Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

Are there plans to give the option to dungeon all the way to 60 instead of being forced into the new awful content?

How about the fact that The Shadowlands is literally the afterlife? Where are all of the dead from Diablo? Starcraft? Overwatch? Call of Duty?

Come on! SO much opportunity here!

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When will you start the meaningful gear?? Cause what I have seen is rng again where there has no real upgrades. Getting bracers 3 weeks in a row from vault and its not the right secondary stats for my spec chosen is not meaningful gear. So basically same system from BFA but alot less loot drops from dungeons and raids.

What is being done with all the botting happening, keep reporting them and next day there are more again. Been trying to level up leatherworking but when there are 5 - 10 bots farming leather hard to get mats when they are in alot of the best spots.

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As it shows, much of the player base and your highest pop realms that are still not linked to other realms are your RP Servers.

When will a focus for more Roleplaying aesthetics be added, such has personal housing/guild housing. More Mogs added to cash shop (Cause we all know Blizzard has really cool sets that we’d all buy.) Other than that everyone be safe!

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Regarding PvP:

  1. Wintergrasp, can it either be removed or are there any plans to fix it? It’s too lengthy, and if you’re on Offense, so many people leave because Defense can easily farm you with vehicles for 30+ minutes. I know you can win on Offense, but Defense has such a huge leg-up that many would just rather afk or leave. EDIT: I see these issues are being addressed on the PTR. Thank you!

  2. Gear disparity. Are there any plans to up the ilvl of the starting pvp gear or scale everyone’s gear to be the same ilvl in random bgs? If you level an alt, or are late getting to 60 for whatever reason, the starting pvp gear ilvl is 158 and can be upgraded to ilvl 197. However, rated gives you 200 to start, upgradeable to 225 with 235 weapons. Anyone late to the game or any alts coming into a random bg (not rated), with a 158 ilvl with others are being smacked down too easily even just by people with 207 ilvl, it’s way worse against a team that has a higher ilvl than that. Some have suggested either to make the ilvl the same in all random bgs, or to make the cap 197 ilvl in randoms. Are there any plans to address this?

  3. Party sync in BGs. I’ve seen so many posts complaining about party sync because the level 48+ can use their covenant abilities in the low level bgs. Is this something else you may be looking into? Will you get rid of the use of covenant abilities in the brackets through 49? Are you looking to remove the bg party sync feature? (I hope not).

  4. The OP covenant abilities and legendaries. How do you plan to address these where Balance Druids, Ret Paladins, and Fire Mages (just to name a few) can 1 shot 1-3 people?

  5. Ret Paladins can out heal other classes that are heal spec’d using no mana. Heal spec’d classes have issues with mana but a hybrid class doesn’t. Is this something that you will look to address?

  6. Other classes/specs. The classes and/or specs that aren’t performing well in pvp, is this also something you are looking at to fix? Example: MW monk, Unholy Dk etc.

  7. Are there any plans to bring back Strand of the Ancients?

  8. Are there any plans to bring back battleground blacklisting?

Not related to PvP

  1. Flying will be tied to renown, what’s that look like renown level-wise? Will there be any other factors to obtain flying? Once we have flying on one character, how hard will it be to obtain on alts or will they be given it as soon as they hit SL or maybe at max level?

  2. When do you expect 9.1 to hit the retail servers? What else can we look forward to in the coming 9.1 patch?

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PVP Related Mistweaver:

Why cant the melee healer class ever be in melee range for more than 1 second without dying in a stun?

in case my question did not show up

  1. without giving details are there any plans in the future for new classes ?
  2. for more player control / content - is there any chance of player housing -i think that would be a massive benefit to the game and also give a new source of potential revenue - like how you sell pets and mounts you could sell house accesories as well as allowing question, farming, etc of those
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Why so many Torghast anima power nerfs recently? Don’t nerf the few good powers for soloing that only a small handful of DPS players could get (some were straight up removed), give everyone access to better stuff and BUFF them.

All the Community wants to know why there was a MailBox on the Outer ring of Oribos (the far right one from the original only 2)when there’s no point to go out there? Why Oribos was launched with an awkward placement of a useless Mailbox when other areas inside the internal ring needed more than one. Was this a tactic to slow down the progression or was it misjudgment of whoever was in charge of placing mailboxes? Will this behavior be continued in future content?

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Hi can we please get some really cool and new BG’S and ARENA’S ? Also can we bring 5v5 back even just for achievement’s ? Thanks so much :slight_smile:

When will warrior tanks get a buff

I was hoping that Wildhammer Dwarf would be its own playable race because I wanted to see dwarf druids.

I would like to know if it would be possible to keep our gear, weapons, etc relevant from one expac to the next… we work so hard to get geared in each xpac and then… in each xpac… everything loses value and becomes trash and we have to start all over again…there must be a way to create a progression rather than have to start over…its truly discouraging and it might be more interesting …

Thank you

When can we get more content for our garrisons…? its important to a large part of the non hardcore raiders and maybe even quite a few raiders, that we have more new and expanded garrison content…we also like the idea of premium content so those players willing to pay more can get more…Thanks!

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A few days ago when flying into Ardenweald from Oribos I looked beyond the border and it gave me the impression that it is spherical. Is Ardenweald…like…a small planet?
Also, is Maldraxxus actually a living being? What are the origins of Bastion and Revendreth?
Lastly, can we get Tauren mages? I want a Kirin Tauren.


Previously it’s been said that certain beings that are not sent to the Shadowlands as they are part of the Pantheon, Burning legion or the Void Lords. Are there any other exceptions to souls that are sent to Shadowlands that were NOT covered (Such as how an individual died or even lived i.e. Fel Corruption and Soul Magic)?

Why is it that we (Horde and Alliance) can live in the same areas now in Shadowlands, AND get the same quests, yet if the opposing faction taps a mob, only that horde or alliance player gets credit unless it’s an Elite? I mean, we’re all out there, pounding on the same MOBs, yet one faction can camp-and-tag an entire area, especially if it’s an Anima WQ? Seriously… a guildie made a comment the other day that if Horde and Alliance worked together, would it “break WOW?” I’m thinking no, but weigh in on that too, please.


Hey Blizz I really loved the interactions with the Kelfin back in BFA and now i noticed they are hanging out in Durotar. I wanted to know what their purpose out there is and if there could be any further expanded lore with them? Lots of questions remain unanswered in regards to their origins.


Will the 30 instances per day cap be suspended or removed for TBC so we can dungeon cleave level?

Have you considered adding dual spec to TBC and is there a major barrier to doing so?