exactly the point. it is 100% true for me that if im stuck in a run with people who do low dps, arent interupting, arent dispeling, stand in every avoidable mechanic, that is deliberately harming my experience.
maybe you misread that. If you login pull four or five packs at the same time and then before you are finished killing all of the packs, you just leave the dungeon like they are all still alive not actually dead and they are about to kill the four remaining people. mid fight literally means you are in the middle of fighting them when you leave the dungeon not mid dungeon because you’re bored.
By design.
If you know you’ll get banned after X times per Y period, you’ll just drop groups X-1 times.
By keeping it fuzzy, you are further incentivized to just… never do it, or doing it sparingly.
I cant imagine people bricking keys on purpose, but I guess it takes all kinds for the world to go around.
My guess is they are mostly targeting people who frequently brick keys because someone made a mistake or aren’t pulling as much dps as they think they should, and only very early on after a key starts. Keys that have gone on for so long and don’t have much progress have to be ignored or they would have put out TONS more bans.
On one hand I can see why they would make the post vague to not give away how they determine who gets a ban, but on the other it just makes me want to pug even less if it is something that can be abused. I don’t think this helps the pug scene much tbh, pushes people even more to just run with trusted players/guildies who are chill learning keys or wont brick an 8-10 key for over an hr.
Meh, doesn’t affect me much either way I guess. I think I leave maybe a dozen keys a season, and only if they are bricked pug keys and people are making healing impossible by eating every mechanic.
A better change would have been to remove keys depleting/lowering and also give max crests even if we don’t time the dungeon. Gives people a reason to stay till the end in a pug as opposed to making them feel anxiety about being punished for justifiably leaving a group that has been wiping for over an hr on simple mechanics. Very good chance lots of the people leaving early wanted max crests and once that wasn’t possible they opted out asap to not waste as much time.
Generally speaking, joining a key means you’re agreeing to see it through. If you have to leave once in a blue moon because of external circumstances or because it’s really that bad, I doubt that will affect you. But if someone is leaving semi-regularly because the key isn’t going the way they want it to, then they’re the problem.
They were pretty clear in their design intent regarding tank nerfs, too. How’d that work out?
So if someone had to leave and go to the hospital because the water broke, they can get suspended?
Women can have broken water as often as every 9 months if they really wanted children
This is only true of keys listed as completion. If I join a key listed as standard, my understanding is that the group is listed with the expectation of timing the key. If it becomes apparent to me that it isn’t going to happen, why am I obliged to stay?
What? Healing is like this now because players kept complaining about healers doing damage or having downtime where healing wasn’t needed and some exceptional groups being able to run 4 DPS.
Players got exactly what they asked for
As Broly stated, Because, you may have perceived it wrong; it very well may have been possible to time. But since you left, that is no longer an option and thus, you bricked it.
Okay but people don’t owe you their effort. I can and should be able to drop a key on a whim if I feel like it, with or without explanation. That’s how every other part of the game works. Nowhere else in this game do you get in account trouble for leaving a group.
Does it suck when someone “bricks” your key? Yeah it does it’s happened to me plenty of times. That person doesn’t owe me a damn thing.
Again, Blizzard owes a definition of what is or is not a good reason for leaving a key. I can guess what they mean, and I’m assuming I’m far away from anything they might take action on, but a definition of griefing is more than a reasonable thing to ask for, because I am sure plenty of people have thought I bricked/griefed their key when we had 15 deaths before the first boss.
No idea.
That being said, I fully intend to run a +13 key this evening and I promise to leave mid-key if it’s a “NT”.
And I’ll do it with a smile on my face.
I’ll do it on a +4 on my evoker alt if I’d rather go make some food than play wow half way through the dungeon lmao
Blizzard created this toxic environment with awful rewards for not timing the key and “mid-key” levels that NO ONE runs.
If your key is above 10 but below 12-14, you will get no ques. It’s disgusting.
5 crests for an untimed? FIVE? And 12 for a timed? Because apparently 3 more to make 15 crests is too much of an ask. Got to make people run one extra hour of M+ to earn that 3 ILV upgrade, amiright?
I see you didn’t give us any idea of about how many keys you leave. It would be helpful for us to know if you leave half the keys you do vs 5%. I would guess if you leave 90% of the keys you join, that might very well be pushing it over the edge.
A tiny percentage of players were asking for certain changes. But this is nothing like those players were asking for. I doubt it had anything to do with player complaints from <1% of the playerbase, and everything to do with the idea that players need to be punished because they don’t appreciate upper management enough.
So, X for doubt.
Is it against forum rules to post my own name on here? I assume it is.
What is it that you guys always say…
Make your own group, then?
If it’s a one-off, no one is getting punished for that. The people who got smacked for it had a blatant pattern of deliberately bricking keys over and over again.
You can actually still get a ticket for reckless driving even if you’re going under the posted speed limit, though, because part of most local regulations is that you’re supposed to apply some common sense and logic depending on the current conditions. If you’re doing 54 on an icy freeway with a 55mph speed limit in a blizzard with no snow chains, slipping all over the place and running people off the road, you can still legitimately get pulled over.
There are plenty of laws and regulations that assume that you need to exercise good judgment without a hard limit.
If you were impacted by this action it generally means that your number, compared to others in comparable situation, was outstandingly higher.
was outstandingly higher.
I. Am. Asking. For. Defintions. I. Want. To. Know. When. I. Can. Leave. A. Key.
“Outstandingly higher” is literally a totally relative term.