Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

Do you guys think that focusing more on the “borrowed power” aspects of the game does more in the long run than focusing on the individual classes themselves? An example being covenants/conduits vs the base mage class.


Are there any plans for mobile warcraft themed games such as a spinoff involving minor lore characters or events. Perhaps you play an x class/race who fights their way to max level and through the story of classic or tbc with other 4 choosable characters Final Fantasy style with turn based combat.

A few questions:
-Can we get non-Pathfinder servers so people who love flying don’t constantly feel like we are being punished for liking a feature that has existed since TBC? Let me enjoy the content the way I like instead of how YOU want me to. I would log way more hours on retail if i got to fly.
-Can professions matter again? I used to LOVE Inscription when it was introduced as it was unique and useful. It might as well be removed at this point. Same with most professions.
-Are there any plans to revamp classes so they are actually fun and interesting to play? Moves and choices keep getting taken away from us to the point we have almost no input on our characters which makes it difficult to feel attached to them. Mages in particular were so fun back in the days when we could roll and experiment with elemental builds. This whole borrowed power design, to me, is not interesting. Garrisons/Artifact Weapons/Heart of Azeroth/Covenants do not compare to me picking which moves and talents i want for my character. On a related note, can you please let us learn our moves from class trainers again? If not, can they be removed so i am not creeped out by their empty stares in every major city? Learning moves out in the world automatically is another factor in classes all feeling like they are on autopilot. If not, then why are they still all over the place instead of just removing them?
-Can we have Order Halls back? They were an amazing fun addition to the game and I can’t understand why they needed to be phased out.
-I personally love the idea behind Survival Hunters as a melee hunter spec (fulfills my Aragorn fantasy) but it needs some serious love. Is that in the works?
-Please start moving the game back towards the Classic-Wrath era when the game clicked for so many people. Leveling used to be such a large and wonderful part of the game. Now everything just pushes you towards end game faster with each expansion. I want to spend more time experiencing the world and all the quests. The leveling is just way too fast. Maybe there could be an option to level at the Classic speed? When you can level to max in a day or two, it makes the game feel really small and inconsequential. It also removes my attachment to my character because it took no effort to get them there. And for people like me that have not enjoyed end game in retail since MoP or even earlier, it means i am being herded to content i don’t enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, there is still a lot of the game i like, even in retail, but the design philosophy seems to have changed in recent years to making players play the game on your terms instead of me partaking in things i enjoy.

I hope you will consider answering one or all of my questions. Thank you.

Also, please give us Classic Wrath servers soon!!!


Assuming you’ve announced TBC Classic by the time this is read:

Do you plan on fixing any of the flaws with Burning Crusade? (For example, faction racial imbalances, lame final talents, or useless tier set bonuses)

Thank you!

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So back in Battle for Azeroth, The Keeper Vorrik made a comment about reuniting his people after Korthek’s death. And given a quest involving Emeni and The Ember Court, the Sethrak are certainly still around. Will we be seeing a continuation to their story? A conclusion to Vorrik’s dilemma of reuniting his divided people?



Hey, when can we expect to see solo queue added to the game for arena. Arena is the best way to engage with the game for a lot of us, however the current systems are lacking dearly. The effort required to find a team mate currently is substantial, anxiety provoking, and a deterrent. please implement SOLO QUEUE ARENA


Why can’t we have a toggle to allow the new special back mogs not replace your sheathed 2 handed weapon?

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Here is my question,

Why are you guys buffing legendary’s and Covenant ability’s that are RNG based (which makes things incredibly inconsistent and unfun unless you are super lucky) instead of reworking them.

A good example is hunters, Flayed shot is RNG based and we have a total of 5/12 specific legendary that are RNG based and if we cut down to spec specific, both bm and mm have 2/4 that are RNG.

I’m also sure that this is an issue for other classes too.

Hi all, thanks for the opportunity <3
We’ve seen a lot of improvements to transmog recently and I’d love to know if there are any more plans further down the line? Especially for weapons, I’d love to see hunters transmog for throwing weapons or casters able to choose 1H+offhand on top of a staff and vice versa.

So many trinkets have really cool / fun cosmetic effects that don’t change stats! Could we please transmog them to use those effects again? Or even convert previous expansion trinkets to toys once you hit a certain level in game?

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I personally love Survival as a melee spec. It just needs a LOT of attention.

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I want to ask this one, too.

Are we getting more character customization options for allied races this expac? Specifically are there plans to give Void Elves all the Blood Elf hair styles and colors? This would be a great relief for the many roleplayers who have long asked for high elves as a playable race.

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Will Arthas get a redemption arc? And will he and Jaina meet again happily?

I am hoping for more Allied Races too. There are two empty spots on the character select screen for them or at least there was.

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This is a potential spoiler for those that haven’t played the recent expansion.

When “waking” Ysera, the Winter Queen states that she is of her sister’s work. Will we get more of an explanation? I wonder if there are more “dreamers”. Like a whole family of them, using sleeping to help in different ways.


WoW Classic:

Are there any plans to implement race/appearance/faction changes and account transfers? There are many people with genuine demand for those service. Is there a technical or gameplay limitation?

Why is impossible to balance the pvp? Why let things broken for so long? Arent u guys at least embarrassed with the result of AWC?

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yes , would love to know the answer to this as well as: how does Blizzard plan on releasing TBC ie like it was originally or will it be final patch of tbc which included sunwell?

Nothing will ever come close to Wildstar housing.