Can I get some kind of definition of what constitutes a suspension? the word “frequent” isn’t exactly objective.
I leave keys that are marked as standard when they are clearly not going to improve my io. I don’t join “completion” groups unless I have a specific reason to, but it’s rare. I’ve never left a key for any reason other than it being something I perceive to be a waste of time, it’s never with intention of ruining someone else’s key.
blizzard refuses to elaborate.
you may or may not get a ban for leaving.
isnt that so fun and quirky to leave being banned for leaving up to rng
Well honestly I kind of expect people on this thread to advocate 25 to life for leaving a key lmao.
yeah according to some people on these forums they want to be carried for free, and if we refuse we should be banned i guess. makes perfect sense.
You’re probably headed for trouble. I would just avoid any pug group until further notice. Remember, the road to ban waves are paved with good intentions.
Id rather die standing (leaving keys) than live kneeling (being held hostage by pixels)
You’ve been a naughty person OP.
Come here, it’s time for your paddling.
Huge sins!
Clearly jail for your crimes.
(I think you’ll be ok, I don’t think what you’ve said is something that would be punishable or at the very least appealable).
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Blizzard doesn’t elaborate on anything. We don’t even know why they made healers like this and they’ve failed on all the goals they stated in DF.
Based on my conversations with CS over what gets someone muted for advertising professions: It’s up to the community lmao
They couldn’t define how often I could post, only that if people were annoyed often enough that’s all the signal they need to punish my account.
They took offense to me suggesting that some objective criteria was needed if I was going to be punished and instead suggested ways to not annoy my fellow players (but could not guarantee these steps would keep me unbanned).
Good luck.
Then maybe don’t join their key???
oh my b.
ill just use my psychic mind powers to know exactly every group that is bad and wont complete runs before ever entering their groups.
totally forgot all humans have the ability of futuresight
Unless you leave more keys than you complete you aren’t even on their radar at all.
/ yawn, boo hoo. don’t really care one way or another. I am going to use this to my advantage and hold all you 2500 plus rating player to complete my keys!!!
oh. so we are punished if we join more bad groups and leave then good ones that complete. that makes sense mhm
and if they are a bad group we should be forced to stay or be banned, thats a genius idea
If they publish that it takes, say 50 dropped groups to catch an action against them then people sit there at 49.
Not publishing this information allows for more nuance in actioning accounts and less abuse by the bad actors in the player base.
AND MAYBE, which I know is cope, might push people to communicate and fix a problem instead of leaving outright when things get minorly borked.
Major borks though, that’s generally a point to leave.
I don’t think this really needs to be explained, but I will anyway.
If you left a key, whether you intended to brick it or not, you bricked it.
Honestly, intent here doesn’t matter at all in the example you have provided.
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Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.
I dunno how you didn’t figure this out because everyone expects you to be omnipotent as they all are around here, but by “frequent” blizz means they can read your mind and obviously know your intentions.
Not really, you’d have to do this so much that for them it can only be seen as griefing. Griefing which was already something they suspend people for, so basically this is simply a reminder.