As a Woman playing Classic WoW

the quaran? i’ve read it. and most major religious texts. i love to learn. and to become more aware of things outside of my limited world view. i am suggesting you do something to expand your knowledge, your posts show your ignorance. i don’t mean that as an insult. you are ignorant to information you don’t have access to. you remove ignorance by acquiring knowledge. hence, books.

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Again, one does not become a far left extremist if they have feminist viewpoints.

In fact, you’ve just shown an extremely ignorant generalisation in thinking feminists “fade away” from being unattractive.

If you think the quaran (or even the Bible) is going to help in your educate yourself in feminist ideologies, then you have some massive issues that are not related to genealogy.

I do agree that you need to educate yourself further in the issues that females have struggled with over the past 60 years.

Not the Bible. Not the Quaran.

Go to a female friend and all them off their everyday struggle with misogyny.

Ask any person of colour how they’re treated.

Ask an indigenous person what they’ve lost through the generations.

Listen, and understand.

These are not far left viewpoints, and educating yourself is more than just reading a book, but interacting with others, and learning their experiences.


i’m afraid of how dude is gonna respond to this. you’re obviously totally correct. but reading is about as much as can be expected. once he has information then he has to apply it. but in general someone with his world view would just attack anyone with different beliefs which is why i didn’t suggest that stuff, myself.

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dude i was studying philosophy when i was 10 years old with an university teacher because my mother married notary by the way my dad cant read yes my mother really did her best.

I also went to university for 3 years in sexuality, on guidance that sexuality was easiest subject. TY for taking my dislexia as some kind of indicator that am 12 years when am 32 and i was with a girl for 2 years and realize that yea i think am more happy by myself.

So yea i dont think i need to study simple matter that you think i need to study

Btw careful to not hit any body with a bike lock apparently bike lock and people that try to teach ethic have a way to be used for violence somehow.

plz dont attack me with bike lock i know reality is not something like to go by and you are quick to judge but you know we dont have agree on everything no need to force me into something you think you know but

this is the first response you’ve made where you weren’t just trolling entirely. but i’ll say this. studying something and understanding it are two different things. you seem to think studying “sexuality” is somehow important to what we’re talking about, but it’s not. did you take any gender studies courses? sex and gender are NOT the same thing.

edit: courses on sexuality don’t touch on the same things that courses on gender do, in the same ways.


btw why are we talking about this

because you’ve said some really weird things and people are trying to save you from yourself? if you continue on as you are, you’re cruising for a long forum ban.


Oh, completely on point :+1:
I just don’t expect him to go reading Handmaid’s Tale anytime soon :wink:

The truest words you’ve posted in this thread…

Because you’ve decided to back up your claims through evidence of education.

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this thread is full of people who think men who respect and value women are “simps” and “white knights.” but generally those “simpy” men are married or in LTR but the ones throwing stones you see posting in other threads complaining about how trying to find a mate in wow resulted in them mysteriously being blocked. :rofl:

edit: also anyone who took those classes in college would know the differences and not have posted what he just did. lots of us went to college. it’s not an abnormal thing. lol


I hope she sees this bro

(In before you claim that you have rejected the “I hope she sees this bro” internet meme since the 1970s)

(Shoot, what if you have been rejecting “Inb4” since the 1960s?)

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I didn’t know it was a meme. I’m not really sure what it means, if I’m honest with you.

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i have no clue what dude is talking about either, tbh.

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All I know is he’s big mad that I suggested some of the comments in this thread were misogynistic.

Also that I am, apparently, alt left, whatever that is.


Oh, that dude. Yeah, I dunno. I think it’s something about cats wanting cheeseburgers.

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the comments are misogynistic. if you google what misogyny means i think there’s a direct link to this thread. :rofl:

and i am as liberal as they come but “alt” left doesn’t exist the same way “alt” right does. some of my friends are “crazy person” liberal but just want the world to be fair to everyone. whereas “alt” right has stuff like qanon and legit believe obama is a lizard person that worships the devil.


Yeah, that dude is just in it for the trololls. And if his efforts are any indication, it’s little wonder he has issues with the ladies. Likely through rejection.

Nailed it :+1:

Without going to extremes, the left asks for equality, equity and rights for minorities, which include women, indigenous, people of colour, and the range of gender and sexual preferences.

Access to healthcare, abortion, education are also covered by the left.

It’s quite simply demonized by certain political figures, who stand to defend themselves through alternate facts.


there was this weird novella or whatever on amazon i found one time about this graveyard “honoring” aborted babies that eventually the babies came back for revenge. didn’t download it or read it. but the premise stuck with me as a prime example of all that i find wrong with conservatives.

ie the fetus that is able to be legally aborted is not actually a baby yet but this story obviously glosses over that fact.

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dat stupid mao was liberal he removed the king system you guys are about like 16 years and your really dont know about life.

Nothing is ever gonna perfect. Bunch of children brain wash by the eco chamber that the media created so they divided equally the viewer.

Did you know the concept of race was invented by the media since there only type of human eart.

il talk to you in 10 years

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Guys are the worst

at this point you’ve proven that you can post coherently when you want to. i’m not gonna waste my time trying to interpret what you’re trying to say. there’s other dyslexic people on here who i read closely as i know they’re doing their best and i respond to them the same as anyone else. you? you are choosing to be careless and i am choosing to ignore you.