As a Woman playing Classic WoW

Yes, I was quite scared for OP. Glad she was able to pull through this scary circumstance of * checks notes * not being romantically interested in a member of the opposite sex.

I wish you the absolute best fam, but I have concerns.


I once main healed for a chick who mained a prot warrior. We got along great and were pretty tight. Then one day I healed a pug group and she got all pissed off and said I cheated on her.

At first I thought it was a joke but she was dead serious - genuinely angry. I got myself out of that situation ASAP.

Then I saw RL pictures of her and felt like I mighta been too hasty because she was a solid 7.


What a weird guy. Strange how men seem to be taking offense from your story in the thread. Maybe they see themselves in him?


Ok, let’s break it down.

Women playing video games (yet alone everyday life), should not need to be concerned at all about people “misreading” signs. Yet this happens with extreme regularity.

When it comes to her natural interaction with established friends, where she deserves to be comfortable, this guy claims ownership and control through the simple line:

I don’t want you flirting with him especially if we are dating.

Now, onto scary:

The situation itself is quite safe, though would be tiresome for the OP. If it was a real life situation, it could have a chance to escalate.

Though if you’d comprehended my post, you’d find that I was speaking of “how someone can interpret help from a woman as romantic approach”, which can be extraordinarily disturbing, depending on the situation.

We’re done :roll_eyes:


Let’s not.


Amusing story, thanks for sharing… so you’re single? Hi :wink:


Stop the simp bud its cringe.


I have learned it’s best to just be polite, but not overly nice. Heck, even a simple smile of friendliness can be misinterpreted.

I have always been the type of person who smiles when she walks by someone, stranger or not, male or female. I grew up in a small town and people were just like that, friendly. People say “Hey, how are you doing?”, they smile and talk to each other almost as if they are friends even if they haven’t ever saw that person before. It’s one of the things I love about living here and it has been a great place to raise my son for those reasons.

But, I have learned over the years that that politeness can be wildly misinterpreted by men. I’m not bashing men by the way at all, just saying this is what I have found. I have learned to just be different around men so they don’t misinterpret.

This is a funny story that some might get a kick out of. About 5 years ago my son and I were eating at a restaurant. As I said, I have always been friendly and smile at people. Not every woman is flirting when they smile. Some are just being friendly. Anyways, this man walks by, I smile as I do to literally everyone. He walked by a few more times and at that point I start wondering, hmm, what’s he doing?

Next thing I know he just sits down with me and my son. I was so dumbfounded that I sat there not knowing what to say or do for a few minutes. My son was in kindergarten at the time and I had helped him memorize our address and telephone number before starting school like they recommended. This man asks me out and for my number. I wasn’t going to give it to him, but my 5 year old son immediately blurts out our phone number. :expressionless:

We went to a friends house and this man was calling me every hour. It was a bit creepy. I of course had a talk with my son to not give out our phone number and address to random strangers. Looking back it was funny this person asking for my number and my 5 year old giving it to him. He hasn’t done that anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

Another time I was at the gas station and this man had a german shepard. My absolute favorite dog. All I did was say I loved his dog. He was at the pump beside me. He started talking, but we really only talked a minute or two about german shepards. He goes to pay for gas, came back out and asked me if I was single. I told him I was, but by choice. He gets in his truck and takes off quick. The way he did it made me feel like I had done something wrong and I felt pretty bad afterwards.

I have had things like this happen lots over the years and the thing is, sometimes all, a person is just being friendly. Not every smile or word is an invitation for a relationship or the interest in one. There is a difference between flirting and being friendly. It has got to the point that now if a man starts making conversation with me, I go in the opposite direction :stuck_out_tongue:

I am single, by choice, and couldn’t be happier.


I’m not even gonna TLDR this one. There are abysses of cringe that even I won’t gaze into.


It’s quite scary how some people have zero experience with the opposite sex


I’m just bustin’ chops.

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lol, wwooooooooowwww! I knew a few women back in vanilla that played male characters specifically for this kind of thing.
There’s a lot of losers out there.


i can see both sides of this.

Ive seen dudes hit on chicks on linkedin. Honestly, not sure which one is thirstier, dudes on wow like in OPs story or the linkedin ones.
Wait… are they the same guy(s)!!! #mindblown

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you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take…


Did not enjoy…


Yeah I know :slightly_smiling_face:


Neat story, I guess?

Heavy /s.

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There’s a bunch of miffed doods in here.


She doesn’t care but wrote a post about it… :man_shrugging: