As a Woman playing Classic WoW

This is one of those statements that sounds good but is utterly nonsensical.

Xel means we’ll, and genuinely of nice nature. I agree with your sentiment, just with a warmer conclusion :hugs:

This thread, while starting off with good intentions, has been encombered by trolls and discussions that have moved away from the topic, stopping on a note where intentional narratives that had attempted to overshadow the contextual discussion was not going to happen.

With that said, it might well be time to move on :purple_heart: or, I might well be speaking nonsense :wink:

The patriarchy loves internalized misogyny expressed as niceness.

Wow. Just wow.

On that note I’m flagging the thread as troll bait. Not because the OP has done anything wrong but because some people are cruise for a fight. I’m out. Stew in your own wretched bile.

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Can’t we all just agree to disagree?

You’ve already indirectly insulted my honour by implying I’m a misogynist now you try to insult my intelligence.

There is nothing to discuss with you.

Nope, didn’t happen. Read it again.

Normal people also like niceness for the sake of being nice.


But, then again, normal people frequently mistake the truth for rudeness.

Me? I’ll take the truth.

Agreed, which is why bluntness and being curt aren’t really super high on my list of concerns unless someone is already pulling that card while also being super rude at the same time. Makes for good fun poking at the hypocrisy.

Fortunately for me, I have absolutely no qualms about being inconsistent.

Well… you’re not the good witch… so…

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Glinda brought Dorothy to Oz to kill two of her sisters.

Just sayin’.

I mean… that might have been desired but is she truly culpable?

Civilized conversations can still happen even if both parties disagree, you seem to lack that understanding.

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You may need to read the thread to educate yourself in the relevant discussion if you really do think that I’m incapable to agree to disagree :yawning_face:

Edit to add:
If a troll attempts to skew the narrative with blatant ignorance and trolling through putting words into a completely irrelevant context, I will strongly disparage and correct, which has happened in this conversation you have conveniently glossed over.

I would strongly recommend educating yourself in polite conversation you get what you give sweetheart. :kissing_heart:

I am starting to see a pattern with night elf druids and human paladins.

Oh, how original when you’re incapable of understanding your own hypocrisy :roll_eyes:

Practice what you preach dear…

Having your own dismissal tactic used against you is annoying isn’t it?
Unfortunately you the type that only wants to hear others agree with you, have a goodnight sweetheart.:kissing_heart:

I always do, dearest.

Not at all annoying as you’ve shown yourself to be hypocritical and completely ignorant of the discussion and its context. Like watching someone try to be smart, but fail tragically, it’s more of a disappointment than an annoyance really. But hey, sleep well :purple_heart: