Asking for feedback but don't listen

People confuse “asking for feedback” and “we are the game director”

People also confuse “my feedback” and “all feedback”


Watch this ima blow yo mind, when a raid lead changes to master loot it should pop up in game as a vote “are you ok with master loot this fight” and 3/4ths of the raid needs to agree for it to be master loot. There i fixed the system fixed the debate you are welcome.

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omg, that’s brilliant! /sarcasm
I think that’s much more simplistic than the actual solution would need to be. Changing how a core method of loot distribution updates to include a yes/no like a ready check gate-keeping process is undoubtedly a more complex programming process than you seem to understand.

As to the 3/4 rule you seemed to have pulled out of thin air doesn’t really fit into the “blow yo mind” category.

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I mean it actually is that simple you just take the code for ready check and use that for when the leader changes to master loot, the same exact thing it does with role check when you que for rbgs even when everyone is ready. But thanks for attempting to insult me for coming up with a far better solution then yourself came up with.

Pathfinder is the worst thing ever added to WoW and no you can’t change my mind when all my friends unsubbed and quit because of this one stupid addition to the game.

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Yes, go into the “ranged survival” tops and see that even in them people are arguing that some want it to stay melee and some want it to be ranged.

I actually liked melee survival, but it felt redundant to my ret paladin and outlaw rogue.

Because they DONT want feedback they want high fiving slaps on the back and praise for doing a good job no matter what

Were supposed to look at them and go whose a good boy? Yes you are your a good boy

Plain and simple

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You would be correct.

And yet it took half the xpac to fix? Come on now.

easy fix right?

Back to the systems and system and systems. Balancing would of fixed that rating requirements something so easy. But no lets make a whole new system and pretend its fixed.

I love M+ as well pretty much all i do these days and arenas. But lets be honest here. Mythic raiding is 10x hard than m+ (10-14) The power level in items should have a way bigger gap. But raiding has been hurt badly with m+ rewards and lack of tier sets from raids. Other than a trinket maybe there is no reward other than bragging rights or just to see the content to raid. To people who care about Loot (me personally) don’t see the need to raid no more due to the alt way of gearing (M+)

with the removal of tf mythic+ will be around heroic raid level except for the chest. unless it’s changed. i expect more people will be raiding after that.

None of this is the fault of M+ as it was a system that existed alongside tier in legion

Blizzard chose to remove tier and now your blaming M+. M+ is easier than Mythic and therefor rewards a lesser base ilvl. I see no issues

No as i said m+ is amazing. But there really is to close of a difference in ilvl rewards (Weekly Chest) if weekly chest were heroic ilvl and 10s where between normal and heroic ilvl, mythic raids would be more involved in my opinion

So its too close in your opinions? Mythic loot is better, but not by enough? Interesting take

I would have to say yes 5 ilvl difference is not enough nor is the 100% fact that you will get a drop every week.

You can also get multiple drops in Mythic and only 1 from the M+ chest. And that chest may not be an upgrade.

So given the 1 per week and the lower ilvl id say M+s loot is just fine

This actually applies to class design pretty well. Blizzard has so far seemingly chosen to go the route of “unpruning, but no further pruning.”

This alone is already divisive because there are players who are demanding that they prune abilities that they feel don’t belong to their classes, like “prune everything melee Survival, prune everything added to Rogues in Legion and BfA, etc” (for the record, I’m against pruning for the most part, particularly when pruning abilities would have a significant negative effect on player characters’ identities).

They pretty much have to rely on compromises where possible, and at times, side with what they feel is the majority opinion.

For instance, one of the biggest problems with trying to make Survival Hunter ranged again is what happens to the Survival Hunter transmog appearances from Legion.

The fact that they did challenge mode appearances through the Mage Tower puts Blizzard in a position where effectively removing exclusive transmog appearances by changing what weapon types Survival Hunters are allowed to use would lead to some measure of outrage.

That’s not to say that I don’t want the ranged Survival Hunter play style to return, though. I personally would like Survival to have the option of being melee or ranged, or for ranged Survival to be added as a fourth spec or something if there’s no other way.

It is probably true that the Artifact Weapons and their transmog appearances are a major barrier to ranged Survival, though.

which have come from 288 users.

good thing the forum provides stats, so we can actually see these numbers.

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Remove ML - Check.
Reduce player level - Check.
Reduce layers of RNG - Check.
Remove forging - Check.

There are probably more changes that have been made over time that players have asked for that I cannot recall, but the four things above are major changes players have asked for that have been or are going to be changed.

The fact is they do listen, but if they made all the changes people asked for we would get nowhere. Someone wants ML to stay, they put it back, what happens than is someone will ask for ML to be removed, so they remove it.

You cannot always have it the way you want, you are also not always on the forums, you do not always see what people are asking for, nor do you see what people are saying is a good thing.

There are also many, many other forums that Blizzard frequent and take feedback from, unless your job was to go through all these forums for 8 hours a day you actually have little knowledge on what players do or do not want overall.

To the best of my knowledge, they have NEVER lost a popularity poll, even on MMO-Champion.

You’re really gonna lead this this with “loud minority?” An orc peon could count all of you asshats without taking off his shoes.

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I’ve reached the point with the flying issue that I’m just done supporting Blizzard until they change their tune. Pathfinder on it’s own isn’t a bad thing, it encourages you to see all of the maps and at least follow the main quest chains which is a good thing. Where I’m drawing the line is that MASSIVE disparity from the release until the second part even becomes available. I’m flat out tired of feeling like being punished when new content comes out. I LOVE to fly, I worked hard or in some cases paid REAL MONEY to have a specific FLYING mount.

It’s one thing to earn flying via Pathfinder and another entirely to have to wait up to a year so I can enjoy such a basic Quality of Life feature. As of yet I’ve not pre-ordered Shadowlands and I have no intentions of doing so. Until they allow me to earn flying when 9.0 launches I see no reason. I’m just gonna slog through part one, get bored, unsub and come back later. This time though I dunno I feel like the magic is wearing thin, I’m tired of having something like that dangled when I could be working towards a cool transmog or better gear. I want to have fun not feel like X more months until I can fly.