Anakin stop panakin, blizzard has a planakin.
According WoWHead Feral druid is getting Ashamane’s Frenzy back!!! I sincerely hope this is correct info as this post is based off of this, there is a changelog for Ashamane’s Frenzy for 9.01 as well.
Amongst our collective gloom regarding BT changes, ferals everywhere can potentially see the silver lining of the BT cloud, that we are getting Ashamane’s Frenzy back. I am curious about this revelation and how it could impact feral as Feral Frenzy is supposedly still available to be taken as your 50 tier talent. Imagine being able to have access to both of these damage/combo point bursts. Could their damage be tuned enough to make up for the loss of BT?
After all in Shadowlands a lot of passive damage sources are going away and our abilities will be the driving force in our dps performance, with all the good things blizzard has done so far with Shadowlands, I want to believe that they are taking good care of feral, and so far this WoWHead source is giving some hope to blizzards competence.
Don’t be too sad about BT changes friends, talents and builds being changed has gone on since vanilla, we are in transition to a new iteration of feral, that im honestly excited for.
– Kíñg of the Jungle
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So is this baseline now? What’s replacing feral frenzy?
i dont know if anything is replacing it. as of now on wowhead, feral frenzy is still there in its BFA form
Honest feedback not just being a downer, but won’t work with the bloodtalons in testing 
Would be cool if it counted as BT as well? EDIT forgot frenzy is 5 CP, gets a fast bite out tho after getting BT, could be nice with the 2 charges of BT too actually, alright \approved lol
it does show we are on radar I hope
Until testing has confirmed it’s return, which it hasn’t (at this stage), I’d suggest not trusting datamining, as has been said by both parties (Bliz and WoWhead).
Assume error until confirmation, which datamining isn’t in any way.
Being the Icon is unchanged from Legion’s weapon, and it had arrived for build 33978 on April 9, and has been tested extensively since with absolutely no mention of it’s attendance, players should at least wait for confirmation.
Imagine this. You are at 5 combo points, you just popped tiger’s fury and are at 97 energy. You have full bleeds already, you ferocious bite, then you feral frenzy into another 50 energy bite, you brutal slash and it crits into 2 combo points into another 3 points from ashamanes into ANOTHER 50 energy ferocious bite all inside the tiger’s fury. The idea of that makes me so excited for pvp and pve depending on the actual numbers
3 buffed 50 energy ferocious bites
ashamanes bleed
feral frenzy bleed
Bloodbath spec lmao
I just logged in and checked. It’s not there. The wowhead notes also say Tranq is baseline for all specs, but it’s not.
Gotta be careful with datamining, all sorts of random noise shows up.
Jealous you have alpha ;(
Supposedly just a tooltip or update of some kind. Would have certainly been mentioned in the official class change blog with the unpruning highlights if it was actually coming back.
This has been in the alpha build for weeks, why are you posting this just now? Not like everyone here hasn’t seen the datamining long ago anyway.
There’s a big Feral thread here with 300+ posts you should probably read and keep up with as it has all kinds of SL Feral discussion, and also a Feral discord too.
Isn’t Ashmane’s Frenzy inferior to Feral Frenzy? At least in the # of combo points?
A tooltip update for an ability that’s no longer accessible in any way?
I agree I don’t think this datamining means anything just yet, especially given that nothing happened to Feral Frenzy and I would expect Feral Frenzy to be reworked if Ashamane’s Frenzy were making a return. My gut feeling is that the devs are thinking of doing something with Ashamane’s Frenzy by making it baseline, but they’re not sure what yet so they just returned the ability to the game without hooking it in anywhere while they figure out what to do with it. But truthfully your guess is as good as mine. This definitely wasn’t something I expected to see when I woke up this morning.
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I’m going off previous discussions about this - a number of old Legion artifact abilities have supposedly sprung up in a similar fashion, none of which have been announced by Blizz as returning. Possibly the scaling to lvl 60 etc altering the back end, changing some numbers. It would still exist somewhere in the code.
Maybe they were even planning on bringing it back at some stage in development but cut it, that’s why it’s in the first (?) alpha build. Blizz were probably playing around with a bunch of old spells during development to see what should be unpruned.
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It was an awesome ability, I hope that they do.
That being said, the initial patch for 8.01 had something in it that changed, so the 9.01 change may not mean doodleysquat.
True. I’m gonna wait for something real before I’ll allow myself to feel excited. The fact that there’s no changes to Feral Frenzy is the most telling part if this whole thing I think.
Yeah, probably, but they did say they wanted to get class changes in as early as possible so they can act on feedback, won’t hold my breath. At this point, I think we’ll see a couple of Bloodtalon tweaks, then numbers tweaks, and that is about it.
I kinda hope I am wrong though.
I like to think we made enough of a stink about feral utility that something will be done about that, especially since that is pretty closely related to the unpruning stuff they said they’re specifically looking for feedback on.
Though I’m pulling my hair out waiting for the next round of updates. It’s been a while since the last change and the fact that Blizz is always so mum about these things until they slap us in the face with it makes it difficult to ever feel comfortable. It never really feels like we’re being heard, even if part of my brain doesn’t believe that’s the case.
Even if the answer is nothing to report, I’d love to see Blizzard put out more statements saying nothing more than “we see this.”
I wouldnt want ashamanes and feral frenzy, I wouldn’t see them having both either.
And as gratifying as it may be, a “more combo point button” still feels like a bandaid
where as I want faster bleeds and more re-active gameplay
I’d rather see an overall gameplay change like our active gameplay making our bleeds tic faster partially randomly to then make us react by needing to refresh them irregularly
I don’t think Blood Talons will stay the way it was changed. I think it’s going to get reverted to be exactly like it is on live. The complexity of Blood Talons is the reason Feral is a stand out spec. You’re either completely crap at it or you’re good, there’s not really a middle ground. That’s how it should be. Feral has been one of, if not the hardest spec in the game since TBC.
What Feral really needs back is raid wide Leader of the Pack. I’d gladly take a dps loss to buff the entire raid and have them actually have a reason to bring me outside of a situational HotW and BRes.
feral haste build perhaps? tiger’s fury make bleeds tick X amount faster over its duration?