As a raid leader for a Mythic guild, 8.2.5 terrifies me

I keep my Sub to ESO specifically for this reason, and when I come back between WoW breaks, I have tons of crowns!


If you haven’t brute force geared your way thru mythic yet you arent good enough. Just wait till it’s nerfed. They are hardly going to progress the game waiting for you to eventually out gear something that much you manage it

It’s almost like the complaints are that the barriers of entry make getting other characters ready for raiding extremely boring and that there isn’t any incentive beyond getting CE for your main character in TEP itself.

Which is why people have a problem with it now, and not last tier when it was far easier to get alts mythic ready and BoD as a whole (beyond being more engaging) had incentives to farm it.

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I still feel the only problem is Essences not being account wide.

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I mean, that’s certainly no small part of the problem.

Yeah, it’s actually a massive part of the problem…

I just want to feel good when playing my alt, not having the “you gotta do another month of nazjatar and mechagon dailies before this feels okay-ish”

It is a big part of this problem.

I love this game, really. For 15 years I have played and had fun, I loved my main, loved my alts and everything in between.

I no longer feel this way, I am bored, Bored of the same thing, bored of doing the same reps for the same item for different alts…the same ones I used to have fun with…Now I don’t want to even look at.

I like grinding, I like collecting mounts etc…

but now, the same thing over and over again on multiple toons has killed it all for me. I don’t want to see the same ole anymore. I just don’t see the point logging in anymore. Not for raiding or anything, I just cant do it anymore.

I thought this bee mount would bring a reason to come back, but no…more pointless grinding to no end…you’d get a mount eventually and then what?..nothing

It’s a shame

I feel for the guilds and people who have given it their all, There’s really nothing they can do to keep us here. the same thing over and over has killed it for me.


I don’t want to think retail is irredeemable, I’m sure they still have some amazing talent working on the game.

One thing I’m 100% convinced of though > Ion needs to go. It’s clear he is way out of touch with what the community want, or, he’s being told to implement these things by the upper echelon in which case the game is truly lost.


No one person can really be blamed for this, Blizzard still works together as a collective entity, there would have been people supporting things and hating on things. In the end though, they had to try and find a place they were happy.

Now it kinda feels like a slippery slide downwards…

How to fix things?

moment I see the title mythic raid leader you get auto downvoted. raiding is garbage

Since there’s no down vote, you mean you abused the reporting system. Nice.

I wrote that before looking for downvote lol XD

Do yourselves a favor and quit until 9.0.

There are games being released that are far more worthy of your time. You cannot fight apathy by waiting it out.

I’m only subbed for Classic, that’s it. At least you guys lasted to Palace, mine called it quits in BoD.

What do you do? No raiding achievements, no pvp achievements.

everything that isn’t those which is most of wow.

Go back to your pet battles, elf.

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Wait. You aren’t playing Warcraft right now?

I mean, the actual content isn’t the problem with WoW.

For all the failures of BFA, the actual content in endgame, whether it be raiding or M+ is fantastic. Really my only criticism with it is that there hasn’t been any challenge modes since WoD.

It’s that Blizzard insists on throwing up barrier after barrier making actually getting to that endgame irritating.

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Reading the OP’s post was depressing. I feel bad for you, man.

It’s amazing just how badly designed this expansion is. There’s 0 excuses this time around.

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We need catch up mechanics for essence

Nobody wants to grind Nazjatar and mechagon rep to exalted on multiple toons just to be end game content ready.

These being BiS for healers suck big time