Literally im about to graduate electrical engineering school lmao, ones own intelligence is not in question. And again, little i dont know about the spec, i didnt know aboutblizzards opinion about bloodtalons, but how does that tie into this? how does blizzard wanting to change it do anything for your argument, aside from showing a piece of information I didnt know that has 0 to do with the essay? I didnt come on begging for it to not be changed, nor did I write as if the current iteration was going to be in shadowlands. You are finding cracks (if they can even be called that) in my argument and then setting the bar for a proper argument just above them. It would appear you are just trying to get a rise out of me and trying to be disrespectful.
Claiming I wasnt accurate about feral because I didnt go into detail about rotation nuances which i will remind you again, I also admitted that I missed things about the DH especially with chaotic transformation as it is the stier build for DH, missing that one part of DH does not invalidate my arugment.
Most of your counter argument is being based off of responses I made to you off your first response to the essay and not upon the essay after I clarified the things you brought up in your remarks respectfully, You are trying to discredit me as the writer and I attacking the responses I make to you.
I knew there was a chance ashamanes wasnt coming back and put that line it. Why is that not acceptable to you?
The only reason I suspect you are conducting yourself like this is because you enjoy it. For some reason it gives you a sense of validation to attempt and tear someones work down and position yourself above them. You saw this essay as genuine analysis that was successful in most aspects and missed the mark on others (not discussing DH chaotic transformation build) and saw the opportunity to stamp yourself to it and try to bring attention to yourself. Your argument against me now is only possible because I was genuine/honest with you and tried to discuss with you and you are now using my responses, not the content of my essay to try and grandstand. You have
Even now Im not sinking down and insulting you back and questioning your intelligence, perhaps you are not used to genuine interaction on the internet and only interact with individuals as if they are a troll as that is how most people conduct themselves online and I don’t blame you for that. Don’t be jaded towards authentic discussion.
Your argument is loaded with logical fallacies
ad hominem - Attacking my intelligence
red herring - randomly citing rake opener and then upon my response saying im ignorant of feral gameplay because I didnt use the one specific response and including your original remark, and then carrying the discussion away from its actual content and onto me
hasty generalization -
cherry picking/sharpshooter - like I mentioned earlier you are finding minor cracks in the analysis and basing your argument around those cracks as well as your ad hominem remarks
Now fallacies dont mean you are automatically discredited, You did make a good point about me missing the few finer points to chaotic transformation build, and had you made the rest of your argument as concrete as that I would be hard pressed to discuss against what I straight up missed. but you didnt do that, you were able to rely on that nougat of knowledge and then left the discussion technique in the dust in favor of logical fallacy.
You also do not acknowledge if you are wrong about something for instance miscounting the feral buttons, they were not miscounted, without the second rip (typo) it still came out to 8, I knew how many buttons there were before typing out the list, a simple typo on my part to include the 2nd rip.
You have continuously popped offensive CD’s in the argument always moving to the next fallacy or critique but have yet to pop any defensives to my counter arguments.