As a Woman playing Classic WoW

Il be honest i dont understand when someone act like there can be something special between 2 people 10k yard away from each other when there people from different gender all around you.

If you play wow and you think you can use it like tinder you are a loser. Your playing warrior in cloth gear your chance of success is so small.

There is value in mixing sex while you raid any way it prevent raid from acting like savage somehow and women are actually more generous then men in general.


Thanks for the share! I actually enjoyed the story unlike most of this thread lol.

Lots of thirsty people out there and it’s so crazy how people can miss read social ques so easily lmao

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Imagine trying to read “hints” from a woman on a 2004, 15 year old MMORPG written in C/C++, developed by Blizzard Entertainment©, whos best known for their hit games like Diablo™, Warcraft™ and Starcraft™.

Considering in modern times holding a door at a store for a girl you dont even know can be interpreted as a flirt or romantic interest, it goes both ways.


That behavior is really not surprising tbh, its not a healthy behavior but unfortunately a lot of mens acts that way, in fact…people should know about these behaviors and expect them until proven otherwise (not all mens are like that ofc but I saw that a lot).

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cool blog bro


There’s a whole lotta misogyny up in this here thread.

Be better, my dudes.


I think I’m more wondering:

How did it come up you were a girl? I literally never ask any questions when meeting people or have convos that lead to knowing anything about them.

If we get in discord and verbally speak obviously it’s over. But, in all seriousness, you people finding or looking for love on wow are nerds.

The thought of flying around the country to meet a love interest from a video game sounds awful. L2Tinder.

I don’t get the point of posting this story, that said…

I think that the guy was way too clingy for sure. There is a social expectation some males absorb that they need to be pushing their way into relationships or else they will get friendzoned.

In reality that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Treat a girl like your best friend, but let her know you’re interested with subtle genuine compliments to keep your attraction known.

Having a hobby in common is great, while long distance creates some problems, finding someone who likes the same things as you is one aspect of a great relationship and I would argue finding a partner on WoW is better than a dating site if you have the right mentality. Let it happen don’t force it. And don’t have expectations in terms of how she should act, etc.

Felt like reading exactly what I go through on wow. When I was younger in my 20s it was WAY worse. 15 years later its not as common but still happens. Just had an issue not too long ago with a guy in my guild who thought cause I would occassionally run keys with him that he would start “ignoring” me cause I wouldnt respond to his dirty talking… Like seriously?


I get asked my age/interests/if I’m a girl IrL weekly.

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Allow me to explain how the world works.

In the world of dating, some men are pathetic, controlling and dim witted monkey brains. You can’t fault them for their biology but they sure as sh!t deserve to be mocked for their utter lack of self control and sub-primate levels of emotional intelligence.

On the other hand some women over or under react to this behavior. If you meet a guy and he flirts with you and you make it clear you aren’t interested and he keeps going then there is a problem. And the degree to which this works is variable. A true degenerate dude will never listen because his ego makes him unable to handle the rejection. That said, you can’t get upset about harmless flirting. The idea that a social mmorpg should shield you from authentic human interactions (good and bad) is unrealistic, controlling and avoidant of human nature.

But yes there are an ever increasing number of cringe man children out there. Why are women so emotionally mature while men are stunted and socially clueless these days?

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You just gonna ignore the fact that both men and women act this way?

Youre a dude at work and this female co worker flirts with you everyday unprovoked, unreciprocated yet dudes are the only ones you guys wanna talk about.

Dudes wont falsely report you to HR over it.


I already told you that I have no problem with flirting. And I’m willing to bet that guys are a lot less likely to dislike the attention they get. Even though I agree it’s a double standard. A creepy guy hitting on a girl is actually a safety threat. I know for a fact that most psychopaths are men.

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ur about to go full gamer gate here ? Let put every body in the same bag since it make u feel like ur better.

There are only doods in here…

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Hmm, you’re gonna need to point out the testosterone threshold testing plugins on PCs that bros have to use to show their male in order to play WoW

So, you recognized yourself in my statement.

wait wait wait? u hit them in joke bro . Am sorry most guy who play wow are virgin who get aroused by most smallest. Plz realize were you are.

When ur with 10 years old you act in some kind of way and when you are with neckbeard u need to act in some kind of way too ! I dont care you kinda sound like you win a trhopy or something. the guy might have never in a relationship of is life.

Keep your story for yourself

you are worth an ignore to be honest i said the value of mixing gender in raid is good for order since men tend to act in a way that coud be consider rude and unappropriated when they by themselves and women are more generous .

I FEEL LIKE YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WANNA POINT FINGER AND READY TO PUT EVERY BODY IN JAIL AND CANCEL THEM. Dude is with the ignore il never talk to you again you are waste of time and a troll maybe but ALT LEFT DO EXIST AS THE ALT RIGHT DOES BY THE WAY

While typing in all caps can be irritating, I don’t feel it’s deserving of prison time.
