As a transgender player

Or Philosophy.

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what the heck is a trans racial?

Transgender and racial

Transgender racial leaders like Tyrande and Rokhan

I was a butt fedora.

so am i not allowed to be proud to be a chef or a teacher

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Trying to figure out how appreciating a trans character being added to a video game isn’t peaceful

Apparently I have to stop being proud of being a mom. :frowning:

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Postmodernism is the most annoying lens to do a paper on to the point where reading the word makes a red haze descend over my vision

i think they mean a racial leader who is transgender, not transracial. I think OP made a mistake that can confuse people

apparently so isnt being a decent person… no reason to be a douche.

I finished college 25 years ago… there are things I don’t miss.

thats what threw me off

I had to take an entire college course on the effects of postmodernism on music.

same it threw me off a little too. english is confusing sometimes HAHAHA

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Apologies, you aren’t the first to ask and the others were being smartasses. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.

I did one postmodernist paper in my adolescent lit class and I can’t tell you a single thing about it besides the book I did it on. I struck it from my memory

I’d cry

I don’t blame you.

But the forum post is talking about that, no one here is advocating for us to go out and the streets and beat people into accepting trans people, just that we appreciate a shill cooperation actually adding it.

spending time fighting means you aren’t spending time loving… now, I’ve bamboo to eat, pls.