As a healer who does his +20;s every xpac, yes the tanks are pretty shoddy atm. Their job, or responsibility… remember tanks and healers chose those roles to be responsible, is to control the dungeon. What im seeing is this pell mell dash where tanks are not even trying to hold threat. Its literally every man for himself atm.
i know come keys that will stop, because the tanks will just die (unless your a dk), but it will be jarring to someone coming into the game trying to learn how to heal.
Launched like 4 days ago and it’s not exactly a secret that some tanks have this rather toxic mindset remember levelling a Mage once and Tank harrased and kicked someone for telling them how to do a Boss mechanic. I managed to get him kicked in return after he refused to pull this one isolated trash mob in front of us wasn’t too happy with me calling him out so pulled it myself and initiated the vote whilst he raged about me pulling
Was not happy remember getting a whisper afterwards
Yeah when the tank goes crazy frothing at the mouth, basically just stop pressing all buttons but the W key. The tank isn’t even trying to gain threat.
You don’t press buttons until you see 5,000 mobs around the tank. If you all survive, awesome, if not, you leave and go quest or gather. Not worth the time wasted.
That is the reason I’m really excited to do the follower dungeon the first time for all dungeons. I can really take my time and look around, enjoy things.
The tanks you described are awful and I wouldn’t even call them a tank.
I’m all for pulling instances fast as possible. The issue is that half of these tanks are just garbage. They’re pulling just to pull and letting the group deal with the rest. If you’re going to make these pulls, at least put minimum effort into using your kit to help control the adds. I had a DH tank during one of my heroic LFD runs that was pulling large chunks of the instance at a time, and wasn’t even using half of his kits to keep them under control. I was seeing little to no stuns/sigil usage whatsoever, and they were getting absolutely obliterated too. Almost felt like they were a DPS queueing up for a quick tank queue, but that also feels like how a lot of these tanks are playing. I’m all for zugg zugg but at least know your class.
I’m healing on my level 80 resto shaman and running heroic dungeons. There are just a handful of tanks still pulling trash to the boss. It’s slightly annoying and I can keep up, although I think a bit of Remix rubbed off on some tanks just blowing through stuff.
I did have one nice tank that let us know in the group they’re pulling large groups of mobs, at least that was fine with me. In some instances when the tank sees the healer is doing well they feel more confident to pull more trash, and that in itself is a compliment in my books as a healer.
This will all change come M0 and M+ tanks chain pulling.
There is literally nothing in the game difficult enough to elicit this kind of post at this point. A tank could be standing still and picking their nose and not take enough damage to worry the healer right now.
lol healers are so cute. always yapping about this or that
fill my hp bar and keeping yapping if it makes you feel better. i barely even know you exist half the time haha
There is truth in this. It was Dawnbreaker heroic dungeon I become a bit lost flying down from the airship to group below me. The tank did fine without healing and I felt happy about that since I didn’t want the group to wipe on a boss below while I found myself disoriented.
It’s always fun to tank for PUGs and watch them proceed to front load DPS on mobs when they keep trying to chain pull if you don’t do it first. Meanwhile I’m just trying to pull the casters together and DPS are completely allergic to using interrupts.
True, some DPS are allergic to interrupts. At this point in the TWW xpac not using interrupts can slide but not when it comes to S1 m+. As a healer, I try to get in some interrupts, just depends on what’s going on. Some interrupts are missed by the whole group and I can keep everyone alive in heroic dungeons.
It got worse. It’s not you. And it’s not the tanks’ fault.
Sure, there’re some nasty tanks and some inept tanks, but what’s going on right now is not a tank issue. It is, as it has ever been, largely a DPS issue.
The tank is expected and often loudly, unkindly commanded to pull wall-to-wall, so they know that going in. Tank comes in, pulls to the boss, and DPS start wigging out like toddlers on Red Bull and Sour Patch Kids.
The tank cannot hold aggro if he’s not allowed to hit them before the DPS unload. If you let the tank grab everything and group it up–give him two Mississippis, you know?–things would go a lot better, but that’s not how pugs do things in normal and heroic dungeons. I’ll venture a guess and say you didn’t know that or blocked it from memory because it’s been awhile since you went into sub-mythic dungeons.
Thankfully husband is my tank and now that we are doing heroics I can sit back and heal and not worry as much. I was doing some pugging for normals and it was pretty scary. The worst part was the 70 tanks overpulling, not holding aggro, and people who were 80 were getting owned in the face by aggro and the issue of scaling. And heals don’t have a lot of OOMPFH behind them currently so people can easily die. Hopefully things will be better for everyone after they fix the scaling issue and these tanks get a wake up call.
Also, obviously there are likely some dps in there pretending to be tanks when they don’t normally tank and do not know what they are doing.
Like that spider dungeon. There is a great gauntlet before the second boss. Just pull it all. If DPS die that’s their problem for standing in crap.
Most DPS know what to do, we get big numbers, everyone is happy except the healer who is suffering from PTSD from my last pull. But who cares about them and their 20k DPS?
In random queues I don’t think most people even pay any attention to what other people they have in their group. Some probably get carried by a higher geared DPS or healer then try to do what they did in that group with people that just met the ilvl requirement and queued for their first heroic and don’t understand why it’s not working as well.
That being said I actually found heroics to be generally easier than some of the normals were under certain circumstances due to poor tuning and level scaling in the leveling dungeons.