Asked for T5, got T4. Now I have to waste acuity for a recraft

how do you figure the patient is her son? was this confirmed anywhere? or just a hunch

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how is it less accessible with doing a personal order the literal only difference is speaking with somone instead of letting RNG decide who picks up your order

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Ok. So please explain why you are against adding a mimum quality setting to public orders?

because theres already an option to do so it just requires you to speak with someone first…

Yeah, rude crafters have made public orders pretty useless.

Yes I’m the one entitled, because I don’t want randomness in my orders.

If I chose to continue on the path I’ve always been on - which is to not engage at all with the system - how am I being entitled?

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asked and answered.

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No one is removing your ability to spam chat to your hearts content.

The system is frankly 99% in place and definitely doesn’t take away dev time when it’s already in place for both personal orders and NPCs.

I only post public crafting orders for items that don’t have a quality rank, like treatises.


Then put in a modifum of effort. If you don’t want what public provides, don’t use it.


you have no way of knowing whether this claim is true.

and nobody is preventing you from setting your quality on the item you want except yourself…

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No one has removed the ability to get a r5 item crafter either, it’s literally an option thats in the game currently.


I did no such thing. I didnt know validity had negative points

Why not. Makes people engage with the game systems more. And not having a minimum level set doesnt take away accessibility. Just like having LFR doesnt take away someones accessibility for Mythic raids.

Want better quality, take the proper path. Want something fast and quick, deal with the consequences of convenience


That and alt gear I dont care about. These people are creating their own problems /shrug


Correct, and the REASON why you do that… Is because the system is garbage if used in any other way


Uh, ok, but if you need T5 then don’t put it up in Public where you can’t set the requirement.


You answered your own question, though it’s not about “RNG.”

It’s more accessible because it’s easier to find someone to do your craft. They don’t even have to be online when you make the order. You can make the order and go offline and if you offered enough gold to make it worth their concentration, your order would be filled while you’re offline.

Asynchronous trade or crafting will always be substantially more accessible than having to find a person online to do it for you while you’re also online.

This also benefits crafters who don’t want to sit around waiting in trade chat to find someone to craft for.


Let’s see:

-I know the system is already in place for personal orders and NPCS
-I know you can already set the quality that you desire

I am basically asking for something that looks very copy-pasta.

If anything, there is way more burden on you to demonstrate this will require massive developer time when they aren’t even starting from scratch and basically copying something already in place.

Or for amything where quality isn’t a big concern. As is the stated intent.

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