As a Woman playing Classic WoW

they are called “nice” guys


caps lock is cruise control for cool dont you know?


Man I dunno, I’m so torn on this thread lol.

Having worked in the bar industry I’ve definitely seen a fair share of guys awkwardly and completely misread a situation where someone is just being friendly (almost every bartender/waitress interaction ever…) but I’ve also seen guys get away with it, and seen situations where I thought the person on the receiving end was maybe misinterpreting the advance. But that’s all kinda digressing…

I get that it probably was a weird exchange but the guy in the OP’s story is clearly not good at social interactions (which isn’t a huge surprised in an MMO) so it feels kinda like bullying to post it here for everyone to laugh at him, even if he isn’t named outright.


LOL man are people sensitive now days, thas some funny sheet.

I’m not talking about OP’s story, I’m talking about many, not all, of the responses to it. There are tons of responses just loaded with misogyny. It’s palpable. And, entirely not unexpected on a gaming forum.

I’m not attacking anyone for their responses, nor am I defending any poor behavior by women. However, you know what happens when you stop having inappropriate responses to women as a man? You start getting laid WAY more. Like, way, way more. There are a ton of other benefits, but that’s the main one.


There are no girls on the internet.

I hope she see this bro

What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


That people are even liking your post… l o l

i will chose to not see this as a joke and see you as an ALT liberal ready to trow any one in jail for saying the wrong world or something to do with stealing culture as if you can steal culture as if people were entitle to there culture if people immitate your culture is not stealing its appreciation.

like can go back in middle plz

ma men yep druid think alike somehow

This belief was stupid and wrong the first time I used what was to become the internet back in the 80s.


Me I was nothing

But today

I am the keeper

Of her nights’ sleep

I love her to death

You can destroy

Anything you’d like

She will only need to open

Her arms

To rebuild everything

To rebuild everything

I love her to death

She erased the numbers

From the area’s clocks

She transformed my life into

Paper hens

Bursts of laughter

She built bridges

Between us and the sky

And we cross them

Everytime she

Doesn’t want to sleep

Doesn’t want to sleep

I love her to death

She must have been part of every war

To be so strong today

She must have been part of every war

Life’s and love’s also

She lives as well as she can

Her opalin dream

She dances in the middle

Of the forests she draws

I love her to death

She wears ribbons

That she let’s fly away

She often sings to me

That I am wrong to try

To hold them back

To hold them back

I love her to death

To come up to her cave

Hidden beneath the roofs

I have to nail notes

To my wooden clogs

I love her to death

I must only sit

I must not talk

I must not want anything

I must only try

To belong to her

To belong to her

I love her to death

Just so know only a women can make men cry

“Listen to me white knight!!!” Boeuff

You did not use ARPANET, you dont have to lie to make yourself look cool. We are all nerds here.

I’m old enough to be your grampa.

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" Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."

Margaret Atwood


Your age is irrelevant. You did not use ARPANET. How about MILNET what branch were you in old man?

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Plenty of people who gamed back then. Plenty of normal people. Not everyone was a basement dwelling nerd. That being said, to spend that much time on a game, there had to have been a screw loose somewhere. Even if it was a very minor one.

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I sent my first email in 1982 on CSNET. :wink:

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