Asking for feedback but don't listen

M+ came from player feedback. Players saying they wanted dungeons to stay relevant longer and to have a progression system outside of just raiding

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Surv hunter? haha how is that spec doing? Have you been on the hunter forums

So do anything for the players who are speaking out vs these highly talked about topics? Good solution.

But this thread is why ask for feedback at all? Ion says it him we “We FEEL this wouldnt be good for the game” Feeling and data are two different things.

Ok so wheres your data? some hard numbers would help me understand your stance more i think

What? This makes no sense in the context of the statement you replied on.

Yep, just like the Mage Tower in Legion (and hopefully in the future as well), the rift scenarios coming in 8.3, and Torghast in Shadowlands. All based on continued player feedback.

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So i will sadly admit. Youtubers, Forum poster, Peoples tweets are not screen shot. Again i am shooting for what i “CONSISTENTLY” read.

Who did someone say, I don’t want pvp vendors remove them? I don’t want Tier gear get rid of it? Lastly Please please please blizzard dont touch my class it feels amazing.

When was the last time you read on anywhere?

This is a pretty shallow view. Devs have to balance resources and can’t grant every individual’s wish list items. They also have to balance diametrically opposed requests. Making a change that will make one group happy will often cheese of another group.

Botom line: You should never expect any and every request on your wish list to get fulfilled.

So you do also know that survival hunters came from this weird player demand for a melee hunter spec?

Never the PvP vendors, but i have seen the tier complaints

Usually it came from the PvP crowd that felt they were being forced to run raids for these amazing tier sets to compete

Blizzard themselves also said they had issue with them.

Again this is another topic i agree with you on. I loved tier, thought it was a fresh change of pace to a dull rotation 3 or so times a year.

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sorry let me retype that.

So don’t do anything for the players who are speaking out? Don’t do anything for these highly talked about topics? Good solution.

Yes M+ is amazing. But look what its done to raiding… Lets not get into the details of that debate. Great system i give blizzard that for sure.

No disrespect intended but did you not read the whole post? This are the highly talked about topics that have no changes coming. This isnt about hey i want blue hair on a human, give it to me. This is about the most talked about subjects.

which was? I don’t recall the reason they are out.

That would epic!

Ive seen both people ask for this spec ranged and melee. But again have you seen the hunter forums regarding this spec? No saying it was a bad idea on paper, but the delivery on it from what i’ve read and seen in game play me as well as people who speaking out don’t like it. In fact its if what i read was true one of the most unplayed specs in the game.

It is a good solution. The people speaking out could be a tiny minority for all you know.


You have already been told., what you consistently see does not represent anything remotely resembling a majority. The people active on the forums or any WoW social media platforms is a fraction of a fraction.


If you ask for feedback, I am sure they dont assume the whole player base is gonna speak out good or bad. But the people who do get no response. Someone earlier used the best and most recent example. Look at this whole expansion could of been fixed in beta if they listen to feedback. The whole Azerite system could of been at best descent. All that feedback from even the beta tester was ignored and look what happen. They openly admit that expansion core system was a mistake from release.

And i address this. Where do they want there true feedback to come from then? Answer me that.

Sorry? Giving people alternative paths isnt a bad thing. If ppl prefer M+ to raiding then more power to them. Im a raider, and im all for M+

They said there were a lot of problems with tiers being over/under tuned. Some were strong over multiple tiers. And then tmy favorite was that it hindered their art team since they were forced to create so many new armor sets, and that removing them would open up their art team to new ideas and designs if they just had to make 1 set per armor class

Not saying i agree with their choices

Nothing beats a bit of Dkcheese ey?

They also said that they started the beta too late and didn’t have time to implement anything that would have fixed stuff before it went live.

Just because they are highly talked about doesn’t mean they are 1) high priority, 2) what’s best for the game, or 3) that there is not another group of players in opposition to them. Saying (paraphrased) “these things I think are important haven’t been changed by the devs so they are not listening” is a logical fallacy.


Every expansion beta progresses pretty much the same way. Something is changed, theorycrafters find out how it’s broken, explain what said broken thing will cause, and are ignored. Others tell people to stop crying about it because it’s only the beta and it won’t make it to live (it always makes it to live).

At this point, it seems likely the purpose of these betas is exclusively for number tuning passes on new mechanics/systems. Doesn’t matter if it’s broken, boring, or doa, it will make it into the game. It would probably help if they were upfront about this—if the team is only interested in targeted testing instead of broad feedback, just be honest about it. Wheeling Ion out for a Q&A six months later to repeat his mantra of “oops, you told us so, we’ll do better” is getting tired.

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