As a Woman playing Classic WoW

You got me beat. I think I first remember using BBS’s in the late 80’s give or take.

Dude, I used punchcards.


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as a woman playing classic wow alls i have to do is ask for feet pics and people send them! incredibly based

I thought the OPs story was amusing. And it’s something that happens all the time in all games. And likewise the reverse happens. Same story but with gals being the one misinterpreting. Meh.

But with that said, this thread did remind me of a funny video. :laughing:

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the amount of creeps i’ve come into contact with on this game… smh. the worst ever though was a supposedly straight married woman who i met in a random lowbie dungeon. we were friends for a while. the way that went south. 0.o

almost all of the creeps i’ve met have been male, but the WORST was female.

i asked her what her sign was and apparently that was a big mistake. it all went downhill from there. she was a pisces/monkey. i am a taurus/rat. she went to google that… and… yeah. =\

i was afraid of monkeys for a long time after that. though my forever wife is a scorpio/monkey. so i got over it eventually. lol

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If you still are torn, look at the comment immediately above this one before it disappears.

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I mean, point taken. But also check dude’s post history. It’s pretty much all like that lol.

you just talk and it its as no weight and no value
am talking real stuff from my mother biological you see REAL STUFF later you wanted to go here we did go here.

ITS crazy that someone can just call every male in world terrorist and am here talking a true life story something that happen something real i am the one that should have said it . This is completely lost

I love them, the other day i was fishing and someone i use to camp kill me and suddendly he was my only reason to log in

He’s not unusual.

Not unusual, and unfortunately, unsurprising.
Love the Atwood quote (I’ve used it in the past), and (again unfortunately) I’m sure many here will dismiss it as propaganda with complete ignorance on the world.

Not all men are misogynists, but almost all misogynists are men.


am just be a mature person here realize there nothing to gain here and bot of u on ignore

Do it, please :yawning_face:
There’s nothing of value from your input, and I dare say, existence.

So yes, put as many people on ignore, as I’m certain your viewpoints would not be swayed by people with better judgement and understanding.

What is this?
/smh :roll_eyes: :poop:


also i cannot put on mute i dont know why

il be honest i didt have any beef with you actually you played with awkward boy i dont think its terrible i think it awkward if we were raiding and that guy cant longer on what he suppose to do.

I just ad beef with the far left feminist guy. People jump on bandwagon and since i was i guess more triggered i was looked wrong. I have a real issues with group identity and far left ideology.

I would not go and claim your existence is meaningless because that stupid i dont know what you might do or who you might influence. People are so quick to judge on the internet You just go with my spealing there can be many reason why i speal like but thinking would take to much time so it better to claim someone EXISTANCE IS MEANINGLESS.

Weak btw ur not as bad the far left cancel culture guys but ur certainly a bandwangon jumper (female)

I think you have your female NE druids mixed up…

Do we all look alike to you?

Really? Care to emphasise?
Maybe it’s just a matter of education?

So, just because I’m male, I shouldn’t care about the well being of any/all women?

You are absolutely right

i got my female night elf mix up =/ dat awkward

Far left is the opposed politically of the far right. Far left will ban speech put law o word making it illegal to say. Very control focus in a way. Someone far left ideology and confuse because they say freedom of religion but most religion are again homosexuality.

You have one or the other i consider myself a philosopher not a religous person. I was born of mother dixlexia and my dad cannot read so you the appropriated call would say my gene didt help me starting up but am lucky in some other way. Yea am telling the exact time here . But you might be right my existence could be meaningless

i dont know i hope its not.

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You already put me on ignore this morning.


Thank you, but I was more intrigued by your exact issues with left viewpoints.

Know there is a range between far left/right in that far right viewpoints are systematically opposed to minorities (immigrants, indigenous, women, and non-binary/ homosexual relationships).

As above, there is a massive range. One can respect women without being an extremist.

While you do have unfortunate circumstances in genealogy, is not an excuse for your viewpoints (and caps).

The Atwood quote is very relevant in today’s world, and would suggest using perspective and understanding for others, instead of just blaming the far left extremists.

You imaginating things i care women very much we have too they are our sister our mother or wife for some =).

You are being far left right now because you are talking like i dont respect women somehow you know me in real life and you pass judgement and that far left does often. Past judgement not liberal enough not respect of women enough

i though you were a female since bandwagon is masculine word i though i would put female on it since i though you were the op

Am sorry i feel most feminist are women who fade away because attractive women enjoy men attention. So there an impocrisy
I have nothing again women women important to keep in place and make us do the right thing. I have a sister and a mother who i talk often am good i dont think i need to be told to respect more + the person i respect the most on my server is a women so i dont know i could never i hate women because that would be like saying those human dont exist.

My point of view was toward reglion and the fact that most religiob are again homosexuality and i dont like that i dont like that they put idea inside people head that make judge people that should not be judge on there gender or sexuality.

i know MANY attractive gay women who aren’t feminists who cringe at male attention. you need to read some books or google things. you seem to live in a small/sheltered place. there is a whole big world out there that doesn’t fit into your little black or white boxes.


this is the most over use things said ever said on the internet
. Nice originality is lost these days. Educate yoursefl read the coran
Il do that ina minute lol