Also ngl when OP said trans racial I thought they meant like an Orc who identified as an Elf lol.
Well one is borrowed power going away in 2.3 years.
They clarified later they meant a transgendered racial leader
We already got faction leaders and none of them is trans. Making them trans would attract a lot of hate, and killing them and replacing with a trans person would attract even more hate. Let the faction leaders be.
No one is asking anyone to force a faction leader to be trans.
Allied Races? Did they say they weren’t going to make any new ones?
Sidebar: That could actually be an interesting RP aspect. Well, not so much “identifying as”, but like if you have 3 cats and you get a puppy sometimes the puppy ends up acting like he is a cat. (Not that I am calling races animals). I just mean what if say, a dwarf found a baby tauren after it’s parents were killed and raised it… etc etc.
No, just none at launch. That is all they have said.
I understand what you mean, but I think this particular way would open the flood gates of responses for virtue signaling.
Its not like two male characters asking each other for their number, implying they are gay for example.
It’d be like the movie Elf but a lot more milk and hair.
No, we have faction leaders and none of them are confirmed one way or the other. Though I’m pretty sure the implication isn’t “hey so jaina is trans now”.
what is the difference? The significance of the character? A trans faction leader has even less effect on the player than trans borrowed power.
I think no matter what they’d get responses for virtue signaling if they did something like this. Looking back at any positive thing blizzard has done, the community has called them out for virtue signaling. It’s a catch-22. Might as well just do something good for humanity.
/hangs head in shame
That is a way better example than my cats and dogs one…
Leaders are not disappearing anytime soon. Any npc in SL is gone in under 3 years.
Next Step: Go to the barber to become a Goblin today!
Puts up posters all over Orgrimmar
Its because of lazy writing. Just focus on a good story and I am sure people won’t mind about LGBT chars.
I think you have greater faith in the WoW community than I do, but I hope that you are right.
Except permanence doesn’t really affect the initial stink that transphobes throw.
I just want a story that makes me care about the characters and involves me. I don’t mind if they are LGBT. I just couldn’t care about Shaw and flynn because I found them lazily written.
I agreed there. I have never found WoW to be that well-written honestly, but it would be nice if they started at some point.