Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

Why does leveling feel like a massive chore? You don’t even get key abilities or passives that massively affect how each spec plays until level 40-50+ making what you learn for the first 40-50 levels completely pointless. Why is torghast a long, unrewarding waste of time? Why is pvp the most unbalanced that is has ever been? Why do I have to literally use google and jump through hoops to try and figure out how to start/continue my alt character’s covenant chains? It’s incredibly stupid to look and see 1/x covenant quest story and the only thing listed there it says to do is to get the weekly 1000 artifact power, you can call it anima or azerite power it’s the same garbage system. Why are world quests and facebook minigame quests so unrewarding and boring? Why is there no alt catchup mechanics?

Oh also on the leveling topic the path of exile or w/e new one for leveling 1-10, is it intended to feel so demeaning and insulting to returning players? It’s incredibly insulting how handholding it is and unless you go in and manually turn it off (turn off all tips in interface menu) it will continue to try to baby you all the way to level 10.

When will you punish people who clearly abuse the kick mechanic? I don’t spend 17 a month to wait half an hour to get into a dungeon (on a good day dps queue) only to be kicked because I don’t speak spanish/chinese or I don’t want to the exact thing that someone tells me to do when it has nothing to do with the dungeon.

OH and also one massive one. When will you permaban all the people spamming /1 /2 and LFG channels and premades with clear RMT for carries/boosts that you can literally go look right now and find easily on any server?

Covenant abilities are a joke too, they’re incredibly boring and joining a covenant feels like it has no real impact on the game, your character, or even how you look outside of one transmog option.

Also raise the cap on honor from 15,000, the fact that I can start a fresh character and cap before 50 is pathetic, also, the fact that you get laughable honor at 60 while losing because blizzard allows more than 5 player premade exploitation in random bg’s should be fixed. I’m not saying you should reward afk players, they should be removed and put on a timer, but people performing well should not get spit on because the rest of their team is running around like headless chickens or too busy flaming eachother.

Can you fix gear looking horrible on races it wasn’t intended to originally be on, like plate boots on trolls/tauren look like utter trash because they are cut off only to show your hoof/foot. Or how about ears or eyebrows or horns poking out of helmets on tauren blood elves etc?

Hello Dev Team!

  1. Can you please make the Catalysts for the Queen’s Conservatory stack more than 20 - maybe to 200?
  2. Can you fix the feet for the Night Fae Covenant Set? The feet are bloated and look very disproportionate to everything else.
  3. Can you provide more anima to the things we do (aka: Dungeons, Raids, Quests, World Quests, etc…)?

Thank you!


hahahahahahahahaha. Blizzard has no clue how to do scaling right, I do a dungeon on my alt warrior level 25 and get massively out damaged by a level 10 mage who is only pushing frostbolt. Oh and they’re in greys and some greens while i’m in full heirloom gear.

Yea, why don’t flight master whistles work in shadowlands?

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Why do you keep time gating content if you have no content prepared to follow it up with?

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Yes! Will goblins be able to be monks in the future? Also what about Undead Paladins. I know it was a april fool’s joke one year but we really want it! Plz!


How long are you planning on continuing the Warcraft story?


Please shrink the Venthyr leather shoulders. They look ridiculous at their current size.


Why have you ignored Arcane Mage? It needs an overall buff, along with some quality of life adjustments due to how the specialization was changed for Shadowlands. Gaining Clearcasting is too finnicky without any bad-luck protection or on-demand Clearcasting generation.

Why cant we have playable Naga?

“mounts wont work” please just give them a chariot that attaches to any mount. Boom fixed!


If pure DPS classes aren’t going to be the Top DPS(None of us are)…and Blizz is going to continue to make Utility classes that can do more than one role also the best DPS in raids and M+…can you just remove Arcane as a spec for mages (since you’ve ignored it since launch) and give us a Mage Tank spec? Mage Healer Spec? At least that would be fun rather than having to spec Fire to be viable in anything.


We know Illidan supposedly doesn’t care for murlocs, how does he feel about cats and/or dogs?


Classic TBC: will there be any options to allow BE paladins and Draenei shamans to get a head start on leveling, or in some other way be ready to enter the black portal on release of TBC? Or will we have to start from zero while everyone is enjoying the new content?

Can you please fix Balance Druids?

Classic TBC: How do you plan to manage faction balance and racial balance for TBC and make sure alliance races are equally competitive in Arena/PVP areas to compensate for the historical imbalance of racials, or will racials be turned off in arena?

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Because we have seen what will happen here. They are going to pick questions that suit what they want to talk about, not answer hard questions regardless. Its not like they will pick a hard question, deliberate what to do about it and come up with an answer in 2-3 days anyway.

If these requests for questions werent merely an illusion for them to plug whatever it is they were going to plug, they would have asked for questions weeks in advance to give them serious thought and discussion. They would be involved in the community forums.

Ergo, my questions were more statements in the guise of questions much like their answers will also be advertisements and not actual answers.

100% agree, why is it that pure dps classes don’t ALL do more damage than hybrids? Makes no sense.

TBC Classic, will there be changes made to make Horde and Alliance more balanced (i.e. Seal of Blood for both factions) or do you have any plans / bonuses in mind to help with the inevitable Horde TBC domination? (Asking for an Alliance frenemy…) :slight_smile:

On the long-bois from other players.

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Any plan about adding new spectral forms to Shamans ?
Druids get a huge amount of different skins, Night Fae have a lot of Soul shapes too (+ the ones coming from 9.0.5)…

Shamans have 2.

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