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A LOT of us miss the uniqueness of class tier sets. I understand that it feels bad to have an item drop that says druids only and then none of your druids need it, meanwhile its stats are perfect for a rogue.

You have shown that you are ok with cosmetic items being able to drop, but not as part of the “standard” loot table.

What if we had tier sets as purely cosmetic pieces that have a chance to drop as non-standard loot table items from raid bosses each tier.


The current gear system seems a little outdated. For example, a paladin can wear any type of armor, but because there is a bonus to wearing all plate it is literally never worth it to wear non-plate gear (except I suppose for a brief moment while questing if you get some random drop, but even then it probably isn’t worth it, at least not for very long). This is a relic of how gear used to work, where certain gear pieces were better at certain jobs, and when all classes could benefit at least in some minor way from all primary stats. Because the game has moved away from that, there is no reason for a class to be able to wear a different gear type than its primary type. So I am a little confused as to why that old relic of even being able to wear different gear types still exists when you can’t even xmog them or anything.

So here is my question. Is there any plan to update the gear system? Something like either making other gear types relevant for classes that can wear them, loosening xmog restrictions to all of what your class can equip, or taking away the confusion and removing the ability to wear different gear types altogether.

Similarly, is there any plan on updating weapon requirements? For example, why can warriors use ranged weapons when there is no reason? Some updates would be nice, such as either bringing back the ranged/relic/totem/etc. slot, adding the ability to xmog ranged weapons on your back (like how you used to have your bow and your spear on your hunter at once, but just cosmetically), or taking away the ability to wield useless weapons entirely.

In both scenarios, I would love to see an expansion of armor and weapons rather than a reduction, but at minimum it is confusing having a bunch of useless items be available to use. In the extreme, it just leads to accidental soulbinding items thinking you get to collect the xmog but it doesn’t work cause it was cloth and you’re a death knight or something.

While I’m at it, I’ll just add another plug for the addition of quivers! Are quivers on the market anytime soon?

Here’s a short version of the question for simplicity.

Will there be any updates to armor and weapons to make the ability to wear multiple armor types or weapons not typical to your class actually matter? (Think warriors and ranged weapons and cloth/leather/mail armor.)

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Seeing as how I paid you people thousands of dollars if I renew my sub do you promise to make whatever code change or whatever you need to do on the back and sneaky sneaky so that if I play PVP again you will allow me to get to 1800

  1. When will flying be a thing?
  2. With the valor point system will there also be a vendor like before to purchase gear aswell not just upgrades? the garrison gonna be relevant again? it has so much utility that it should be implemented in every xpac one way or another
    3.i think for each year a player plays blizz should give them a kick back for it ( only to active players ) would this be a thing in the near future ?
  3. Monks ( WindWalker ) Need a buff for PVE can this be done please?

Is there any plan to update stats in the future?

Primary stats basically don’t matter at all right now. Not that they’re not important–obviously your main focus is to get as high a number as possible–but all the stat does is make you hit harder. There is nothing interesting about it. Gear doesn’t even need to say “Strength”, “Agility”, or “Intelligence”, since nearly every piece you can wear besides trinkets and weapons will change to whatever you need. I just don’t understand the point of the numbers besides as a class restriction on weapons and trinkets (which could entirely be accomplished by putting class restrictions, or revamping weapon availability).

It used to be that every primary stat had a use for every class (albeit some had more value than others, like int only helping warriors with weapon skill which no longer exists). I would love to see a little rework of stats so that primary stats were useful for everyone (making gearing choices a little more interesting).

I also really don’t like versatility. I mean, it seems so lazy! It’s a blanket X% bonus. In game, of course versatility is nice to have (especially with the current version of PvP which I am enjoying a lot more than the past few years), but there’s got to be some more creative stat than just a simple “you are stronger”. Like, every stat is supposed to increase your ability. Versatility is basically just primary stat + armor rolled into one. It’s not unique, it’s not interesting, and it seems kinda lazy. It feels like something that should be on a trinket instead of a secondary stat.

TL;DR Primary stats and versatility are boring. Are we going to see any changes to stats to make gear decisions more interesting and not just hunting item level upgrades?

Are there any new covenant transmog sets in the works?


Agree. I have had to hearth many times because I could not locate a path from where I was to where I needed to be. The whistle was a great way to resolve this… but we don’t have it in SL… for reasons that none of us know. When I need to complete a calling, I pick WQs close to FPs for this reason. I would prefer to pick them based on rewards, but it’s just not worth the frustration.


Tentative date for flying across shadowlands?

Why are the skills so non existant, for instance, no new flasks for alchemists to create so they have to farm BFA

Will you put back ALL the questlines in BFA? It doesn’t make sense anymore, it isn’t healed, and now, it’s just boring.

Will you be implementing better rewards for tourghast? Gear? Pets? Useful stuff?

This applies to healing classes as well. For years it was mw monks. When monks were added RBG teams were running 2-3 mw monks. This expansion is the first one in a long time where monks don’t dominate the RBG rosters, but it’s the same problem with a different class. Now it is two disc priests, with a hpal or rshaman. As a resto druid main for 16+ years that actually like to play this class and spec and does not want to change to whatever OP healer exists in an expansion, I am very tired of this. It’s literally been YEARS since rdruids have been welcome in RBGs and I love RBGs. We all should be able to play our preferred specs in our favorite content.

Looking back, the story of 8.3 confused me a little bit. There are two points I’d like some clarity on to make sure we didn’t accidentally hand Azeroth’s soul over to N’zoth:

  1. Did the raid take place in reality?
  2. The only two things we may have physically accomplished in N’zoth’s realm, (besides kill bosses that could have been an illusion,) was:
  • Tether N’zoth’s realm to Azeroth &
  • LITERALLY FUNNEL ALL OF AZEROTH’S LIFEBLOOD INTO N’ZOTH’S REALM AND SAID, “GG He’s definitely dead, we know because we saw a cutscene where the illusion made by the illusion-old-god went away.”

Dear Blizzard and Ion in particular.

All of your new borrowed power systems and new content modes (Islands, Warfront, Torghast) have failed, miserably.

Are you finally willing to admit you are wrong and give the PvE player base what they want - which is raid tier sets, a new dungeon with each raid, and a more regular (as well as quicker) content release and season schedule?

Will you bring back Gladiator Stance?
My warrior has been sad since WoD.

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Will we be seeing more of illidan? What of the titans? Please finish a story in one expansion lol

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The implementation of the raid Finder difficulty has severely hampered your encounter designers’ creativity.

Every fight is now two tanks with a tank-swap debuff or mechanic. Every fight. No deviation.

Do you have any plans to break up this poor design path and bring back interesting tank encounters like Nefarian, or The Four Horsemen, or Maulgar or Illidan?

We already have Timewalking raids for BC, WotLK, and Cata, but are there plans for any from MoP onwards?

Do the dungeon devs know that all healers can NOT dispel ALL debuffs? Because it certainly seems that way. SL has 8 dungeons and 5 healer classes, but THREE of those dungeons have hard hitting DISEASE dots that can NOT be dispelled by two of the healer classes making these dungeons disproportionately more difficult for resto shamans and resto druids. These two classes have no option but to heal through those dots while ALSO healing all the regular damage. This makes the last boss in PF on tyrannical excessively difficult for these two classes unless you are on discord with a monk/priest/pally dps/tank that you play with normally that actually will DISPEL the disease. I can say that for finder pugs this NEVER happens. I ask every time and am convinced that these players have no idea they can even dispel diseases. These are not “beginner” M+ keys. I am running 13-14 keys. These players should know how to dispel but don’t so, as usual in dungeons, when dps fail at mechanics, the healers have to deal with it.

As a healer, I too would like to heal PF, TOP and NW without having the extra disease “affix” to overcome on a particular boss and/or trash. It would be ok to have ONE of the eight dungeons with the disease affix, but three is simply unfair to the two healers that can’t dispel them. I want to push 15+ keys too. Right now I can’t run PF and NW on tyrannical weeks and I can’t run TOP on fortified weeks simply due to these hard hitting diseases that I can’t trust a dps or tank to dispel even when one exists in the group.

Why was cancel roll removed from Monks?

Is there a possibility of you giving Disc priests Trinity in PvE? It has been locked to PvP for too long, and really is just a way to tease us at this point. It would be an amazing talent for M+ and make us more viable for more content.

When can we expect some love for Frost Death Knights?

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The current class system is a little awkward. The game gives the impression that you pick, say, a paladin, then specialize as holy, protection, or retribution. But the way the talent system currently works you are really picking a paladin, then a specialization, then a spec specialization.

I would really just love to be a ret paladin that can actually heal a dungeon. Certainly not as well as a holy pally could, sure. But at least viably be an option for groups focusing on maximizing dps or groups with an overly-solid tank.

Maybe a talent system kinda like the Diablo 2 skill tree system?

Is there any discussion on another pass at class/spec/talent philosophy? Specifically talents.