As a Woman playing Classic WoW

are you 15 years old because you sound like someone havent live

i’m 36, happily married, and have completed my higher learning education. i haven’t referenced your age. just that it’s obvious you lied about your college. your age is irrelevant to me. as anyone on the internet could be 12 or 70 and that doesn’t change how i respond to them on a moderated forum.

Life is suffering and it is because everything that is beautiful never stay beautiful unless its not alive. I have live old enough to see friend go so when i say you never get the good without the bad it true

You live you die. What you gonna do during your life is your choice to make . Its kinda like personal loot Rng. Yes rng is define your gene that you end up with. Since you are made by bot your parent.

AKA BlueAnon

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The really strange part is why a warrior would want that axe so bad when you have the WW axe sitting there.

i didn’t know about this but no its not derogatory term as if you are extremely conservator you could be considered alt right . Its balance you see .

Alt right exist as alt left exist you didn’t mao was alt left he was extremely liberal. He was hahaha ! I think its hilarous you guys ca be blind to reality? Just recently some scientiste put down some statistic about gender choice in term of domain were you wanna work and he was call a sexist.

Its funny how history repeat itself since during mao scientist were bullied and deny any power or value. You dont get more conservative than the royalty system! This thing is older than road!

Am french Canadian i really though bearny was gonna President and when got elected i was bit worried about the fact he didt know the job at all but he shake hand with north Korea so was enough for me make me happy.
Am not really worry about Biden. Am worried about who think limits don’t exist you can always go overboard and its true for everything including Being Liberal!

Its funny most of the people that i talk i talk know that its pretty much on bot side. Bot president are part of the top 0.0001 richest people on earth those people cannot imagine for 1 second what it would be to live 100k a years they’re not representing you whether you are liberal or conservative

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you can potentially get it way earlier than you can actually get it, though. probably easier to get an at level group together for the other one vs convincing a max level to carry you through getting WW. lol

This thread is a toxic dumpster fire which I hesitate to touch, but I categorically refute that statement. Political beliefs of any variety can manifest in extremely ugly ways. The Russian Revolution started off as “fighting for rights”, and somewhere along the way Cheka started black bagging people in the night, and I doubt anybody could draw a line as to where it all went wrong. The fact that you use “equality” and “equity” in the same sentence as if they are synonymous suggests to me that you have put very little thought into this.

Don’t be so ignorant or arrogant to think that you are wiser than every person in history. If fixing society was as simple as you’re making it out to be, we would have done it by now.


Be scared only if ur dealing with Moonguard ppl… :rofl:

nice, thanks for sharing

I just wanna say
I love you and i hope you have a nice day sir.

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It’s intention was related to gender, equity sets the stage for equality, as it refers to the fairness of treatment for both women and men, according to the their respective needs. If equality is the end goal, equity is the means to get there.

Do not presume something is said in ignorance when you’re unable to understand the context :roll_eyes:

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No, it doesn’t. Equity is a system of governance which makes extra legal allowances for individuals or a class of people to compensate for a perceived unjust outcome, which cannot be rectified within the confines of the law. For example, in the country I live, a particular department has an executive power to waive child support debt to a deceased estate because there are no legal recourses to otherwise ‘fix’ this scenario. That is equity. It has nothing to do with right or wrong: it is merely a tool.

It genuinely scares me that you say this, essentially “the end justifies the means” and that your ideas are the only correct ideas, without any self-awareness. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Again, mankind hasn’t been eating itself alive for millennia waiting for you to show up and fix everything. And it’s a lot easier to dismiss everybody with whom you disagree as a “bigot” or a “misogynist” than accept that there are people out there who genuinely have a different idea on the best way a society should govern itself.


Context is everything :roll_eyes:

The purpose of striving for equality is to create a level playing field. But that only works if everyone starts at the same place. Since men and women in many parts of the world are staring at different barriers to achieve the same goals, their needs are different, hence equity.

Your understanding of the word is much different for the context being used :poop:

this is a dumpster fire and the fact that you don’t even mention that people been trying to do the right things for thousands of years and somehow freaking civil war is the only real things that truly change how things work on a fundamental lv. Basically made slavery illegal yes people did civil for this which is insane when you know that race is a social construct like skin is for the sun like human come in multiple color palette and it’s a given that slavery should be illegal

million people die in china to remove the royalty system. When i look great britain i think they manage to make it nots so bad and its hard to say if china is better now than before

I know you think you have everything figured out but like millions before you who thought the same thing. The fact you ignore that fact is scary in itself

I think, things are okay and there is no reason for drastic or fundamental change hopefully will have 2021 were our biggest problem is still covid.

Am scare of this il be honest. I just wanna play wow and have simple life =).


Really dude? Do you have extended conversations with the guy on the corner yelling at the trash can too?

You tried to Starfire me as I left Light’s Hope Chapel the other day… you’re definitely a weirdo.


Il be honest fasciae and if i would not do that. I would small as i can to make sure that i dont aggro you .

Still devisaure is overrated =)

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Ha! Naw, I’m a complete softie in wPvP because I’m usually preoccupied with doing something else, plus Tank Feral specs aren’t exactly super ideal for dealing with stacked Resto Druids.

Aren’t you the little party pooper