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The difficulty for Castle Nathria has been a huge jump from any first raid expansion, to the point where players are struggling to even get through Heroic, which is basically the old Normal. Why is this?

Did Classic solve a lot of the problems in bringing about a TBC Classic, or does TBC present it’s own unique set of technical problems?

Any chances of new pets for warlocks? Or even a new customization system
to get more pets, like hunters have.


Not all monk usable weapons are back sheathed I thought? Only specific models?

Maybe add new layers or powers but keep it as a pure legendary-making farm probably…

What plans do you have for Mistweaver Monk improvement?


Why are you guys so pathetic at balancing pvp and allow one spec to dominate for an entire season with no nerfs like warrior or ret?

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  1. Can it be possible to turn off Chromie time in Inn’s, similar to Warmode, sometimes your out in about and forget to turn it off and then your trying to do stuff with your friends and you cant cause you have to go all the way back to Orgimmar or Stormwind to turn the thing off.

  2. Is there any plans or can we have more character slots? Or an option to buy an extension of character slots?

  3. Will anima ever meet the demand? Everything cost soooo much anima, and one world quest gives 30 or 35 anima at best, and that doesn’t mean the demand we have to spend, can the anima we get from world quest be bumped up, to maybe 100 or something.

  4. When will we be able to transmog different armor types? Transmogging is putting on different armor appareances over what we currently have equipped, so if it is just a magical appearance, why cant we be a mage and have the judgement set on? Or a hunter that wears cloth? We farmed the appearances on our toons, so we own them, so why cant we just be able to transmog account wide?

  5. What is the point of renown awards that you unlock at a certain renown level but then you still have to buy for anima? That doesn’t seem like a reward at all.


What are the plans for warlocks on this new patch? Affli and destro are still not ok but we are doing what we can with what you guys gave us… but in this case I am talking about demonology, which have been nerfed since MOP and later after legion ended, the damage is extremely low and the burst it cant even be considered a burst.
Are you guys considering any kind of rework to this class? also there are too many demons in warcraft lore and also in game but we are currently using just the same ones for like ever…
is there going to be more Demons added to our class as well?


Why are the covenant spells/covenants so unbalanced? Is it too late to decouple the spell options from the covenant choices in a future patch?

It really bums me out to have to feel so weak as a Venthyr Warlock.


Any chance that fishing will be fixed? I still go to Dalaran in my spare time to try and fish up coins to get the ones I’m missing. Now I can only pull up garbage because with the changes to fishing, my max leveled fishing for that expansion is no longer high enough to pull any coins out of the fountain.


[I ask because so many things were identified on the PTRs and then not fixed. I’m wondering if those things will ever be fixed or if the PTR is for marketing only. Thanks!]


Understandably, on Shadowlands launch, many of the more populated realms saw not only long wait times, with queues in the thousands, but these realms (like mine, Area 52) also seem[ed] to have [ongoing] issues with authentication servers. This does make sense due to the high volume of traffic; Shadowlands has been a beautiful expansion, of course players were eager to rush back for it!

My question is: Has Blizzard considered cross-realm auction house as a means of normalizing the economies of high vs low population realms? This would incentivize players and guilds to migrate onto smaller realms, thereby reducing the strain on the authentication servers, and eliminating queue times.

The benefit of being on a populated realm, aside from the larger pool of players to draw from for mythic raiding, is that the auction house is generally more affordable. The economy is almost permanently in a state of being a “buyer’s market” so consumables for raids, BoE drops, and mounts are widely available at reasonable prices. This also means that many of the top competitive guilds flock to larger servers, which then attracts the majority of the player base onto those servers, creating the issue of player traffic, queue times, and entire servers being inaccessible on launch.

With gold now available at the price of a WoW Token, it seems viable to normalize economies across all realms into one shared economy. I can only imagine the logistical fiasco it would be to shift the “One Auction House” into being available across all realms, or even linking it between a very populated server and several smaller servers, but would Blizzard consider this option in the future (even for next expansion) to help encourage the player base to spread out into more manageable groupings, and breathe new life into dying servers?


I’d love that. Or letting Warlocks tank again. That would be enough for me to go back to playing my warlock again.


Any plans for guild improvements in the somewhat near future?
Fixed permissions?
Improvements to the recruitment system in general, and so officers can actually read the notes included? This is kind of a problem.


What are the plans with drums for TBC? We need some kind of nerf to their usage in a raid to prevent raids from requiring all members to have leatherworking.

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Question about raid encounter design…

Does the team typically design encounters around Mythic difficulty, subtracting certain mechanics for the lower difficulties, or do they create a base encounter that is good for Normal difficulty and then come up with additional mechanics for Heroic and Mythic?

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Is there any plans to look at/address the discrepancy between different healer classes damage output and mana consumption? Certain healer classes can do insane dps levels (while still passively healing the group) and some healer classes can do high levels of throughput with very little mana consumption.

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Why is wow catering to elite players when they know most of the player base are casuals? Many of us are no longer 20-30 even 40 years old, and cannot obligate to a Raid Guild or Find a bunch of people to do rated Content?

WoD allowed everyone to progress at there own speed, why now is Casuals walled off from any progress?


With the success of WoW Classic, has there been any thought put into an alternative progression of the game more inline with the vanilla game design philosophy? Also known as “Classic+”

P.S. make all world buffs non-dispellable - they should have to pry them from my cold dead hands

Is it possible to add transmog sets as a reward for Key Stone Master on top of a current mount reward? Remember in Mists of Pandaria we had challenge modes and we had rewards like transmog sets. Maybe KSM enchant/illusion as well? Lets bring that back Blizzard :smiley: