As a transgender player

Is that organic bamboo?

Anywho, who’s gonna tell that homie that “postmodernist” and “religion” are basically mutually exclusive

transcendental organic bamboo from imaginland

the place where everyone hugs and loves, and nobody growls or runs…

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Not it! You do it.

Whether or not it was a direct relation is…kind of irrelevant. Why would you willingly rain on someone’s parade? If someone wants to believe something, and it harms no one else. Let them be happy.

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Not even my tummy?

Misery loves company?

Uh i uhhh…
Found a show to try!

Lol, what is it. Think fast!

It’ll be full of love =)

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Soooo, tacos?

I love tacos.

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The K2! Hoping for the best :crossed_fingers:

I wish you many smart men!

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Seems to be “bodyguard hired to protect a politician’s family/daughter” kinda situation… I am looking :eyes:

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Oh that could go well…

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the safe word is “touch me here”

Well technically the next step is a minor trans character existing only in materials outside of the game, followed by a random NPC you have to really search for to even notice who only alludes to being trans (but it’s open to interpretation and it’s played off as a joke), then getting a profession quest giver only a fraction of the playerbase even has access to, and so on until you eventually get an actual lore relevant character with voiced lines.

But the scenic route isn’t for everyone. I understand if you’d rather fast track it.

I need an adult.

Hello? Police?

Well it did get fast tracked.

So she is ahead of the game! :wink: