Feel free to add me and we can talk! Anna #1862
We are currently 8/8N, 1/8H, still raiding one night per week. We are looking for a raid tank who is also interested in running mythic + throughout the week!
Found an awesome raid tank! The guild is now 8/8N, 6/8H, one night per week. Looking for a few ranged dps who also enjoy mythic +. Being able to tank or heal mythic + is definitely a bonus. With only raiding one night per week we do have specific gear reqs for attending the raids. Once we finish AotC, we will have alt raid nights with more relaxed gearing reqs.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out. Btag is Anna#1862
Added you on Bnet
Guild is 8/8H VotI and preparing for 10.1. We are looking for a dps Warrior for our one night per week raid team!
Still hoping to add a dps warrior to the raid team! Aotc one night per week raiding :).