As a transgender player

Keep telling yourself that, at least one person will believe it.

I will let you in on a little secret though. They have no issue deleting multiple threads… even ones complaining that “insert topic” was deleted.

They do have problem deleting threads, this is reason why political threads are still up over month now, too many trolls will cry Blizzard deleted BLM thread !

Its basic common sense not to spam your life on forums but sadly we are in decade where people doesn’t have common sense no more.

That thread was made by a troll, though, who then made racist jokes.


Did you change your name or do you have 2 Pallies?

I faction changed over to WrA horde and couldn’t keep the name. :frowning:

(I also have more than 2 pallies because I have a serious problem.)

Ahhhh gotcha. :slight_smile:

13 people liked that post, 13 sick minded bestiality lovers.

Just a friendly reminder to any transphobes: trans rights are human rights :heartpulse:


But you do not have the right to ask anyone else do not get representation in the game

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no you fall for the lies of a man proven to have over 20,000 lies in 4 years

And you MAGA also always fail to imagine that people don’t like Biden either. Its like you are unable to comprehend anything but one concept.

Also, so you know MAGA boy, when MAGA is gone, you are gonna be just a laughing point of American history, and denied by every single politician in every spectrum, and the shame of our history. Well deserved.


Laugh it up sheep. It’s easy to mock those you think are fools but it’s not so funny when those fools faceroll you in an election like we did back in 2016.

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I am waiting to watch them floundering in an attempt to rejoin civilized society after they have shown everyone what they truly are.


The election results can’t come fast enough

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don’t you mess with my girl

She’d still be your girl doe

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psychologist --------> that way

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We should raise more awareness about the extremely high suicide rate of post op people rather than argue about wow stuff.

The average post op trans person is 20x more likely to commit suicide and its not ok

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Because of… Transphobia.


What is hilarious, is while everyone else is free thinking, and actually listening to intelligent people like scientists, you are the one that is a sheep, listening to the man quite literally leading you to your deaths lol. Red hats are the sheeps


It’s not me believing what the media tells you.

You go listen to those who call themselves scientists. We will be busy dealing with those actually trying to destroy us.

Scientists say whatever you pay them to say.
-Lead in paint? Safe.
-Cigarettes? Healthy.
-Pork is bad for you.
-Pork is good for you.
-Beef is bad. -Beef is good.
-Global cooling. -Global warming.
-There are more than 2 sexes.
-Gender is a feeling.

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