As a Woman playing Classic WoW

Herein lies the problem. You don’t genuinely want to engage with me, you want an echo chamber to tell you that you’re the greatest and everybody else is wrong.

I’ll leave you only with this thought. One way to achieve “equality” would be to draft tens of thousands of women into the military, deny women the ability to study primary education or nursing (female dominated industries), and force mothers who want to focus on being full-time parents to go back to work.

This outcome would actively harm many women, but it would certainly help achieve “equality” in those industries with large gender imbalances and minimise the gender wage gap. So if “equality through equity” is truly your desired end goal then you should have no issue with this. And if you try to say once more “but… but context is everything”, I’ll again remind you that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


You are confusing “equality” which isn’t what anyone is really pushing for, with “equality of opportunity” which is the crux of the issue

I’m not confusing anything. I’m merely trying to have OP get off her high horse for ten seconds - long enough to realise that just because she believes what she is saying, it doesn’t make her right or better than anyone else.

But again, all people look for in political discussions these days is an echo chamber. So I acknowledge she’ll probably just login and make another facetious comment with a rolled eyes emoji.


I dunno man. Reading back you seem to have stampeded into the thread with a chip on your shoulder. And trying to twist the semantics of Equality around in order to make some kind of convoluted argument that it actually hurts underprivileged or historically exploited populations is either dangerously naive or dangerously disingenuous.

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Huh? That’s just nuts and a whole lotta projection.

“High horses” are, I guess, in the eye of the beholder. I didn’t see one. The OP was nice, the would-be Lothario made a really dumb assumption based on dubious “social clues,” hilarity ensued.

I’m really surprised about how many people are getting triggered over this.


lol! The ****? How can someone draw that conclusion? Then again as a man who rolls female toons as readily as male ones I find myself clarifying matters too. Not because of being hit on but more as a preemptive.

Still. A game is just a game. When a person starts asking to go for drinks that’s different.

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Again, the echo chamber. If you disagree with me, then you are a bigot who is “against equality”. That chip on my shoulder came from OP implying the “left” is an objectively good political affiliation. That is factually incorrect. And that is all I am trying to say.

Furthermore, you know nothing of my work. It might surprise you to learn that I worked with a Senator in my country to advocate same-sex marriage before it was legal - I didn’t just put on a rainbow bracelet and call myself an ‘ally’. But again, it’s too difficult to comprehend that somebody might be an advocate for minority rights and simultaneously disagree with the blind enthusiasm of people who describe themselves as “left”.


I was planning on cancel casting the entire time :upside_down_face:


The strawiest of men

Literally couldn’t care less


What’s going on in this thread?

I’m feelin’ feisty today!

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So you were happy to accuse me of “twisting the semantics of equality” on a whim, and now that you have been proven wrong you feign indifference.

I’m leaving this thread. Thanks for reminding me why I avoided these forums for so long.

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The “chip on your shoulder” indicates you aren’t as convinced of the correctness of your views as you think.

To be honest, I care nothing for your work. You are defined by the thoughts you post here. Borrowed credibility is just… weak.


I don’t care less what you claim to have done professionally or otherwise, it has literally no bearing on anything. Its the equivalent of “but I have X friends.”

I’m sure you were highly missed.

Equality is giving everyone a bowl of rice. Equity is also giving the guy with 1 arm a spoon. In neither scenario is anyone suggesting you force-feed people rice which is the convoluted scenario you seem to have constructed to defend wage inbalance and attack the principles of equality and equity.

It’d be hilariously ignorant if I didn’t see the same arguments, no less specious albeit more artfully framed, trotted out by people dog-whistling for all sorts of injustice.


My gosh. People took a cringe story post and made it into a war of politics.

Can’t you all just agree to disagree and leave it there?

Arguing over the internet will not help the disadvantaged. It won’t create jobs or bring back the dead, change government policy etc.

All you are doing is being angry at each other.

And messing up my zen. :stuck_out_tongue:


Called out on your inaccuracies and looking like a complete Muppet because you’re unable to consider words are taken in seperate contexts :joy::rofl:

Pathetic :poop:

You’ve nailed it.

This tool has unsuccessfully taken the scenario to the umpteenth level in an effort to skew the narrative, when the context is so far away from the bile he’s producing.

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Another Muppet that can’t even tell female NE druids apart :roll_eyes:

And you’re not confused?
Just inept :grin:

Hell of a precedent really, if you’re unable to even tell who you’re arguing with :joy::rofl:

Edit: The OP has not even gone near that high-horse, and I hope that any consideration in being confused with myself, is down to ignorance from those who can’t tell the difference :purple_heart:

i don’t you are calling people inept and ignorant because they don’t agree with you. Maybe you should get off the high horse.

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Maybe you should investigate the thread closer to educate yourself further on the situation, as I was directly calling out the ineptitude and ignorance for confusing me with the OP.

Do all NE look alike?

Further in, there was discussion on the equity and equality of minorities, that had been blown out of context by the very same person that had been confused on who he was actually talking to.

This context was accurately, and beautifully portrayed into an analogy:

So no, is not a matter of people agreeing with my point of view, but of clarifying the context of the discussion instead of the bile producing effort to skew the narrative.

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