Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read my Covenant thread. This system has MASSIVE red flags on it.

Do not take every lesson you guys learned painfully from Legion and BFA to just repeat them by locking people into Covenants.

Please do not do this. We have two expansions of proof of how this story ends and it is always rage and unsubs.


What will be happening on Azeroth while we’re in the shadowlands? Will the scourge invasion continue or do we beat it first? If so, will the dangling plot threads of BFA continue to be explored? Such as the night elves/forsaken not having a home and so on.


With M+ being one of the main end-game content avenues, how do you plan to offset the removal of forging? Are Mythic raiders going to be the only players capable of accessing the highest ilvl gear in the game? If so, how do you plan to preserve the health of the M+ community?


Class design question, will we go back to class resource bars not feeling unlimited while leveling and doing end game content again? There’s a need for potions and other items while playing Classic and I think many enjoyed needing those items to play better.


Many of us prefer simple gearing like how it was in Classic and TBC, any chance of removing the RNG elements on gear?


Can we get Zandalari Warlocks?


Currently on the show-floor the MoP-BfA talent system is still in place are there plans for a new system or will the current system be carried forward.


Dragonmaw Orcs being accounted for with the expanded customization?

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With alts mattering more and improvements to the leveling system being made will we be able to create more than 50 characters? Could you please lift this?

// someone who has almost 50 character at lvl 110+


When you announced Torghast, I noticed it seemed very similar to Final Fantasy XIV’s Palace of the Dead and Heaven on High, which were neat features, but they got old fairly quickly. Given that Torghast is a major expansion feature, how do you plan to keep it exciting and relevant throughout the entire expansion?


Is there any chance we will see 10m mythic raid or any relevant end game pve content, that you progress over weeks or months, for less than 20 people?


Will cross-faction PvE grouping be enabled, especially since the Fourth War is over?


Since max level is being squashed, will gear levels be reduced too?

Will shadow priests be getting any kind of visual rework for the Shadowlands expansion?

I miss seeing the magical aura of my helm and shoulders glow through the shadow magic shrouding me.

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Is there a specific reason no extra class was added this expansion? With a decent chunk of the content being about choosing how we level alts, it feels a bit odd not giving people a reason to level alts.


Why was an additional class not included this expansion?


I’m fine with the level squish but I am concerned for the future, as in we will be right back where we started if you just increase the level cap again. So my question is…is this level squish in Shadowlands just temporary and you plan doing something else for character progression for 10.0 and beyond?


Will you lift some transmog restrictions? Like transmogging into different armor classes (wearing a robe on my nightborne warrior to be more battle mage like?)

Will you ever consider no limit servers where any race/class combos can be played and more freedoms in transmog?


Why didn’t you make a Necromancer class?


Was wondering about Zandalari warlocks. Blue post stated that they had no connection to fel magic, but in the lore there are zandalari demoniacs that absorb a demon into their body for power. I am confused on if that lore is still canon or not? If its still canon would we see Zandalari Warlocks or Demon hunters sometime in the future like how Darkspear trolls got warlock later on?