As a raid leader for a Mythic guild, 8.2.5 terrifies me

you just had one of the biggest raids and you want more in 8.2.5?you will have a big raid im sure in 8.3.

take some time off man.

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This doesn’t work man… It’s very difficult to motivate people to keep playing if they aren’t doing anything for multiple months.

There will be people who will want to keep raiding, they will leave and go elsewhere and you can’t blame them. ‘Stop playing wow’ shouldn’t be the solution.


It’s the use or you lose it approach for people at your level (provided you don’t go too hard). Lose that inertia and it becomes difficult to get back on the horse to get back to work.

i understand but that seams like thats the guild leaders job to keep them motivated ir get different guild members.

every non .5 patch is a raid everything else falls on the guild leader in between.

Not a raider, but I agree… If I had to go through this crap when I was raiding I would have stopped. Raiding was enough of a job for me back then.

But even as a casual if they keep using this crappy template that they have for the last three expansions… I’ll just quit. I’ve quite frankly have had enough.


You suggesting maybe i learn juggling or something? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do to keep them motivated.

“Don’t worry guys, only 5 more more until new content and I’m sure it’s going to be awesome!”

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This whole mess of an xpac(and whats happening to blizz as well) reminds me of that Steve Jobs interview where he explains what happens when a company begins to let sales define its existence instead of design and innovation.


Ah this is so fitting it breaks my heart.

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Now ask why they arent doing it. Is it because all the azerite grind and essence grind required is too time consuming or not fun?

Could it be people play to have a good time, not log hours in a cubicle doing something they hate?

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Who wants to play alts at a mythic raiding level to begin with?? It’s always been unfavorable, and with this patch even more so!

I’m seeing a drop off of many mythic raiders sticking to heroic because the level of work to clear mythic raiding is more of a job than it is actual fun. Not because of classic, not because of a raid not dropping a mount. Literally the 10th best dh dps for week 2 of EP told me he’d only sleep 5 hours a night just to keep up with the requirements guild leaders place on raiders.

Mythic raiding guilds also have the tendency to have aggressive guild leaders according to him. I haven’t seen that in my guild, but I know others that are in that position.

The big wall here is that few people actually care that you’ve become cutting edge even after you’ve beaten the tier. This is because hypercasuals are dominant in numbers on retail. So cutting edge is simply just left as a personal goal for the people who actually get into it.

So how can this dillema be solved? Remove the viability of pots, flasks, and food in the game. Remove the need for people to have to make alts. And basically remove everything that makes mythic raiding feel like a job than a game and you’ll have people flowing back into it.


Blizz has truly lost the ability to make fun content. I realize its a meme but they really are the fun police. It hurts me inside to see them chase short term gains and rely on whales to make money instead of making excellent content like they used to.


If you hate the game and barely anything interests you why even sub. That’s not even counting how terrible the grind is for BFA. I have looked into other aspects of the game to see what these people may be doing and metrics just flat don’t show them doing much. I have more done in most areas and I hardly play.

So no it isn’t BFA turning off these people from playing it’s the game as a whole. Which makes me believe that they are playing the game for the wrong reasons.

I’d be maintaining my Holy Paladin and be a more useful Mythic raider if not for the stupid benthic lottery and Essences not being account wide.

I have to be in Mechagon for 5+ lockouts to grind essences + many weeks in Nazjatar just to try and be somewhat close to my main. WHY!?

The idea of maintaining an alt is literally filling me with dread.


Ahhh my brother in sadness, what took you so long fellow mistweaver?

Are you excited about the balance changes 8.2.5 is bringing in to SHAKE UP THE META? :ok_hand::100::weary:


Resubbed for classic.

Flying is getting my druid to level, paladin still on back burner because trying to catch up to azerite and essemce and all that is pure aids.

Game was fun when it was world of warcraft, not so much fun as diablo3 simulator 3d.

Just gonna get my alts to max and wait for next expansion, if its more AP (azerite power, artifact power, alleria power whatever) I’m not even getting new one.


That is true but also consider there is more than just one type of whale. Time is money and as it stands right now with the soulless grinds and timegates with excessive catchup mechanisms, Blizzard is designing a game for those with an overabundance of time (time whales), and those that don’t have any time to play.

That leaves all of us in the middle stuck with a terrible situation that we can’t reach goals that were usually attainable in the past, so that the top 0.01% can’t finish content in one day. And then when we try to push for those goals and then take a break we end up having our efforts being eroded by the catchup mechanisms. That generates apathy to the whole system.

I can understand why AP exists in WoW, it is max level progression and Blizzard has wanted to put such a system in the game ever since Cataclysm. It was called path of the titans, that means that during Wrath’s lifetime they already knew (or at least felt) that getting to level cap wasn’t “enough” progression for players besides just getting gear and rep. Then during MoP and WoD with the cloak and ring we got max level progression. That eventually evolved into the artifact and now the necklace.

IMO, AP is designed (at least in Blizzard’s eyes) as a way to try and recreate the leveling process that existed in vanilla (and at least in early TBC before patch 2.3). And they aren’t wrong. Personally I felt any accomplishment to reaching cap since level 80. After that, getting to 85, 90, 100, 110, and 120 was just another hurdle to jump through before I could start playing the game.


I’m only in the raid because they don’t have anyone else, MW is a cheerleader at the bench spec. I’ve already been asked to focus gearing WW / Brewmaster on the side, my percentiles are 95-99%, not like it matters. :frowning:

You made the right choice. Recently did a six month sub 90% for classic myself after going monthly since February. Leveling had been a rough since I am slow leveler and I like to do all the quests, but it has been fun playing my old mage again. Fun to have all my spells again.

As for BFA, I really wish I could play while I queue wait for classic. I want to play both games, and make my raid team happy. Plus that Azeroth’s Champion title looks really tempting.

replace them get them motivated by losing their raid spots.

That fine and no feelings hurt. i take full responsibility for it.

I will give the basics to anyone interested. Like you and many others have said in past. unless a person provided raid experience. I do not know squat and no raiding on current poster means I do not know anything. A fair analysis.

If curious I can give anyone’s the foundation: First background on the guy who invented ECO.

ECO and this my understanding it is very poor. Was based on a guy who started playing games as stress relief. His job was at time Threat analyst. He also had a degree in Probability. Thus, he took his background and used it in competitive PVP games. Some raid girl he dated applied it to raiding. The rest is history.
(I edit because i finally remember some of it, really good story. he ended up getting band as they said he cheated)

Here how it works
main ones in the example
Cherished Empress’s Leggings
Beloved Monarch’s Waistwrap
Tide Goddess’s Wargreaves
Slippers of the Sorceress-Queen
Handguards of the Highest-Born

First part based gear:
on two pieces of wow raid gear at the cost of two BIS gear
All based on probability. With threat analyst helping balancing it out.

  1. Each piece provides a bonus of 1% DPS or HPS for up 3 people for each piece of gear. That gives each raid person a potential DPS/HPS/ mitigate an increase to 6 classes per raid person. My math show varied between 2 to 4%. One just sounded better.

  2. Each bonus adds to either HPS or DPS or mitigate. Depending on class.

  3. so an individual with two pieces has a chance to either increase DPS or HPSor mitigate of the raid. Depending on factors of probability.

  4. Now using both threat analyst and Probability. To maximize the benefits based on a group size of 25. You need 4 DPS and one healer class to get full benefits.

  5. You probably could increase HPS more if the Staff of the Eternal was on a palladian heals or Fire mage.

  6. probability increase even more if the mage had Shiver Venom Relic that could increase hunters, monks, and (maybe)feral DPS. with the Shiver Venom Lance or crossbow.

Next the DPS or Hps loss. Depending on factors.

  1. Let say at the cost of two BIS gear he loses 13%. The raid as a whole gain more due to the enhancing effects to DP/HPS/damage deductions.
  2. The loss is then acceptable. Because of the benefits of the raid as a whole. Because the overall performance is a net gain. Not a net loss.

That the best I can explain.
Now off. Have fun. just remember the top tier raiders race change among other things for certain bosses. Ever wonder why.