As a Woman playing Classic WoW

I let 'em get really into it then let them know I’m an old dude by adding detail to their fantasy.

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They’re actually going through deleting posts that are less than 100% supportive of OP.

“Oh yea blow in my ear. Run your hands through my silver hair. Tickle my overgrown nose hairs.”


Because the guy was a presumptuous <you know what body part>?

I’m baffled by all the folks who think the OP is the one who did anything wrong.


They’re both wrong.

He shouldn’t have claimed her as his. And she shouldn’t have made an immature post to mock him.

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I do that, too. When people are inexcusably rude I call them on it.

The solution? Don’t be rude.


Seems a little dramatic.

He obviously missed the mark but from her post their entire exchange was

And dude bowed out and never followed up or contacted them again. Obviously cringe but doesn’t even approach “dangerous” or “being an a-hole” or "assault’ or any of the just crazy things being alleged here.

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OP never said it did.

This is one of those times where it’s fence sitting.

She literally called herself a victim and said he “could cause harm to himself and others” based off the above cringey, but faaaaar from dangerous exchange…


Either way, still not a good look.

Oh obviously. But neither is making a thread about it or the subsequent histrionics

Tell that to my wife… ohhh yeah - Dad jokes! snicker

All the dude said according to the op was “Oh” and left. That’s immature but not rude by any means. Claiming her was weird but not dangerous.

Also we’re only getting her side. This thread just exists to make fun of someone.

Wow. Well I usually stay the hell away from making any political statement because they’re so incendiary most time. But this I just had to reply to.

You state that as an “absolute truth” which also implies that the “right” does not want any of that. That in itself is an extreme. You obviously are one of those “woke” people who congratulate themselves on how “woke” they are and how “inclusive” and open minded the left is.

And yet they always, without fail, leave out the one thing the left will absolutely not tolerate under any circumstances in all their preaching about diversity. And that is Diversity of Thought. That is absolutely verboten.

Most rational people can see, and accept, viewpoints from both sides. Where the problems arise is when people take it to extremes and start believing that only one side can be correct about anything. And they then dismiss, and try to cancel, anything & everything that the other side has to say and assume it’s automatically wrong based on who said it. It’s beyond their comprehension that it’s ok to concede that it’s not the “side” that’s right or wrong, but rather the idea itself regardless of who said it.

There’s right and wrong on both sides and taking anything to extremes is wrong. The left is not automatically in the right on everything simply by virtue of using all the nice buzzwords. It’s the results that count. The hive mind would have us believe otherwise though and just look at where we are now as a society.


I want to “like” the first half of your post but not the other!

But in all seriousness, and the interests of putting this to bed, you’re entitled to your opinions on both topics. I concede that you have considered your perspective and are well intentioned, even though I take epistemological issue with several of your assumptions. That’s the thing about discussions such as this - there is no objective right or wrong.

As in the first line of the quote, I was not specifying extremes, which as you delecately stated aren’t binary.

Of course leanings from the left and right can be invested in degrees to the other…

Left, does stand for those things, but is not to say people are excluded from those ideals if they represent as right.

It’s not strictly binary.

But of course, there are misogynistic bigots who are also in this conversation.

Funny enough, while Horace did think I was the OP, is correctly suggesting that left and right is not binary.

id say it was more than cringe but statistically it was probably just some socially stunted but harmless person but there’s always that super small chance the guy was one of those our eyes met for a second and i knew she was mine kind of guys then proceeds to stalk said person for months before brutally killing them for “betraying their love”

Yeah, I had like four hours of sleep that night and baby woke me up at 4.30am. I was groggily responding and didn’t even realise my mistake.

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All good :hugs:
Grats on the bub, it’s a rough time though.

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This thread reminds me of the old “Off-Topic” sub-forum on the old-style WoW forums back in original retail vanilla, where almost every thread was about relationship advice lol (which is why it got removed, incidentally lol).