As a raid leader for a Mythic guild, 8.2.5 terrifies me

Im sorry. i didn’t mean too. Please accept my apologies

couldnt have said it better, blizzard really failed with the essence system, it should be account wide.



I’ve leveled my Shaman to 120 on Friday, I’m already 60 neck level but all my essences are stuck at level 1 because of time gating… crazy


Blizz it’s not too late to add account bound essences!

Please reconsider!


what are you gonna do when naxx is on farm though? that’s the main issue i have with trying to “main” classic. it has a short shelf life and then it’s never being updated. maybe there will be tbc servers but 99% chance we’ll have to reroll entirely new toons for that too.

The same thing I do at the end of every expansion (/grin):

1.) Roll Alts
2.) Collection Completion
3.) Play the New Expansion

Look, I LOVE Classic. I will play as long as I have people to play with and it’s fun. Expansions have a shelf life of about 2-2.5 years, and I expect this second chance in Vanilla will last me until 9.0 drops at the very least, and possibly for the next 2-2.5 years of WoWing.

We’ll see.

To me…that’s enough to ask for from a video game.


i am a carebears carebear but i asked my friend this morning if she wanted to reroll on grobbulus tonight when she wakes up (she’s oceanic). i figure if i pick a decent class i could potentially have fun with it. i took her out to do WM with me (aoo and such) and we had fun with it. :slight_smile:

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This is the truth. Same happened to me, I just chill now. But there’s way too much hassle now with raiding. It is not fun. Look at Azshara Mythic. The amount of mechanics made me say “NOPE” right away.

Legion was rough for mythic raiding as well. Blizzard should go back to basic and just keep the game fun, the lurking esport’s shadows on m+ and raiding race is destroying it. Addons also caused this. It’s not fun to spend 8 hours a day dying over and over like a perfect dance on a single boss until 20 folks can execute it. Loosing someone has became far too much punishing.


8.2 forced grinding of new content for flying if you wanted it and everyone wanted it after a year of waiting. Easily bored. Mechagon required 420+ and only dropped 415 garbage.

I have absolutely dropped alt play. I have four and I’ll have to take it down to two after the war campaign is over and my poor Forsaken can see what happens being loyal to Sylvanas. But I haven’t and can’t grind those essences on four characters, and the req’s are pretty obscene for the essences, which of course will be nerfed in less than a year. Lovely. All for nothing. If I’m not moving forward, I’m bored and playing something else.

Aszhara does drop a rather adorable naga pet.



and two totally different things. You can’t use the comparison like that and expect someone to take you seriously. Nothing in WoW is forced.

This is such a tacky argument Cladis,

“You don’t need to get any gear or be 120 to raid”


You aren’t forced to raid. You aren’t even forced to level if you wanna get right down to it.

Good thing for you the patch drops Tuesday. I mean your guys have nothing to play for and/or raid for.

Not sure where you’re going with this but maybe you didn’t read properly the part you quoted.

Most of this content is a one and done deal

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Just because you don’t have mounts to farm doesn’t mean they sky is falling.

Ok you definitely didn’t read my original post. Thanks for your input and refresh of the post i guess.



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That’s a point to mention why people don’t really want to bother reclearing. The bigger problem is there isn’t any content outside of raid people are enjoying currently.

I mean, you’d know this if you did more than skim through the post.

Thanks again for your refresh of the post.

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Essences should be account wide then people could play their alts, but you come off as just wanting more mounts for Mythic raiding IMO.

What do you propose as a solution to having things to do? I have things to do.

Edit: Guess what some people don’t like the game other than raiding.

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What? I don’t care about mounts - But if you can’t see how adding something that takes an unbelievable amount of coordination and time worthwhile to rekill after the first time then I don’t really know what to say to you.

The mage tower was feature that people all loved, everyone enjoyed a challenge on a personal level and had the option to do it on multiple characters and you were rewarded in turn with appearances.

I’ve yet to hear of a single person that had a problem with this. So maybe they could start there.

Yeah mage tower had nothing to do with raiding.