[A]{Sargeras} Casual AotC Guild Recruiting New and Returning Players

Elysian Sodality was founded in 2011 and is an Alliance guild on Sargeras. We are a small, family-oriented guild with a great group of laid-back members who have a healthy mix of playstyles. Parents, grandparents are welcome!

We are currently looking for one or two more ranged dps to round out the raid team, run mythic dungeons with, and be part of our guild family. We plan on raiding one night per week - Thursdays from 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST. No trial process or minimum log-in requirements, just looking for like-minded people who have a night or two per week to dedicate to the game. We are AotC focused, no mythic raiding. We respect each other’s time, everyone is expected to meet minimum gear reqs for raiding, including enchants, pots, etc…

If this is the level of game activity you are looking for, please feel free to add my btag and I will try to answer any questions you might have. Anna#1862.

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Adjusted the raid time!

Good morning and Happy Friday!

We are still hoping to add a couple of dps, ranged preferred at this point, but open to discussion.


One night per week AotC raiding, still looking for dps!

Hello, i am going to re sub and am interested in a causual guild! Perhaps we can chat?.

Added you!

Request sent on bnet. Two druids looking for a new home.

Still looking for a few more ranged dps! Anna #1862

I will join!

Awesome! Add me on bnet and we can talk! Anna#1862

Looking for one more healer with a dps off spec. Shaman, monk or evoker preferred. This will be a parttime heal spot, moving back to dps for farm content.

Have a great day! Anna#1862

Found our healers, now looking for a couple more caster dps!

Do you accept casual players too? I might want to raid but not sure yet.

Absolutely and welcome to the guild! :slight_smile:

Are you still looking? I can play a warlock or hunter if you dont already have to many

Heya Keynstian,

Feel free to add my btag and we can discuss! Anna#1862

Hey - I just added you on bnet. I’m maining a demonology warlock and looking to casually raid and push M+ on the side in DF.

Hello Anna - This is Pael. I have missed you guys. Like a ton! I feel so bad when we all stopped playing. I am looking for a good home, as you all allowed me a few years ago… hoping I could bring something to the table and be constructive, like in the beginning. If you like, or want, could I join again? BTW: Miss the gang.

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Hi! I am a returning player to WoW but never did raiding or mythic+. And i really want to change that, with the right community.

If you’ll have a less experienced player. I’d love to join! I added u on Bnet

Hi! Are you all still recruiting? Looking to apply as a Mage DPS.