Ashenvale PvP Horde Bias

Ya I’ve heard the root mechanic is pretty annoying and will obviously slow dps. The charge mechanic is meh, both factions just Zerg the best they can.

From my experience on living flame, Ally just seem to outnumber horde every round. I’ll go easy mode east and Ally will have 3 full raid groups waiting plus the ungrouped randoms floating around. Once we start, West will be down at the same time we have both east’s down. 25% of the time we run into horde fighting the deer tree man general, we just aoe through them like it’s nothing then rush the leader. Game ends with 3/3 ally. Sometimes horde will get west down too and we’ll end 2/3.

At first I thought it was just a fluke but I don’t know, basically every game has played out like this.

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Agreed. It’s just that horde has to coordinate 80 players stacking in melee range, and people are incredibly dumb/love griefing

Meh, i think it’s fine.

Wouldn’t know because on Lone Wolf alliance out number us 3 to 1.

This is a ridiculous claim since alliance had the initial bias since their FP is literally right next to bonfire, catapult, and moonwell.

Also heres some knowledge dropped for astranaar people. The flight paths are all a mistake. If you use a flight path you miss out on 1 sometimes 2 bases. The flight paths are so bad that we tell people to just RUN instead of fly. The key is proper hearthstone usage and the horde strategy has such a fatal flaw in it that I am shocked alliance haven’t figured it out yet. Horde do not has bias in ashenvale pvp, Alliance do, they just can’t figure out what to do with it ever since the bosses gained immunity.


the main horde base is closer to astranaar then moonwell is to splintertree,
catapult is also closer to astranaar

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How is having alliance FP closer to 3 bases of any significance? In order to utilize the FP, you need to be at another FP to fly to Astranaar… and there’s no other alliance FPs in the zone! If your point is that it’s easier for Alliance to have reinforcements fly in, then that’s laughable because if they’re not in the zone when the event starts, they’re already doing it wrong and providing no help, literally just tagging the LTs at the last second.

And I find it funny how you think the FPs are a mistake. Horde has two FPs that are literally a minute away from an alliance outpost. Once Runestone (the farthest alliance outpost) is defeated, the Horde can swing by Shredder and try to wipe out the Alliance there and/or fly back/Hearth to Splintertree, and all of their action is now centered in the middle of the zone, between Glaive, Research, and Moonwell.

What’s the point of Bonfire being close to Astranaar if you have to kill all 3 LTs first to even fight the final boss? Glaive is typically the last Alliance base to fall, and it’s about the same distance from Glaive to Moonwell (for Horde) as it is for Alliance to run from Astranaar to Bonfire.

And if you want to compare distances from Main bases to camps: Zoram Strand FP to Runestone is about the same as Astranaar to Shredder (equal). Splintertree to Glaive is much closer than Astranaar to Lumber Mill (another horde advantage there). Splintertree to Research Camp is much much closer than Astranaar to Catapult (horde advantage there) – AND Horde have the distinct advantage of then sending their Research Camp raid to Lumber Mill to wipe the alliance since it’s literally 30s away from the main road on the way to Glaive!

It is in fact, not.

You can run on foot faster from the Zoram Alliance boss to the Research base. Obviously, the mount would make this even faster.

If Horde are beating you, it’s either because they’re organizing more groups, or most of them are hearthing from Zoram to Splintertree.

Yes, running from Zoram to Research base is faster if you’re completely alone on your layer. When you have to run side routes to avoid the movements of raid groups? It becomes significantly slower. But yes, Hearthing is obviously the play for Horde to get from Runestone to Splintertree, and once Runestone is down, all their PVP action is centered around the Moonwell, with Glaive to the left and Research to the right (if it hasn’t been killed already, which is doubtful)

And Alliance literally can do the same. Kill Zoram, hearth, kill the other two and head to the Bonfire.

Desperate to continue the tradition of Alliance victimhood. Blizzard could delete Horde and y’all would still cry Horde favoritism.

You realize how easy it is for Horde to kill Research base and defend Lumber Mill right after, right? And seeing as how Lumber is the farthest base that Alliance have to travel to, it’s most likely a Horde win if Alliance gets wiped on their first attempt at LM and they don’t force their way deep into Splintertree territory to take LM. Once alliance kill Shredder, they can Hearth to Astranaar and make their way east, but now their main base is the farthest point west and they have to fight their way to LM which is at the farthest point east.

This map’s design inherently favors Horde. Alliance winning a good amount of it is due to better organization on certain layers and playing the numbers game. I’m sure the same could said for Horde on certain layers as well, where they have the numbers advantage. But if you just look at how the layout of the map is, it’s obvious that Horde has more options to win with successful counterplay. And also, Alliance are PVP-averse. Most of them will just camp/afk at Bonfire when 1-2 Horde LTs are still up.

Horde lose so much because they refuse to play any form of defense. It is so easy to raid wipe once the raid is engaged with the boss with the mass aoe damage that goes out. People are more interested in the easy rep of PvEing bosses and accepting a L to avoid having to PvP.

The fix to this is to add rep when defending a base too.

They already added rep when defending a base… in the form of bonus rep at the end of the event if any of your LTs are still up

Which is conditional on a win. If your group is constantly taking Ls, do you risk defending with a possible loss or do you go for the guarenteed 200 for pveing a boss.

Lotta people in this thread have no idea how strong hearthstone is in ashenvale and it shows

Only if you win. So losers get nothing if they try to defend.

The bonus rep for having a LT being up when you win is conditional on the win. But the “guaranteed 200 for pveing a boss” is there regardless of whether you hit the final boss or not. That’s why some people just AFK at the inn and collect their 200 rep (for a loss) or 300+ rep (for a win). If alliance is running from LM and nowhere near bonfire, and you know its a race to the finish, then it does help to slow the horde at moonwell.

I literally just talked about hearthstone play and how horde still have advantage, listing out exactly where the advantages are. Care to find a better counter argument than avoiding?

deff a troll post

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