They were gods for an entire expansion. Now they’re super-powered demigods for the first couple weeks of this expansion, until they get gear when season 1 starts and become gods again.
Tanks have been taught the only mechanic that matters for them is memorizing M+ routes. Tanks that don’t do M+ have no mechanics at all, not even hitting their buttons.
Dungeons are garbage content anyways. The only way to do them enjoyably is with guildies or friends. As a healer, you should never ever ever ever ever ever……
Ever ever ever pug a group. Since it’s start of xpac sometimes you have to just to level but after that my man…never ever ever pug group.
What happened to tanks is what Blizzard told us would happen to tanks.
They have been “adjusted”, because Blizz doesn’t want them soloing dungeons anymore. Their job is now & has always been, “Throw ‘Yo Mama’ jokes at the boss, poke it a few times to keep its attention & stand there as it beats you, while DPS kill it & Healer keeps you standing”. They apparently either didn’t get the memo, got the memo but did not read it or read it & thought, “Right, nothing’s really gonna change”.
Sadly, for the most part, you will be stuck with them until they learn how to TANK again, rather than be a slightly underperforming DPS (or excessively overperforming one, depending on class).
So THAT’S what’s preventing me from shutting the drawer all the way! Get out of there!!! SHOO!!!
They did in the past too, I never could figure out why.
This. When I hear about tanks rushing ahead and “soloing the boss, then leaving” that sounds like remix. Not retail. No doubt the toughest tanks in DF could indeed solo bosses, but certainly not that quickly.
the problem is those tanks have been carried by certain healers and people tend to appreciate the speed runs when they’re successful.
I healed on all 4 healers and the main issues:
consecrates in priory, they’d just stand in them instead of kite out (dps standing in them too)
beelining for the first boss instead of whittling down the mobs first
a few spots where entire packs up to boss get pulled and LOSing or ranging the healers
Some healers work great for this (fistweaving monk w/crazy movement and cooldowns) others fail hard due to weak AE or standing still to cast.
I confirmed this is just a faceroll tank issue, when I tanked on the slowest tanks possible i could position to pull a ton and still do the few mechanics needed, pay attention to healers/dps and even help out with healing / support as needed.
It’s also not hard to stay alive way ahead of the group and aggro everything so nobody else is taking damage. again the slowest tanks can do it and all tanks have an AE/nuke button to at least do some damage.
speed is one thing but assuming everyone can keep up while you minimize utility is just bad playing.
again with the levelling changes it WILL slow down (and besides all of the hyper speed tanks are probably long done with levelling/normal dungeons by now).
A level 70 tank could carry runs solo, outdamage everyone and literally pull all mobs to the boss without needing heals. Some tanks that had no business even attempting it probably saw a video, maybe got carried by an OP healer, and thought it was the norm. and as they levelled up they got weaker and weaker not realizing what was making them strong.
it picks up again once the tank is heroic+ geared but not as bad as normals were
i really couldn’t agree more with this statement. If you cant hold aggro dont pull so big. its actually quiet simple. But tanks are getting lazy and ignorant.
This is an interesting take. So, tank pulls, DPS pulls argo/tank can’t keep argo and it’s the healers fault? So, the tanks only job is to keep argo, but him failing isn’t his fault? The DPS need to mitigate damage to not pull argo, but that’s not their fault? It’s only the healer. You are what’s wrong with MMO’s.
My experience has mirrored this as well. Tanks have been pretty awful these past few days with not paying attention to adds, not moving bosses that need to be moved, chain pulling stuff they can’t keep, etc.
The problem is thats how tanks pull a lot of the times in Mythic+ and they were able to do that for half of DF and for Remix.
So when they try it now they die, or get the dps killed and then blame the dps and healers.
pff sorry what? in remix you can clear anything playing anything, at the end of dragonflight you can clear any dungeon up to heroic solo, and now you can pull all trash from begining to boss with no problem, is not my fault dps dont know how to move or when to move and healer dont even know how to use defensive CDs, I have addons that track cds and most of the time they dont even try to use them, neither they care to interrupt what is killing them, the strength of the dps is to join in groups so when they F up things is someone else fault but them
Are we talking about the leveling experience in dungeons 70-79? Good luck holding agro at level 78 vs someone at 70(before the fix). With the fix it will maybe fix the problem or overtune it the other way around that someone tanking at 70 will get one shot by an elite. Who knows? Let’s hope for the best.
I don’t think I’ve had an issue with tanks not holding thread myself, and I’ve been spamming heroics pretty regularly. Sure there are some squishy ones though that need some healing pumped on them, or need an extra life cocoon here and there, but I havent had any bad experiences yet really.
Loving the larger pulls myself. It’s pretty fun to heal outside of the rare occasion where the fears/stuns can chain-lock the group.