As a transgender player


10 cents

Yes and I responded with more questions because I still don’t understand where your head is at. Dialogue should continue until we reach understanding right?

So no one really has any issues with the fact Pelagos only was made comfortable in their own skin when they died? Like we live in a world of magic and shapeshifters and this is how they introduce a character like this? I honestly thought it would get more outrage considering the weird message it sends.

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Feeling anxious or depressed isn’t the same as having anxiety and depression.

No because trans people when they transition consider their past selves dead in a lot of cases. It’s symbolic.

Well, they had to shoehorn it in somehow.

Uh, Pelagos didn’t symbolically die. He literally died.

It’s a video game, he didn’t literally do anything. It’s called literary symbolism.

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Exactly. 100% of people have felt anxious and depressed at some point, but a tiny fraction (comparatively) actually suffer from it as a disorder.


And if you were super anxious, if one were able to go thru life without that affecting your decision making, career, education, relationships, etc, it would never evolve into a disorder, technically.

Not saying you’re wrong.

I had more to say here but I deleted it as I don’t want to share personal experience.

Yeah it is because of posts like this that we lgbt get a bad rep


Still seems like a terrible message to send to people with high depression rates when you could’ve given them a character who used the magic in the living world to achieve the same thing while still breathing.

There is probably room for criticism around this but I really don’t think this is an example of “burying your X”

Ah, alright

“Hey thanks for putting a trans character in I’m trans”???

Actually, I think the whackiest part was that there was some implication that going by they/them pronouns somehow doesn’t mean that someone can be a trans man. There are absolutely trans men who go by they/them. But I mean… One step at a time I guess.

I don’t entirely disagree, but I guess at this point people maybe happy enough with any representation.

I definitely joked about burying your gays with the night warrior thing lol

Sorry but the idea o trans faction leaders is just going to attract more hate towards us.

What’s the difference between a trans faction or racial leader and a trans supporting character you make a soul bind with