Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

I could care less, I just want answers to why this game is SO tilted to one type of player, the elite 1% and what is going to be done with it.

Since I haven’t seen someone ask this question yet, ill ask it.

Where is Garrosh? He was tease in the cinematic for Revendreth and he has yet to make an appearance in that zone even after defeating Denathrius and restoring order in most of the zone.


What are the plans for the future of classic as the game stands now. Will our low-populated and/or unbalanced servers be merged and allow faction change for the more popular faction to the less popular faction to help balance things? also, could we forsee community voting in a few months to a year for those who play classic as to what changes we may like to see.

Will there be any new ALLIED RACES?


I also would like to see an answer to this question. TY

Why is tank kiting a thing??

Additionally, with Hunter being based off of the Ranger class in D&D, a melee spec is not a mind blowing as it would seem

Because Pet Battles, Mog Hunting, Mount Collecting, and literally 3 different endgame progression paths are all for the “elite 1%”

Will more animations be created for class spec? Like the way monks hold staffs. Or new animations for spell casting like Elemental Shamans Stormkeeper. Would be great to have spells coming out of a staff or off-hand (book, lanterns, etc).

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Will Torghast be updated in the major patches of Shadowlands in order to keep it fresh and relevant as the story of the expansion progresses?

So what is the reason allied races are locked behind factions? Some of their reasons seem to range from "Yea but they were mean to me :frowning: " to "In an alternate universe they were mean to me :frowning: ". I get the point of BFA was that we were bolstering the factions to be stronger by recruiting more races, but now the war is over. The Alliance and Horde no longer have a reason to fight each other. Greymane and Tyrande literally both just want the person who no longer have ties to the horde,but you can’t have like a horde Mechagnome because “they were on one of the islands our enemy of our enemy was on so we don’t like them” even though both alliance and horde spent an entire patch trying to liberate them from their tyrant. Am I wrong to confirm now that a faction leader is going to say a mean thing to another faction leader, so they block each other and force another pointless reason for a faction war again?

Has there been consideration to add an achievement with a toy reward, similar to Katy Stampwhistle, to enable remote anima deposits?

Is it true that Starcraft was originally meant to be a Warhammer 40,000 game?

With the addition of new class/race combos over the years and more recently, allied races, will the team ever make a pass back through the classes to make some abilities more appropriate/thematic to their race? Example: Both Dwarves and DI Dwarves can be shaman. However, neither race seems to have a particular affinity for wolves (or raptors, the only glyph we have for Ghost Wolf). Could they be a ghost ram or ghost gryphon instead? This could 100% also be fixed by more glyphs.


Why are Zandalari Trolls so large on their mounts? They are taller than Tauren and yet ride the same sized mount as a Gnome would. As a Zandalari Troll and mount collector, it would make my entire year to see mounts for Zandalari scaled up like for Tauren.


Will legacy scaling ever be fixed in a respectable amount of time, and why is the answer no? Is it because the development team’s best interest is to upkeep the delusion of “legacy scaling is working as intended” until future item levels brute forces its way through? Or is it because it’s too hard to understand “character is at least 11 levels above the intended level of content” is not still “11 levels” after the level squish?


Currently in PVE World Quest content there is a problem with groups tapping MoBs that then become exclusive to them, i.e. even if you are the same faction and you hit the MoB you will get no credit. Is this intentional, because it means solo players often end up locked out of getting the needed MoBs for questing?

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Is there a reason that we cant make windfury totem raid wide, or at least make it available to all shaman specs?

  1. Are there any plans to add a catch mechanism for soul ash?

  2. Will soul ash be added to the endless corridor?

  3. Are there any plans to add “crused” power tailored to a class. For example as a druid losing a shape-shifting form to empower a different one.

  4. Any plans to add a truly endless mode of torghast?

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What is the name of Bolvar’s weapon and where did he get it?