As a raid leader for a Mythic guild, 8.2.5 terrifies me

only if you play more than one “main”. it sucks unmentionable things for alts.

For 1 character it isn’t great, but it can be lumped into play more of the game to get the cool stuff you want. For alts it is dreadful. Even just looking at mains it is a poor system since so many specs have to jump through much longer grinds and extra hoops for their best traits while others are in their bis within a week or two.

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Didnt cata also have the revamped ZA and ZG?

Yes it did. I forgot about those, actually.

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This is one of the reasons I lost interest in bfa. I hate artifacts, world quests grinds just to level them and so on. I spent 10-12 hours a day grinding wqs on several characters, it’s an understatement to say that I got burnt out and so did most my friends. At some point you just ask yourself “what the hell am I doing”. That’s when I just stopped logging in and I haven’t been happier.


I think more and more people are doing this. At least in my guild people hit 65, looked at their options on what to do with their spare time and thought

“Hmm I could re-do all the lazy content on an alt or go play a new game like CoD, play Apex, new PoE league”

When you remove yourself from being invested in this game, it’s pretty hard to restart giving a crap again.


That’s because the focus of endgame is raiding.

And a couple of months is a pretty long time to tell people to go away for. Inevitably some just don’t come back.

This hits the nail on the head so hard it’s practically given me brain damage.

One thing people seem to fail to consider when it comes to boring repeated content in this game is that it ain’t the only game in town anymore. It’s not even the only MMO.

Why would I make an alt if it’s not fun to do so? I’ll just play something else instead of performing chores. It’s just not worth it to get to the stage where I’m having fun.

And I’m not even a raider anymore…

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Hell, I don’t even play generic shooter #13, Fortnite for Grown-Ups, or Diablo clone, and the amount of work to get an essence on an alt just means I haven’t played my alts in group content since 8.2…

Shut up and grind - blizz hoping you will boost their time played metrics.

Definitely, who knows what they do to fill their time doesn’t end up making them realise how much time they’ve been wasting doing boring repetitive content and just quit.

Now my head hurts! I just can’t understand why people can’t understand that we shouldn’t be punished for wanting to play other characters.

BoD we had an entire in house mythic alt run, once the AK kicked in getting neck level was easy and ti was fun. That was 20 extra people online on an extra night. Since essences? 2 alts, no alt run - No people online; What looks worse for a game?

Blizz has a poor hand in this case, everyone called their bluff and just decided to…stop playing… It doesn’t help Classic was basically a Blizzard hired killing on BFA.


Yep, think it’s time I check out myself and go and have some fun with Witcher 3, hellbade etc. that I bought in last year winter sale on steam, at least they don’t have 0.03% drop rates on some vinyl I need for a meta achievement.


They seriously dropped the ball with the way you acquire essences. A step towards addressing Azerite issues that made other bigger problems in it’s wake.


This was a well thought out post.

I don’t understand people’s holdup with Benthic. Is it because you have to do world content to acquire it?

It really sounds like your concerns are justified about 8.2.5

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It’s the BIS mentality.

Let me give you an example of what is wrong with.

  1. Raider A bought 10 pieces of Benthic gear and got two items he needed with sockets in it. This mean raider A only needs to upgrade these two pieces for the lottery and they will be BIS for the entire tier
  2. Raider B bought 300 tokens of Benthic gear and did not get the pieces he needed, now Raider B is upset.

This from what I can gather is a problem only really surrounding DPS - However I tried to get a Leech/socket set of bracers and it took most over 800 pearls.

The socketed benthic gear is just too good and relies too heavily on RNG. As long as benthic gear exists people will know THAT is the best gear, not mythic palace gear.

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So agree with your post.

Essences need to be account wide, i also think several essences need their way to get them slightly nerfed. You have serval essences that are super easy to get rank 3, than you have blood of the enemy that requires 50,000 honor just from battlegrounds.

Retail isn’t suppose to be about “the grind”

That’s what classic is for.

It’s a sad commentary on the crapfest that is BfA that we’re only a year into the expansion and people are already taking a break … a long break. They’d rather play the original version of the game than the piece of excrement that is current retail.

I hate BfA. It’s a terribly written, terribly executed expansion with nothing but grindy, gated elements and mindless content. I get why people left. I keep suffering through it because I know that if I leave to play something else (anything BUT Classic), I won’t come back to this game.

I’m in a now-dead guild with no raid nights. Lucky if there’s 5 people on during prime time (mostly casuals). 8.2.5 offers NOTHING that’s going to bring people back to the game so now I’m looking for another new guild (already been a part of one that died this expac on Alliance) and hoping to the Gods that they do a WoD bailout on this terrible, terrible expansion.


We got three dungeons (Kara, Cathedral, and Seat) added in Legion. In Cata, we had the troll raids converted into dungeons and we got three time dungeons (so 5 total.) Wotlk got trial of the champion and 3 ICC dungeons.

You can’t really act like Blizzaed never releases new dungeon content… lol

Ideally Blizzard would be able to, like they did with 7.3 and 8.2, add a huge swathe of content for everybody in every major patch (not necessarily .5 patches.) That is sadly quite unlikely though.

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Some of the problems you face are widely systemic - not just raiders. We don’t raid and yet

  1. Essence grinds have slaughtered the alt system. Nobody wants to regrind and everyone feels that both neck power and essences are required to do well in m10 and up
  2. Professions were beaten down so hard by benthic that nobody bothers with any of them
  3. Lack of tuning on M+ is beyond ridiculous; fortified+teeming was PuG-crushing and demoralizing; it was an absolutely brutal week and I wonder why i play the game, cuz it wasn’t very fun
  4. M+ dungeon balance is laughable. King’s Rest is just not in the same camp as Motherload at the same level - and it should be. It’s a design flaw that needs to be addressed.
  5. M+ is too trash-focused, it was more fun in Legion
  6. Losing Bwonsamdi’s Bargain was a disaster - there is a reason last season was substantially better

And 8.2.5 is a complete whiff of a patch - there is literally nothing gameplay wise in it. Nothing at all. 8.1.5 had a new raid, new allied races, profession updates…


Something to look forward to though, not a single retail server will have a queue tonight.
