As a transgender player

Ok, what did I miss. Is there a Trans NPC in the game now? Or maybe a homosexual NPC?

I don’t know, I’ve only been back a week and have missed a lot.

Pelagos, a shadowlands npc, is trans

Ok, groovy.


One of the worst npcs in the game mind you

Nathanos is cis

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Man this post really took off huh

Pelagos is nath in death

Calling it

I spent years having to watch hamfisted heterosexual romcoms that pandered to straight, lonely adults who couldn’t keep a relationship down.

I think you’ll live.


What’s embarrassing is you believing the numbers the media is saying. You have learned nothing from 2016, and prepare to be disappointed this year.

who cares? Sometimes I feel like people has nothing else to do so they just use game forums instead of twitter.

Lots of people care! I don’t understand this weird sort of lack-of-virtue-signaling.

“Look at me! I don’t care about the post! LOOK AT ME!”

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Lots of people cares yes but this has nothing to do with game, I am not coming out and saying Thanks Blizz for giving customization of eye color that I have now I can wear in game. People comes to play in game no one cares who you are and what you do in real life on this forums.

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It’s literally responding to a character in the game

Lots of people have, though!

So you are telling me when I kill someone in game or spit on them I will do in real life too? dude are you serious? you hearing yourself?

What the hell are you talking about?

So saying thanks for them adding a character in the game isn’t related to the game? What kind of weirdo logic do you use.

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lol there is feedback on Blizzard .net no reason to post it here so people can get into arguments in comment section, transgenders are no less than anyone there is no reason for anyone to keep spamming LGBT on forums.

There was other guy asking for transgender animals in game and I dont think that is healthy. No one wants to hear your orientation on game forums which is made for game related topics.

That thread spiraled pretty quickly…to be fair it was really just about pizza…

How about you let Blizzard moderate their own forums. I assure you they don’t need your help. They have deemed it an appropriate topic, it’s not up to you to attempt to dictate otherwise.

Only reason this topic isnt deleted is because 100x more threads will be made with name " Blizzard deleted LGBT thread" , just like it was with BLM threads.

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