Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

Probably not a question everyone wants answered but: Are you going to give personal housing/decorating to your game? I know it may not be important to everyone but it is something some may enjoy, I know I would as that is one of the main reasons I still have my sub at SWTOR.


Can I bring Primal Air’s I farmed on private servers into TBC classic?

Hello ! My question is - can we get covid masks in game for our characters please? it is relevant now and will be a memento in the future. Thank you!

Flight Whistle!

Why has WoW seemingly given up on flight being more than fast transport? Bombing runs, races, and obstacle courses were all great fun in BC. I would love more of it, stealth rescue missions where you avoid getting in combat, more vertical zones, etc.

1 - Any plans for increasing character customization? For example player housing?
2 - How does the team feel about the prevalence and visibility of boosting? Can it be reduced without damaging the game?
3 - Any plans on making max item level legendary items cheaper and more accessible?

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Does the TBC classic team recognize the drastic imbalance between the Horde and Alliance factions in both PvP and PvE? If so, will anything be done to equalize the factions, such as removing the faction-specific nature from seals of Blood and Vengeance, or tweaking existing racials?

If things are left as they were during original TBC, the current climate of extreme min-maxing is likely to result in a severe population imbalance.

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Can the great vault NOT have repeat items in it week after week. I thought it was not supposed to give repeat items, that is was supposed to rotate so you had a choice everyweek. Same item 3 weeks in a row for both raid and mythic boxes. Bad enough you drip feed us gear,now tuesdays are just a sad state with zero upgrades.

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All of this 100%.

  1. I would add, Dual Spec please! It was implemented at the end of TBC (WotLK prepatch) and adds so much to QoL without diminishing
anyone. Gives a ton of flexibility to hybrids and everyone in general for PvP, PvE, and farming/open world content. Give us the initial gold sink, fine, but Dual Spec would be amazing
  2. More attention to botting/farmers and significantly lowering the gold cap. Gold buying quickly became an absolute necessity for high end players in Classic, but the ripple effects caused mass inflation and led to GDKPs and boosting as some of the only ways to enhance your characters. It’s against ToS and needs to be policed for once!

When will you Give healing options in torghast in the soulforge for non healing classes that need to waste so much food to not die? Instead of relying on RNG too get the right powers.

When will you ban the use of multiboxers that use THIRD PARTY programs to run said Multiboxers that ruin the game by aggressively controlling the economy and farming spots? My feelings is , if you’re not manually controlling them it should be a ban able offence .

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Probably too late but will you address the bloat of systems in future patches and expansions?

Will there be another Mage Tower or Challenge Mode style system with limited time rewards? I loved these and would be thrilled to see more awesome class mogs or weapon skins.

Is Brewmaster going to have Stagger or health pools updated again to have magic damage not completely crush us compared to physical damage? The difference between tank busters that are physical/magical are horrendous - with a physical damage tank buster we can stagger enough of it that our small health pool is okay, but against a magic damage tank buster if we aren’t at full health or have Celestial Brew up - it is basically a death sentence. Especially considering we only have one major defensive cooldown on a 6 minute CD (2 if you count Zen Meditation on a 5 minute CD but breaks if we get attacked in melee or use any other skill).

A semi-related follow up question: Mighty Pour/Celestial Infusion (tooltip says one, link says another) is currently the only defensive/utility legendary we have as a tank versus the 2 or 3 that the other tanks have - but it is so underwhelmingly tuned since it only helps with physical damage on Celestial Brew [which isn’t our issue taking because Stagger] and because of Stagger again, it is better at purging physical damage by a huge margin. I know the 9.0.5 Patch Notes have some balance passes for it but they are nowhere near enough to make it even worth the loss of DPS from Stormstout’s Last Keg or Charred Passions since it makes our strength better without helping with our weakness (magic damage). Is there any plans to make the defensive benefits of Celestial Infusion worthwhile or give it extra utility to make it possibly competitive?

On the topic of PVP - since our main mechanic is damage smoothing and not damage mitigation like every other tank, in PVP we are horrendously squishy probably even more so than DPS specs as we don’t have the utility often afforded to them. Is there any plans to give Brewmaster buffs related to PVP to make them viable for those who want to play Brewmaster in PVP?

Do you forget survival hunter?


Have you considered reworking them? Maybe flip starting points between horde and alliance as a start? It would give players a sense of this is new while reworking the old maps.

How about mixing the horde and alliance together and making 2 teams blue and red team?

I feel like its time for new maps. Its been a long time since we had new battlegrounds added.

Do you feel there is more emphasis on Arena play? As a normal gamer who doesn’t focus on arenas and just wants to log into a BG and have some fun I feel that I have been left out of the development cycle for the past 3-4 expansions.

World PVP:
What are the goals for world pvp? Do you expect to blend both factions together and create a new faction? With the horde and alliance united against the Jailer do you expect to create a horde and alliance vs Jailer forces NPC forces (BFA style, island adventures) if you do can the NPCs be set on mythic style difficulty?

Thank you

We shower in glory

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Will there be story involving Alexandros Mograine and the Ashbringer/Paladins that have it? Considering if you are a Necrolord Ret Paladin a reunion with the Ashbringer himself is something I long awaited.

Also: Illusions on Artifact weapons, when?

Will there ever be another mail class besides Shamans and Hunters?

Stop allowing Party sync for BGs under cap. Means stop allowing 60s to queue in BGs under 60 in the 59 queue and 49 queue, as the stat squish for them doesn’t work all the covenant and soulbind abilities still work as well as their secondary stats apply. I am tried of getting stomped by them in what is supposed to be a fun alternative, unrated BG, 5 losses of 150 to 1500; it is not fun anymore. Make them use their own brackets or do world pvp with war mode as intended.

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Do you have any statisticians that look at class balance for arenas? It seems like there are huge disparities in representation that persist every season that are more than just popularity.