Feral essay 2

That makes zero sense. My comparison does not need the F tier talents included in it to make it credible.

a single missed talent does not invalidate my analysis.

classes that have dots built into them arent dot specs. I can use dots as layer to a classes complexity.

The essay is built around mandatory complexity on ferals part not frivolous complexity like you are trying to base your counter argument off of. Because you can do doesnt mean you should do it, it is not my responsibility to try and imagine the non meta build and argue about them when they were never apart of the discussion to begin with.

Me not citing every facet of feral dps doesnt mean your argument gets stronger by pointing out things I didnt cite and act like i left it absent out of ignorance. At no point in the essay did remark about the actual ability combos and the step by step rotation facets. not sure why you think this is effective for your argument. Pointing out an absence of information does not even remotely equate to ignorance of information. The remark I made when I replied to you was to try and show you how silly the remark you made is.

There is very little I do not know about this spec. Read what you actually said and then compare it to how bloodtalons is used in practice, I will literally show you in game if im not getting the point across textually, but regrowth macros and hard casting regrowth mid combat is not a thing at all. I dont know what else to tell you man.

In my other post, I never said with certainty that Ashamans was coming back

Not sure why you are so condescending and being rude. you have 0 reason to be like that and I am respecting you despite your replies and suggesting I dont know how my own spec works.

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