As a Woman playing Classic WoW

Hello this is just story time.


  1. No hate to the person involved
  2. It’s been ages I don’t care anymore.
  3. I found it kind of funny and that’s why I’m sharing the story

So back when Classic WoW launched I was struggling and gearing up my Warrior. I was playing as prot spec but I was in the mood of trying to swap to Arms/Fury. I was doing some quests in Arathi where I met this guy who was like

“Hey do you wanna do SM runs, I’m a warrior too and I REALLY need the ravagers axe. Do you need it? I’ve been doing this for weeks and when it finally dropped a hunter rolled need on it and took it.”

I was like, “yeah I do need it, but I don’t mind helping you get it first seeing I’m primarily playing prot anyway, just help me later when you get yours :>”

So after like 8 hours straight, we still didn’t get it and I went to bed and offered to help again tomorrow. So tomorrow I went at it again and we stayed. At this point I’m totally outleveled for SM so I kinda wanted to move on but I still offered to help.

He didn’t mind doing quests so we ended up doing quests together.

Then when we joined discord together with my friends and my friends and I have a habbit of hitting on each other as a joke (my friend has a GF, and I had/just left a relationship at that time but either way). And all of a sudden I get a DM.

“Yo are you guys serious?”

“What?”, I asked.

“Like I don’t want you flirting with him especially if we are dating.”, he said.

I was like, “Yo wtf are you talking about, when did I ever say I was dating you, and where did you even pick this up? I just only met you on WoW and was being friendly. I never once said we was dating.”

“Oh.”, he says, as he leaves the server and blocks me immediately.

I found it hilarious, and very weird. All I was doing was helping a fellow warrior get an axe from SM, and little did I know I signed a contract of a relationship by helping them, whether I approved of it or not.

Hope y’all enjoyed the story. No ill will to the guy or anything, just I’m not that type of lady lol.


I think most people playing WoW are relatively normal. But there’s a lot of weirdos that play too and a lot of people with poor social skills. Sometimes I wonder which one I am.


Nothing wrong with sharing a story. I thought it was amusing. A lot of thirsty dudes out there rofl.


Great story!

Yeah, it’s a little scary actually, how someone can interpret help from a woman as romantic approach. Even the claim of ownership is disturbing, but not surprising.

I’m a guy (getting married next month), and know that we’ve a long way to go.



my condolences


There’s no such thing. Female WoW players are just an urban legend.


Clearly fake
Terrible Story
Guy in real life
No good troll bait

4/10; because your grammar and punctuation is good.


Internet Rule #1 All women on the internet are men.


If you have to ask.


I think that’s like, normal male female interaction. There’s a theory that women and men cannot be friends without one being interested in the other.


I spotted him, folks.


Then you’re probably uncertain?


Sure, sure, buddy.

Nah I don’t hit on girls in WoW tho. Not my style and there’s also very few of them. Plus I’m married.


What social cues? Being nice means you are in a relationship?

Sweaty basement-dwelling neckbeards gotta be sweaty basement-dwelling neckbeards.


Big oof with some of the toxicity in this thread lol.

Yes I am a female that plays wow.

I’m sorry I’m ruining your immersion of playing with big sweaty dudes all day long.

Either way it was just a story of what actually happened when I was playing Classic when it launched. Thought it was funny enough to share the story.


i stopped reading after about 5 seconds


that guy is dumb af lol, i swear now im scared if i ever offer to help someone they are gonna think im literally asking them out lol

So this one time i was playing wow back in the day on my hunter, was doing SM runs to help out this cute little warrior. She was so friendly so i hopped on her discord and there was this neckbeard also on there. She was flirting with him so i left and later found out we were not dating. blocked her and never played wow since.


That is kinky af

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