.

Our opinions and feedback do need to be taken with a grain of salt, and not everything we recommend can be implemented immediately, or easily.


But I’m saying it doesn’t really matter. We can scream our feedback at Blizzard until we pass out but if they seriously think that we’re too stupid to find PvP vendors, they’re not going to put them back in no matter what we say.

This gave me such a great mental image and is probably making my coworkers question a few things from the giggles. Thanks.

For the record, it’s latter.

So what’s the point of feedback. if 30k speak out and the other 11,970,000 people don’t say anything well if these changes are made and they didnt like it speak up give feedback.

So this goes back to the post. Why ask for feedback?

Latter* thank you.

Listening with no intention to hear is different. They listen and ignore. The BFA PTR was an excellent example.