Asking for feedback but don't listen

Your assumptions are way off base. Popular threads like that often have obsessed posters that post hundreds of troll responses. Most who are interested post multiple times in that sort of thread.

My estimate is that there are only a few hundred players who even visit the forums at this point. Were it not for trolls posting and reposting pointless spam threads, the forums would see very little activity.

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Prime example.

And while i agree with your stance, as its one i take myself, pretending its such a simple solution is asinine. What works for you and me doesnt always work for others

Again what is most people? What if its just the same minority spanning over multiple outlets?

Content people are usually not vocal, so if you see a handful of upset people it doesnt mean the masses are upset. The content people are probably playing and enjoying themselves. To upend systems and change drastically to meet the vocal minority would be far more detrimental if its not handled correctly

Has yet to be covered for shadowlands as far as i am aware. So you cant really say they havent listened in that yet.

If it is not in alpha then you have a leg to stand on.

You may not like the current one, but many do. And there are many people who hate the old one, my self included. So are they listening to you? Maybe not. Its likely there are more people liking the current talent system.

And i have found through looking at guides online and through personal experience there are actually very few specs that have absolutely no choice on talents. And seeing as we have yet to even see the new talent brackets i am holding back on that until at least alpha.

That is fair. A lot of people miss tier gear. I still dont fully undserstand why set bonuses were removed, even if they didnt want class specific gear any more. I am hoping set bonuses at least return.

I feel like that is a loud minority, but i do understand the argument. If they can at least remove the whole “cant trade upgrades” nonsense.

They have made it pretty clear that wont be changing. And pathfinder as it is, is actually a pretty good compromise. Id say just remove part two and it would be perfect.

Another loud minority with just as many people against it. They have made it clear high elves will not be coming to the alliance any time soon and void elves are the compromise.

They did said there will be no overhauls which is dissappointing. But i am again holding out till alpha before passing total judgement. They may not overhaul spec a but maybe it will at least get the tweaks and buffs it needs.

Sounds to me like you are mors angry that your specific demands arent met. Which you need to get over to an extent or speak with your wallet and quit until you see the change you want. Some of your demands are things the devs see as core philosophies though, so some of those might not happen until a new dev team is in place.

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We have seen a bunch of changes based on player feed back in BfA. They are not going to change everything that anyone complains about, nor are they going to scrap every thing a redo it half way through an xpac.


If they listened to half of these whine threads this game wouldn’t be playable anymore.


I’m not saying our feedback is wasted. But take into account that say… 30,000 people say they want change A. Dev makes Change A.

40,000 different people are upset by change A and demand Change B.

Devs make change B.

The 30,000 people from change A get upset and 10,000 of them demand Change B be revoked and 20,000 propose a compromise of Change C.

The 40,000 who wanted Change B then demand that Change B stay, but 15,000 of them are okay with Change C as a compromise.

I’m sure you can see where this is going and the kind of head ache, and development whiplash listening totally to so few players could cause.

Also keep in mind we don’t know the numbers of players that only use the suggestion box that’s in-game.

The numbers from that could very well dwarf the numbers from the forums.

I think that’s an area that Blizzard should communicate with us more openly about and would probably go a long way towards promoting a more healthy discussion regarding game changes for WoW.

I would be especially curious to see just how many of our ideas they have tried to implement, tested, and then found them lacking in testing and why.

I did try to stress the word Generiously. :grin:

well if they listened to them all they would just sprout more from the other side. Like I said above, the content are rarely vocal.

Because then they can say that they listened to us, even if they disagree.

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What has worked for years for the game as a whole. Again another thing that pushing guilds and rep away. Take out the player choice of "Hey do i wanna trust pugging or should i find a group of guys to play with more often that wouldnt do this.

Thats where if things change and you didn’t nothing to speak your mind can you really be the one that is salty. We say we are speaking out how many others are staying silent and unhappy as well. That argument can go both ways.

It was stated they are looking into fixing a system for this. aka no vendor confirmed when ask directly.

Yet to see a video, post, tweet (other than right now from you) saying this new talent system works.

What about the pve/pvper that dont wanna do the quests? why do i have to be forced to do something to get flying other than just play the game.

Never saying a post asking for void elfs. Personally i dont like em.

This tweeks and buffs that are covered with systems. Not fixing the classes as a whole. band aid fixes like they have done since legion. And still things haven’t been fixed with classes

We had that before by way of people having the choice of joining a group that used PL or a group that used ML. That still wasn’t good enough to keep people from complaining.

LFR/Pug/Guild player gets to pick.

They are listening but they choose to ignore :slight_smile:

They did, except for LFR. If people didn’t want ML they should have not joined groups using ML. Shouldn’t have been a difficult concept to grasp.

Because many ideas, like the one above, are not grounded in reality.

Some others you mentioned have ground to stand on.

There are those who would argue that the game isn’t playable.

Everyone has a different standard for what feels “fun” or “engaging” or “rewarding”.

Given how depleted the playerbase appears, and the constant stream of complaints on these topics by posters who are no longer playing, I’d say they made up a large part of the playerbase at some point during this expansion.

They don’t make changes based on player demand, except in cases where lots of players quit over some change. Changes are based on what they think will help meet their goals. But it also appears that they make changes based on ideals that have nothing whatever to do with profits or maintaining or increasing the playerbase.

At this point Shadowlands is all hype.

You should speak out. I 100% agree that if you are discontent with something you should vocalize your opinion. Maybe others share your view as ive state i do with your view of ML. Feedback should always be welcome. Everyone wants to feel like their voice means something

But also realize that feedback is nothing more than an opinion. And they have and more often than not will disagee with it. Doesnt mean the feedback wasnt heard. Just means they dont agree or that theres other things getting in the way.

Remember what a crapshow the AH is? They agreed that it was bad several years ago, but coding got in their way. Years later were finally getting a (hopefully) fix. All you can do is voice your opinion, and even though i dont agree with all of your points, im glad you spoke up and hope you keep speaking up.

Because, once again, listening and acting on are two different things. Who’s to say they aren’t listening? Also, you have no gauge of how many people want what, they do.

Seeing as Shadowlands design elements are still fluid as mentioned by Ion himself stating they weren’t sure how certain aspects would work yet, I’m pretty sure Classic’s success will weigh on future design choices and changes. But I agree the team was probably playing Classic and actually having fun enjoying real character progression; makes sense they’d shift away from LFR hero/lowest common denominator design.

They made changes to IE and Azerite gear based on player feed back. Last xpac they made some significant hunter changes based on feed back.