As a Woman playing Classic WoW

If I could, this comment would get all my daily likes.

I dunno, this thread seems a little strange. Yea the OP didn’t do anything wrong and the interaction was maybe weird. But it seems excessive to post the whole exchange here so everyone could have a good laugh at the poor awkward guys expense. What if the guy was actually a child, or someone with a disability that interferes with their ability to read social cues, particularly over the internet. We’re also working off like 3 lines before he stopped responding so maybe there was a language barrier and some connotation was lost by one party ort the other.

Had it happened to me personally, I’d have just been so embarrassed for the person I’d have pretended it never happened but maybe that’s just me. It just doesn’t seem worth making a post so hundreds of people can laugh at one person’s awkwardness. I don’t think that would be acceptable in most other contexts.

  1. He was not a kid. He was a grown man.
  2. Social queues or not, you don’t “own” someone.
  3. If he has that hard of a time interacting with people, he probably shouldn’t be on WoW consider he can cause possible harm to himself or others.
  4. He was American, like me.
  5. Why are you defending the offender? Are you seriously victim blaming?

I have not once named him, or named the server I was on, and I even cut some details so it’s not even possible that he would even read this, or even if he did, he wouldn’t know it was me, or even know that I’m talking about him.

Seems very odd of you to take the side of the offender like this tho.

Also trolls tried to mass flag this post, Staff member re-enabled my original post.

You guys are getting pretty toxic. You should prob reevaluate your decisions if you are going to attack me for being harassed in-game, and for me to share the story without name dropping or wishing harm to this individual.

As stated, it was just for the story, not to witch hunt or hurt this guy so idk what gives with some of y’all taking this as offense or defending him.

A little weird if you ask me.


Oh pppplease… What harm is he gonna cause to “himself or others” by ignoring you in a video game? You don’t think you’re being just a little dramatic now?

What are you a victim of exactly? He exchanged two sentences with you then left your life forever. I suspect you’ll recover…


Wow, this thread reminds me of southshore during phase 2.

I had this problem too. Guys assuming your dating them ingame if you
A) Spend too much time with them
B) flirt in a joking manner
C) RP in anyway
D) If you exist and look in thier direction.

I just want to be friends, but everytime the above happens it becomes such a pain to tell them! My dogs listen better than guys!


yea i have some extreme views but it makes sense

My TLDR with double the likes of the OP seems to have disappeared. Odd, that…

I feel like there’s some weird reverse horse-shoe principle where if you try to be even remotely moderate you end up ultimately disagreeing with everyone because inevitably they’re going to take a position too crazy for you to defend… no matter how far to either pole you mostly align with.


So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Revelations 3:16

Sometimes you have to do more than fence sit.

I dunno if fence sitting is defending the rational position against people going entirely overboard with their ideologies on both ends of the spectrum. I’m politically moderate. But intellectually consistent.


In certain certain cases, it certainly is.

“Men and women cannot be friends; they can only be attracted to one another.” Truly male-centric, archaic, narcissistic, misogynistic, and entirely incorrect. It is extreme but it doesn’t make sense as you claim. Maybe you should try not being socially inept.


Uuuh I don’t see the connection of it being all the liberal buzzwords that you’ve just used.

Male-centric - What does that logic have to do with male/female attraction

Archaic - Perhaps we are more animalistic than we realize

Narcissistic - Not sure narcissism has anything to do with truth

Misogynistic - Such a nasty word, even sounding it out sounds terrible, has nothing to do with “hatred of women” even though I have met some mysogyn… people

I just feel like you are an expert at division and insults.


As a bisexual, I cannot have friends. It’s just the rules


Between this and the Staysafe thread, forum CMs have weird priorities at the moment. Was certain this thread would be long deleted by now.

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Like I said, at 300 posts they’re definitely 1000% aware of it if Staysafe himself is. Make a post about a GM action or something and I guarantee you itll get modded in minutes.

So they’re aware, but theyve chosen to leave it up. And knowing that people very high up at Blizzard do read these forums I can only hope its filtered to someone important by now. I would hope we wont see very many “Official interviews” with Staysafe in the future. :grin:


Agreed. Also: social cues don’t really work in the online world… there isn’t enough data. Unless someone tells you they like you, you’re probably projecting.

I agree. Even if you were dating this would be a bad mentality.

Still. I don’t get why you need to make a post about this. Explain to him his mistake so he can learn, otherwise move on. Giggle about it with your friends but this seems like someone who just wants attention posting about a story that is pretty predictable.


I’m a dude who plays female toons and the other day someone walked up to me and started hitting on me while I was fishing in stormwind. It was incredibly awkward. I was just minding my own business when this gnome walks up like “Well aren’t you adorable!” I was like “Uhhhhhh thanks?”