As a transgender player

Lol, “knickers”.


They aren’t even getting equal representation. They just want it. Because, you know, they’re people. That’s a pretty normal thing for people to want.


LGBTQ visibility is important.


You mean “facts” twisted and manipulated to suit and justify your irrational hate of one man.

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…I am sure those hundreds of thousands of people died just for hate of him. You know, they just died for no reason besides spite. You MAGAs sure don’t like logical thinking

I hope you are all doing well today out there in this crazy world.

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Its just pandering to a small but vocal audience. I get so sick of hearing about representation. Nothing against the LGBTQ community but now you can’t watch a tv show or play a game without seeing it. It never comes off as being natural and usually is just a complete derail from the main story. Its just there to make a point.

I am glad they allow gay marriage heck I even voted for it back when GW Bush was in office. But it feels like now you can’t look anywhere without having it shoved into your face. Its getting really old real fast.

There is plenty of Representation out there and the more people give the more they want. How many years has there been an entire genre of movies/books dedicated specifically to the LGBTQ community? You never saw anybody asking for heterosexual representation for those?

I mean it feels like a person thinks because they are gay they are now special and deserve more than anybody else. Ugg…

Also interesting how every thread that gets flagged involving the transgender chances get unflagged but you don’t dare mention the racist author who spewed tons of racist comments whom works for Blizzard.


Probably because that is the default for media as a whole. :roll_eyes:

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Who’s gonna tell them that pretty much everything is pandering to some audience

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I’m all for everyone existing as they are and no one needing representation

no one should need including when we’re all already here

I think representation and inclusion is handled all wrong though, by both the minority themself and by entities and individuals such as; companies, studios, authors, etc. and I don’t have a better suggestion on how to make it all more seamless and respectable and natural.

if the goal is normalize and naturalize all backgrounds, to the end that nothing is seen as abnormal, and everything simply is, equally and therefore harmoniously, with differences not being/meaning different, then how come most if not all lgbtq+ (and other backgrounds) are so singular and defining?

what I mean by singular is, most if not all lgbtq+ characters, stories, themes, etc, in all media and mediums, are always about lgbtq+ instead of just having a character who happens to be lgbtq+ or of a different background. I rarely if ever see someone or something that isn’t full lgbtq+, it’s like, all they are. no one is so singular in theme and presence and identity. yet the way lgbtq+ is portrayed, by both the lgbtq+ person themself and by entities; companies, studios, etc, is always very ‘one-note’, themey, and as if lgbtq+ is all that lgbtq+ people are.

The desire to normalize anything means it has to/is going to be in the forefront, you can’t really fight for something without mentioning it, lol, but if the goal is to awaken others to the fact that we’re all different and different is normal and natural, then show that you’re a complete person with not always your lgbtq+ on the brain and not defined by it.

I think showing people as people first, and their traits secondary, which all secondary traits form together to make whole person, would be best, so that everyone sees that people of all backgrounds are people first and traits second.

constantly showing only the lgbtq+ part of a person as their defining feature isn’t helping to let the world see them as whole people and therefore they/we are always categorized and come with a theme or statement or aesthetic instead of simply existing.

having parts of what we are, such as lgbtq+, straight, religion, profession, race, etc, contribute to who we are. focusing on on one part only seems dangerous and incompletes the person.

and the attempt to have the planet realize all backgrounds are normal and natural, and that differences doesn’t mean different, and that we’re all already here, together, on a ball in space that is capable of creating all kinds of everything with or without our involvement, means show the entire person, not just a trait.

It’s only pandering when it concerns the minority. Duh.


No, who cares is the right reaction, that’s how we all should think.
Them: I’m Trans
Me: who care’s?.

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You wrote all this when none of the LGBT representation in WoW falls under your definition.

I applaud you for taking the time to read it lol.

No sir I don’t believe that because I contradicts the teaching of Islam. I have a right to believe in my faith as much as you have the right to believe in the concept of changing gender

Us MAGAs don’t fall for the lies of the media which may I remind you they did to us and kept doing to us and still doing to us as we speak!

I’m sure your pretty boy Biden who can’t even fill a school gymnasium will win against someone who’s filling entire sports stadiums.

That is pretty hilarious and true. lol

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I fully did not read the whole thing lol

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They can’t use the “We’re practicing social distancing” excuse. Because half of those attendees are Trump supporters trolling Biden.

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People pretending like more people watched the Trump town hall when it was literally the opposite… Embarrassing…