As a raid leader for a Mythic guild, 8.2.5 terrifies me

Not sure what you are getting at here but your quote reminds me of why I don’t care about anything that happens on a retail server. And that has to do with the fact that retail servers feel meaningless. Who really cares who the good guilds are on your server when there is no consistency of who you see in capital cities or out questing?

I can’t speak for everyone else but I personally don’t care what others think and It’s more of a personal achievement. It is for me at least. I like building towards a goal with a group of people i enjoy playing with and overcoming a hurdle.


While there will be raids with every major content patch, you’re also highly downplaying dungeons being added. Examples:
BC - We had Magister’s Terrace added.
Wrath - ToC 5man, and the three ICC 5 mans (FoS, PoS, and HoR).
Cata - The three caverns of time dungeons (End Time, Hour of Twilight, and Well of Eternity).
MoP and WoD didn’t have extra dungeons brought in because challenge mode content was brought in, a boon to those who didn’t raid because it was content that scaled gear down and the BiS pieces came from 5 mans themselves, unlocking whole new potential for people who didn’t wish to raid to have their very own time sensitive mogs.
Legion - brought in Karazhan, the mega dungeon, and the M+ system which made dungeons relevant throughout the entire expansion with the sole focus on presenting people another path of gearing.
BFA - brought in the Mechagon mega dungeon, and retained the M+ system, with the intent of providing people another path of gearing completely separate from raiding. Again.

Blizzard has always, in every expansion, given those who enjoy 5 man content fun things to do, whether it be something time sensitive they can chase down that’s fun and enjoyable like they did in MoP and WoD, or adding a new dungeon (or dungeons, in the case of Wrath and Cata respectively) entirely as they have in every other expansion.

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Not to mention the ridiculous amount of farming for raid mats… hell is the point of putting feasts in the game if it takes hours to farm 1 or 2?

Better question is

what is the point of putting feasts (main stat) in the game that cost a ridiculous amount of mats to make - some soulbound - when the personal food (secondary stats) that’s super cheap to make is better for the majority of specs?

If you’re still farming/making/dropping feasts - stop. switch to personal food. so much easier and better for most.


I am not a raider now (obviously) but I did AotC heroic up until I quit in mid-Legion. We did dabble in Mythic but we had roster difficulties keeping a steady 20. But yeah, even then, there was just so much busywork required to keep current. Farming herbs for potions (which was always a thing, and honestly I don’t mind), WQs, M+, and multiple difficulties of each raid.

Now in BFA it’s even worse, with islands and I assume Warfronts - I don’t know, because I didn’t buy it. And now grinding out essences on top of that. I get that raid logging isn’t really healthy for the game community, but neither is burning people out with endless busywork. I am sure most people don’t have hours to spend on WoW like they did 15 years ago, I certainly don’t. If I could log in and progress doing the activities I enjoy then maybe I could overlook all the rest of the flaming trash-heap.

(Spoilers: I really couldn’t, but maybe.)

Anyway, I’ll remain BFA-less in 8.2.5, as I have since 8.0.


Sounds like a version of BETA testing and lol Blizz doesn’t listen to us/them, so I doubt they’d listen to these ppl you’re suggesting - all be it, your idea is a great one and I’d definitely be on board for something like this…but /sigh


Yikes, did you take a blow to the head recently? You should probably get checked out by a professional.

I wish Blizzard would communicate with the community. I wish they would interact with us and acknowledge our concerns.

Probably never going to happen, at least not consistently. Oh well.


Sad state of retail atm. When i log in I’m usually one of a couple on at most. I’d find another guild but it seems like lots of guilds are having the same issues.

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One thing I think you are forgetting with this comment is that you are the prime content in an MMORPG. Without people, MMORPG’s are just bad RPG’s.

It almost sounds like you want this game to be a multi-player instanced co-op rather than a true immersive “world” based game.

That’s understandable but the more WoW has migrated toward a convience based instanced co-op game the less poplular it has become.

If you didn’t have anything to do beside instanced raiding, why have a world at all?

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That’s how casual players felt through every raid or die xpac.

From what i gather you only want to raid… That’s it.


I’ve been saying all along that 8.2.5 doesn’t have anything that’s going to bring back players who are taking a break and playing Classic.

I joined a new guild (my 4th this expac btw) that newly formed and I was hopeful I’d found a home but where pre-Classic we had 3 raid nights and 15+ people online during primetime we now have NO raid nights and only 5 of us that log on with any regularity.

A couple of us are once again searching for a new guild that’s still raiding.

BfA is THE worst expansion this game has ever produced and my sincere hope is that they flush out the development team (starting with Ion) and get people who can make retail worth playing again.


Well the game is much different leveling vs. End game in vanilla. There’s a lot of raid consumables and a lot of time outside of raiding is spent preparing for raids. The amount of chores to accomplish Naxx literally broke guilds.

I’ve done vanilla, didn’t raid much but i don’t need another ultra slow leveling experience. When i think about vanilla though, i think the reason people are enjoying it, is that it actually feels like a world (especially when leveling, which is what everyone is doing). The world in BFA is practically irrelevant outside of the various chores you do for azerite, essences or rep to gold conversions. Nazjatar might be fun to explore but i have so many chores when i do care about playing that i don’t feel like i have time for it. You could literally add the things from the world as random drops from instanced content, turn BFA into a large lobby area for forming raids and groups for various things and the game might actually feel better. It’s become hyperfocused on instanced content/chores to support it to the point that the world doesn’t feel like anything to enjoy.


Nope just trying to explain things, Mathematics is extremely complex to explain to some… Only fellow mathematicians understand us. In way it hard to communicate complex interactions/labyrinthine of math to proletariat. Just like it extremely hard for me to grasp english.

Sour you’ve made my thread uncomfortable to be in… thanks,


Ostensibly, that’s what betas are for, but they don’t listen to the beta feedback apparently.

I don’t understand it because every aspect of the game has devolved into something you have to have…but it’s gonna be totally RNG. It will be replaced next patch by WQ gimmes, but if you want to do current content, you must throw yourself at a slot machine until your face is bloody.

We’ve been telling them “no” for a very long time, but they didn’t listen.

Hence…the frustrated masses playing Classic right now and trying to just enjoy the game again.

We don’t raid mythic. We raid heroic. Our people all enjoyed gearing alts on alt night for a total of 3 evenings per week of organized raids (only 2 hours). We ran alts through M+, and we never ran out of things to do together.

This last patch just killed that and the tuning for season 3 REQUIRES that you play the gear systems…which takes too many hours for alt-ing or really even enjoying anything. Unless you happen to just love grinding dailies for 8 straight hours 5 times per week, you’re screwed.

Most of us just gave up and went to Classic.


This is what really irritates me. People do the whole “Well you just want things to be easy”.

Not really, i can just find a lot better ways to spend hours of my time than doing world quest/dailies.


Designing the game around giving someone something to do at all hours of the day means you’re competing against not just other games, but real life and other recreational activities too. Eventually you’re going to lose the player’s attention, and they won’t want to come back because they’ve fallen behind. The design philosophy of “give them something to do, even if it’s running from spot to spot parsing on 10 dudes” is becoming archaic.


Math is about the easiest way to communicate. What your trying to say is just flawed at a basic level.