As a raid leader for a Mythic guild, 8.2.5 terrifies me

Arcway, Court of Stars, and Karazhan.

But hardly anybody did these dungeons more than, like, once. Most people never set foot in these three until after they released heroic versions in the dungeon finder and keys.

If they figured more people would be inspired to run them through the panache of exclusivity because of required attunements, they figured wrong.

Cathedral and Seat…hmm.

I stopped tanking or healing heroic dungeons when BfA came around because almost always the dungeons that came up would be Upper or Lower Karazhan or Cathedral, all horrendous wipefests due to being overtuned for the gear level of fresh 110’s, and new players not understanding the mechanics.

And Seat, well, moment of silence for the worst trashfest in Legion, even worse than Black Rook Hold. Nobody even queues for this even though there are must do quests.

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Arcway and Court launched with the expansion. Don’t remember when they opened up but they were there from the get go. Which is why I didn’t mention them.

Otherwise, yeah… I literally did Seat once and refused to ever go back. That dungeon was terrible.

I was saying they were any good though. lol

Blizzard, another one of my raiders quit today.

He quit for classic, you just released absolutely nothing for this patch and people have given up. I don’t even know if i wanted to continue participating in this abusive relationship.

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Lost another raider this morning, this patch brought nothing to keep them around so they have dipped out.

For the first time this expansion our roster has dropped below 21.

10/10 Op my guild is in the same boat. And no one is committing to alts. Its not worth it due to the essence grind.

The state of the game is sad, the campaign was finished in 10 minutes.